Li Ke at first thought it was his own illusion, but as the potatoes under his two hands began to spread outward, the thick white snow met the transparent leaves and When the rhizomes were met by flames, they began to slowly melt, and no longer had the white appearance, but began to mix with the soil underneath, turning into a turbid and dirty image. .

But this image did not last long, because the naked eye of the cold soil began to crack, and the muddy water formed by the snow became dry at the same time, even in this area. On the black ground of Feixue, yellow scars began to appear.

But these yellow scars are not the potatoes and food that Li Ke needs, but pieces of dry and barren land. Such land is set off by the black mud on the side. It is obvious It gives a feeling of’death’. And when Li Ke loosened the sprouting potatoes and put his hands on the yellow land, he found that the feeling on these land was indeed different. He could not tell, but he could clearly feel it. , Some things in the soil were completely plundered, and when he tried to press it down with his hands, he was surprised to find that these places that were originally black soil turned into something like sand. texture.

Such a change is more thorough than when he planted potatoes, and after Li Ke opened his mind, he also found that the already ethereal inner world has now become dead again.

“Li Ke, what’s going on…”

Of course, as he felt different, there was Ash. The surprise on her face was no better than Li Ke is too little and too little.

“The land has been destructively plundered by this kind of potato. If I am not mistaken, if some remedial measures are not taken, there will be no creatures in this small piece of land within a short time. Survived, whether it’s Kha’Zix or plants, they probably won’t be able to survive on the land.”

Li Ke picked up a part of the yellow soil and twisted it gently in his hand. The loess was directly broken into powder, and it was dry and scary. And this reaction also reminded him of a term that is terrifying to anyone


He didn’t expect a mutated plant to be just With his support, the’normal’ growth and development will have such a terrifying effect on this land, so he quickly dug up the land he had planted before with a knife to see what he had planted. Not to mention being able to absorb ice and snow, it would cause such a heavy burden on the land.

But when his knife was digging and accidentally stabbed a potato, his knife was suddenly enveloped by a cold current, directly forming a frost on it, and let Li An ice flower appeared on Ke’s clothes out of thin air. But now Li Ke simply doesn’t care about this. He looked at the ice blossoms on his arms, and the flash of blue breath, and at the same time thought of Ashe who was holding the transparent potato. One thing.

“Frost Energy…”

Li Ke finally realized what he had done. Although unbelievable, he did indeed create a cold bloodline!

To be precise, it is a potato with a cold bloodline!

He planted that transparent potato, which turned out to be a potato with Frost Energy!

“Avenia is on…Li Ke, you…”

Aishe couldn’t close her mouth in surprise, and Li Ke felt dizzy. He quickly dug out the potatoes under his hand, and then looked at the blue potatoes that showed crystal clear and near-transparent, and he was a little doubtful about life.

What’s more, these potatoes are different from ordinary potatoes. Some of the roots of these potatoes are transparent, and some of them are blue, just the same as the potatoes dug out by Li Ke. These blues are deep and shallow, some are deep blue Inhibitors, and some are only a little bit blue, and some are completely transparent like the leaves on the ground.

“I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

Li Ke picked out the potato he stabbed, and then held his hand on this only Half of them are blue potatoes, using their own abilities.

But this time, his ability did not return without success as before, but quickly came into contact with a group of weak lives, and in this group of weak lives, there is still the same weak Frost Energy.

This Frost Energy is quite weak. If it were to be regarded as a standard unit, then he would have to smoke nearly 10,000 such potatoes to be able to top a cold bloodline and give Li Ke Frost Energy. And let alone as long as he can’t completely extract the ice magic power in this potato, when he extracts the opponent’s weak to negligible vitality, the weak Frost Energy in the potato will also directly The dissipated, let him draw up to 20%.

He closed his eyes and opened his heart to the Spirit Vision world. And tried to absorb the life of the potato, and did not stop, directly “killed” the potato, robbed it of the weak vitality it could provide to itself, and extinguished what it could perceive. Fire of Life. But just as he did this, the voice he had heard rang again.

“It’s not good, but it’s not your fault…”

This voice is clearer than last time, but like before, this voice only appeared for a moment It disappeared, so he didn’t have time to ask who this person was. And no matter how he perceives, he can only perceive a piece of nothingness.

“Is there a plant god in League Of Legends? Why don’t I remember this thing? And even Zyra…no, according to the settings I remember, she is obviously impossible to do this kind of thing .”

He frowned and was angry at the voice with a defensive mood. After all, Udyr had warned him that if he encounters a consciousness that he cannot resist and cannot find, then It is best to be careful of your own will, because such creatures will only have one name.


“What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong… Li Ke look! It’s changing!”

Incarnation shocked Ashe, her voice of concern rang , But her voice changed tones in the middle of speaking. Li Ke, who felt a cold current on his arm, also hurriedly opened his eyes to look at the potato in his hand. Then he discovered that it seemed that it was because he had killed the life of the potato. The blue in the potato disappeared at a speed visible to a naked eye, and he quickly let the Inhibitor potato in his hand that was originally a shallow blue. It completely turned into the look of that transparent potato.

“What the hell did I make?”

Li Ke asked out into the air.

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