Avinia was flying in the sky, looking coldly at the giant bear below him, his brother, whom he had never liked very much, thinking about why he was suddenly Distracted in between.

“Even if I’m distracted, you can’t beat me! My sister.”

The giant bear with knives, spears, swords and halberds cast a disdainful look at the sky. After all, they are all Spiritual Gods on this land, and they all have many believers, so when starting a war, a distraction and a mistake are nothing, because they are immortal. Even if they carried them and caused their bodies to act in the mortal world to be destroyed, for them, it was nothing more than returning to their original positions. As long as they wanted to, they could still return to Human World.

“Then you can try, Volibear, or bet Aoun can find it here.”

Avenia was angry because it was this guy. The unfathomable mystery blocked the connection between herself and her followers, and then attacked herself without saying a word. Only then would she rarely use her full strength to fight her brother. After all, once these gods start a war, it is not as simple as destroying a town or destroying a forest. The aftermath of the battle between them can destroy the surrounding landscape with no difficulty and reshape the surrounding terrain. And these things that are commonplace to them, to those mortals, are indeed disasters that they can’t bear at all.

And Aoun’s tragedy Avinia also knows: He is fighting with Volibear in order to protect the mortal followers he admires and loves, but unfortunately, his followers The victim was affected by the aftermath of the battle and unfortunately died. So after that, Avinia, who was already careful, used their natural power more carefully. He didn’t want to show divine might in front of mortals like Volibear, or act wantonly in this land with his own temperament.

“Aoun, that coward, even if he doesn’t find me, I will find him.”

When he heard his brother’s name, Volibear’s eyes flashed a little He had some different looks, because that irritable ram was his best opponent. But it is a pity that every struggle ended in his failure. Not to mention that if Aoun saw him and his followers appear on the battlefield on a large scale, and expanded wildly, and slaughtered those useless people, Aoun would definitely attack his followers.

The faith and soul of mortals can enhance their power. This is a secret that is not a secret among the gods, and in the eyes of people who have existed since Heaven and Earth, people who rely on faith to become Spiritual Gods are not so rare. It’s just that these gods who relied on faith to appear are not like their manifestations of the world. Without faith, they still have immortal life and power. Once their faith is cut off, they will disappear and die, until someone regains their life. They remembered.

So, in order to make himself stronger, and some of his ideas and ideals, he continuously turned mortals into his believers, and turned them into true believers who will never betrayed!

If Aoun appears, a defeat is inevitable, and his followers will suffer heavy casualties. This is not something he likes to see. After all, with the changes of the times, the current Freljord Man has become weak, and he is not so good at attracting believers anymore.

So when he said this, even though his tone was still so tough, Avinia simply didn’t believe it. She just waved her wings gently, and there was a huge snow storm out of thin air where they were, and the temperature began to drop rapidly.

“Leave here, and then take your paws back from Dongquan Village, Volibear!”

She issued the final confession, and Volibear’s emotions were also due to This’provocative’ action made him furious, so he stood up angrily, moved towards the sky and roared, summoning his power. The lightning of Infinity Edge appeared from the clouds and air under his will, and then wrapped around his claws, and part of it shone beside Avenia.

“Are you ordering and threatening me?! Avenia! My sister!”

He was only going to hold Avenia, after all, he was watching Here, he used the connection between Li Ke and him to drag Li Ke’s soul out of his body, and overlaid the memory in his mind on Li Ke’s soul, those of the Dongquan clan. Those who are the strongest warriors will definitely be able to kill Li Ke, so there is no need to risk the bears who have their own power.

But what he absolutely didn’t expect was that those people were killed by a guy who couldn’t see or hear!

A bunch of waste!

Moreover, the thing he didn’t want to happen the last thing happened was that the mortal with strange magic stole some of his divine force from him!

This is no way. The way he creates devout believers is to oppress with his own soul, use his divine force to lure, and slowly transform them. And in order to make more people believe in him and understand the benefits of being a bearman, whenever his bearman encounters an enemy that cannot be dealt with, he will also use their divine force to appear next to them at this time, and then Shred the enemies his believers encountered. Therefore, within the body of his believers, all have his power.

This power will bring the souls of devout believers to him when his believers die, so he simply does not have to worry about his power being reduced. After all, this power is the manifestation of its life from a certain perspective, and for gods like them, if they don’t die, or if they encounter a god who is much stronger than themselves, they are absolutely impossible to lose.

But I lost it. When facing a mortal who could slap himself to death, he stole the divine force he placed on two believers! Although weak, compared with his power, it is like the difference between a drop of water and an ocean, but will people tolerate the will to Twitch to steal their own rice? Volibear will not, he knows that once the mortal tastes the sweetness, then it will be unsatisfied, after all, these mortals are insatiable.

Otherwise he would not like humans so much.

The way to get his power back is also very simple, that is, kill him and then eat him. Whether it’s him or his followers, as long as he eats Li Ke, his power will come back, but Li Ke has always been in Avignon’s territory, so he can’t directly reveal his truth. Body, because that would make Avenia appear at the same time. So either he defeated Avinia and allowed her to return to the sky to disappear for a while, or he would let those mortals who did not have his power kill Li Ke, and then his followers would take back its power. But another thing that makes Xiong helpless is that if Li Ke died for too long, or the body is destroyed, then the divine force will also dissipate.

That’s why he would make this move.

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