After this move, except for the bad luck eggs lying on the ground, they need to be dug out from the frozen ground and carried out to heal the wounds, the remaining fighters They all cheered and celebrated Li Ke’s victory, and put away a lot of careful thoughts in their hearts. Especially those fighters who arrived later and were guests here. After seeing such a scene, even though they were cursing in their hearts why the gods gave them such an opponent, they all talked and questioned Li Ke. All disappeared at this moment.

As mentioned earlier, the ice magic power of male iceborn is not as good as that of female iceborn, and the Frost Energy shown by Li Ke in this battle is better than most war mothers. Much stronger. As for the fighting skills, let alone, in the eyes of others, if it is not for the warrior’s Glory, then he can even win without the ice magic.

Such fighters are really not rumors or tricks that can hinder them. Only by dignified and enclosing him with the army, and constantly consuming his will and physical strength, can he kill this terrifying soldier in the long battle. If Volibear and the others are gods in the legend, then Li Ke who can play such a record is undoubtedly the kind of hero in the legend.

But it is a pity that these small tribes do not have this ability, and they will even be killed by Li Ke alone.

“I think they can stop for a while.”

The doctors who watched Ashe knocked out those bad luck that were knocked out by themselves and then frozen in the ice. When the eggs were dug out, Li Ke teased Ashe who came over. He is not worried that these people will be seriously injured or die directly. After all, he is sure to make a shot. There will be no people who want to knock people out of the neck by knocking them out, but directly knocking off the opponent’s cervical spine. This kind of thing. And the follow-up magic attack also showed mercy. Besides making them freeze, they really didn’t do much. To the extent that the iceborn skin is rough and flesh is thick, this kind of injury is not as uncomfortable as it hurts their hearts.

“Indeed, whether it’s you or me, this time can be quiet for a while.”

Aishe still resisted smiling with a little childish cheek. After all, she knew very well that the soldiers who were knocked down and dug out of the ice had their clansman here, so she definitely couldn’t laugh out of it.

Unless you can’t help it.

So when she saw a warrior who had bad luck on his ass with an ice thorn wailing and being carried away from them, Ashe couldn’t help showing a cuteness Smile. But she concealed these quickly, shook the head, and put on a serious look. She stepped on an ice thorn that had lost its magical blessings and fell to the ground. While stomping on the ice thorn steadily, she told Li Ke about the plan for today’s meeting.

“But our meeting is still going to be postponed. Originally, we discussed the plans you mentioned. These people are also fighters from the tribes who live close to us. That’s why they were so early. Come here… I think if they can accept the plan to move here, then those later tribes should become more receptive to the plan to move here.”

And Li Ke is very He listened carefully, and took his own swords dug up by the doctors and apprentices, and hung them on the belts at will.

“It’s a good idea, so is the layout planning ready? If it makes a mess, I am afraid it will only make them object, and my farmland will also have to increase the scope…In addition, the public toilet is the most important thing It’s good to put on the agenda early, otherwise so many people settled in this way, I am afraid it will really become the source of a disaster.”

He did not intervene in this aspect, after all, he does not understand the various aspects of this ghost place. habit. Especially the fact that there is no toilet, it really leaves him speechless.

But there is actually a far-reaching reason for the lack of toilets here. Freljord does not have toilets, but it is something that can only be found in fortresses or large villages where many people live. But even if there is, the tough Freljord people don’t think about toilets most of the time. The first is because there are already few trees here, and dry leaves should also play a more important role. As for things like cloth, you don’t have to think about it at all, so most people in Freljord use ice and snow as their primary grains. The end of reincarnation. And the closed toilet, but there is no convenient ice and snow.

Because most of them are nomads, it is important to spread their own scent, that is, to spread a large number of human scents, so that animals such as wolves dare not approach rashly. To the method of attack. Therefore, not only are there no conditions in the wild, but there are also necessary needs and reasons for anything everywhere. As for the water pollution caused by this thing, or something like infectious diseases, because of the ultra-low temperature that exists here all the year round, there is no problem that people can Chinese style to this aspect, so even if it is under the jurisdiction of Ashe In the city called Lakstark, everywhere… is also a very common thing.

After all, pure snowflakes can always cover up all evils, even if it is Holy Land.

“Well, the problem is not very big. There are plains all around. It used to be because of the Holy Land, so no tribe dared to develop it, so it just happens to be available now. And it’s also relying on Lake Lakstark , So now you only need to allocate where each tribe lives. As for the public toilets you mentioned…”

Aixie’s face was embarrassed.

“No one wants to be a cleaning worker there. The last prisoner who was assigned to work there committed suicide by hitting the wall last night.”

She gave Li Ke one. It’s hard to comment on the news, and Li Ke was made very temperless by the news. The people of Freljord are irritable and straight-tempered. Although this can make a lot of things very effective, it can also make some things difficult. Engage.

“This is a big problem. Although the land is sparsely populated, it is not visible, but once people gather, such small problems will become the cause of the epidemic. Whether it is Demacia or Noxus , They are doing very well at this point.”

However, Li Ke is still very serious about persuading Ashe to make her more determined. After all, it involves death when there are no foreign enemies. Ashe will become a little hesitant about the matter.

“Well, I will try to persuade those captives. Now, let us talk to the leader of the Notai people. After all, only she can talk to us now.”


But Ash opened the curtain of her hall and returned to the meeting hall with Li Ke.

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