Li Ke finally understands why this is an extremely superstitious society, but among the tribes of Ashe and Sejuani, it is true that there are very few priests talking, because in this When the crazy old man was very Crazy, he didn’t feel the other party’s breath in any disorder, nor did he face the oppressive feeling of terrifying existence.

Only on this old man who looked like an expert, he felt a feeling similar to’satisfaction’.

This feeling is very strange, and it is something he has never felt before. Just like the premonition of death that just appeared suddenly, it all appeared suddenly at that moment. There was simply no warning before, and no strange feeling.

It just appeared like that, and it also brought a feeling of heart palpitations that is indescribable and non-existent all the time, and this feeling of heart palpitations is in his newly acquired perception , This feeling…

From the sky of all directions.

This is also the reason why he did not use the power of language to shut up the old man, but used the language of power to let him fall to the ground, because this feeling of fatal threat from all directions, it is indeed not So wonderful. And his behavior did make the people around him suddenly silent, and looked at him in shock.

However, during the period when Li Ke was not pursuing, the old man also reluctantly stood up with the support of others. But the first thing he did to stand up was to arrogantly throw away the arms of the warrior who helped him to stand up, and then use his blood-filled Kog’Maw to give Li Ke a real squirt.

“You are blaspheming Spiritual God!”

His eyes are filled with anger and unusual anger. Under his anger, some fighters who had been watching this scene silently cast dissatisfied eyes at Li Ke. But before the old man was talking about something, an old woman who was dressed similarly to his, but basically blue all over her body, and much more tidy, came out. And when she walked out, the soldiers around her spontaneously bent over to give way to her, and some of the soldiers who were farther away beat them in the chest with their fists slightly when they saw her coming here.

“He’s right, Avian, we will win. Avinia gave no warning, which proves that no force will stop our army.”

Her voice was quite flat, and when she said this, she was nodded to the soldiers who saluted her. And this respected scene is completely different from the scene when the old man named Avian came, which made Avian feel angry from the bottom of his heart, and Li Ke also suddenly felt his anger. And the inner anxiety of the woman who just came.

Ivyin angrily pointed at the woman’s broken Inhibitor, even if he was facing someone who was the same priest as himself, he didn’t mean to be polite at all, instead he was facing Li When Ke roared, he added anger to his tone. His saliva even sprayed blood on this woman’s face because of his roar.

“You fool! Don’t you understand what this means? This is a warning sign from Myriadth!”

However, the woman whose name Li Ke does not know still It’s so plain, she didn’t even wipe the blood.

“Avian, every time we fight a great life will leave us, and this is the meaning of our gathering here. Because of our war mother, we do not want to have a great When life leaves us, we will stand here.”

Her eyes are very kind, but Li Ke feels her trembling. And the old man named Avian became even more angry.

“Ha! You are only jealous of my talent!”

His words made the female priest reluctantly close her eyes, and then open them again. But this time, the divine light in this woman’s eyes is no longer kind and loving, but strict.

“So. Avian, do you think you can compare to our wind of hope, the great ice crystal Anivia?”

Her words made the priest’s His face turned pale directly, he couldn’t help but backed up a few steps, and tremblingly pointed at this Priestess with his fingers, as if he had seen something incredible.

“You, how can you say that, Elena, how can you say that…”

His lips are shaking like his fingers, but he still Angrily said this sentence.

“I’m just telling the truth, Avian, look at you scaring our soldiers.”

Priestess Elena sighed imperceptibly, she walked up He pushed forward the priest who had lost all his strength.

“Go back, Avian, when I go back, we will talk again. And now, I have something to say to our war mother.”

Her words In the end, the old priest who was still angry left, and the other warriors began their preparations happily under her gaze. After all, even the priests of Avinia said they would win, so what else could they worry about? of. But Ashe and Li Ke are not as optimistic as they are. Li Ke is because his feeling of death is getting stronger and stronger, while Ashe sees the fear in the eyes of her priest. So after the three of them left everyone’s eyes and ears and came to a secluded place, Ashe couldn’t help it.

“What the hell is going on, Elena!”

She is a little anxious, because if only one person thinks this expedition is unfavorable, then she might not take seriously, But if Li Ke, Avian, and even the priest who was in charge of communicating with Avenia said so, then she had to believe this’prophecy’. And Li Ke was holding his arms, listening to the conversation between them, while immersed in the sense of death.

“Avian and I saw the darkness, but I couldn’t feel anything except the unknown. It was like the last time… I couldn’t see your destiny again. Ashe.”

Elena’s tone is full of worry and panic, which is completely opposite to her calm look before, and she now feels more like she wants Ashe to comfort him. She is the same!

“Destiny…Elena, destiny is in our own hands. We must fight this battle.”

Aich looked at Li Ke and couldn’t bear it. Biting her lip, she moved her lips and said what she was worried about.

“Don’t go anymore, Li Ke.”

“I found you, thief.”

But Ashe’s voice did not reach In Li Ke’s ears, her pleasant voice was directly missing, and replaced by a voice that seemed dull Thunderlord’s Decree.

“I cannot take the risk of losing you, Li Ke, you promised me, you will help me, so you should do the most important thing.”

“Do Are you ready for death? Are you ready for everything you cherish, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in front of your eyes?”

Ashe didn’t say a word, Li Ke heard it It wasn’t her voice, and as these voices sounded, his brain became more and more drowsy.

“So you should stay here.”

“Although run away! But you can’t escape!”

This chaotic feeling, give Li Ke felt that he was underwater and was experiencing severe hypoxia. He struggled to free his spirit from the control of the terrifying existence, but he also revealed his abnormality a little bit.

“I will fight for my choice.”

Li Ke touched his true ice sword and used the terrifying Extreme-Cold Force to make his brain sober Some will not faint on the ground.

“Until death.”

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