“That’s a shame!”

This man with a big alcohol smell laughed heartily up, and then took his own’wine glass’ and poured it hard. , So that Li Ke simply can’t see any feeling of “a pity” from the other party. But just three seconds after he finished speaking this sentence, after drinking several sips of wine, he suddenly smashed the forehead of his’wine glass’ moved towards Li Ke!

The huge Gragas brought a strong whistling and wind noise, and Li Ke, who had already prepared, took a step back and avoided the huge Gragas, and then he had to step back in a row. , Avoiding the immediate impact of this giant man!

In fact, he felt a little strange feeling that he couldn’t tell. After all, it was the first time he was hit by a belly. After all, most of the time, even if he has to protect his stomach as much as possible, after all, this place is quite fragile. If the intestines are broken a little, it is likely to cause a very serious abdominal infection, not to mention the internal bleeding, and The internal organs rich in blood vessels were directly destroyed. If it weren’t for his magic with an unreasonable resilience, the wound on his stomach alone would be enough for him to die. I don’t know how many times. So someone would hit him with a dirty belly button and a protruding belly that didn’t know how many were not washed. He was still really weird.

And he also discovered a fact that he didn’t want to know, when Ashe was on the chest, he lost to this man.

“Do you want to use a weapon?”

Cherna took her two-handed sword and asked Li Ke. She knew Li Ke’s two true ice two-handed swords because of the double gods. The power was permanently destroyed, so she took her true ice two-handed sword and wanted to give this powerful magic weapon to Li Ke.

“No, you can take them to hide away, and you may not be able to take care of you for a while.”

I flashed a punch of the drunk again, Li Ke this Shi was also a little bit on top. Not to mention that this guy is full of alcohol, the smell alone is enough to suffocate him. Sweat dirt and black mud, as well as some unfathomable mystery things appeared on his body, and when Li Ke once again avoided the collision of him holding Gragas, he also saw a large patch of black mud behind him.

No, to be precise, this guy’s entire back is covered with black, smelly silt!

This really makes him a little unbearable!

“Ah…I have to say, you are the first person I don’t want to fight!”

Li Ke realized once again that things in the game can’t be taken seriously. Things, as well as some settings that seem indifferent in the game, what a pit in the real world. After all, in the game, the hero’Gragas’ is very clean! Although he is a little fatter, he still looks like a hero!

But what I see now is a drunk, smelly drunk!

Raising his arm and raising his hand to block Gragas’s uppercut, Li Ke followed this force and directly focused on himself and threw the fat hero out. However, let him not know what to say is that when this guy is flying upside down in the air, he is even in the mood to take a sip of the wine in his barrel!

This Big Fatty, which is at least two meters tall, was directly thrown by Li Ke on the side of the road with a force that was not in the human range, and because of his excessive force, the wooden railings on the road When I met this guy again, there was a crisp cracking sound, and then the sound of that guy’s Gragas crashing to the ground. After the robust man saw that his Gragas was broken, the first thing he did when he got up from the ground was not to rush to Li Ke to settle the account, but to quickly pick up Gragas, and then jerked along the broken place. After taking a few sips, he threw the broken barrel with a lot of purple liquor aside.

An angry expression began to appear on his face, but the first sentence he pointed at Li Ke was a huge and loud…

“Hiccup… …”

Even after several meters away, Li Ke can smell the smell of wine and the smell of something in his stomach that has not been digested. So he directly condensed his own Frost Energy, in exchange for a refreshing cold wind with ice and snow.

The fatty without clothes, Li Ke guessed the’Gragas’ Gulagas, and the hero of League Of Legends became a little more sober because of this. He opened those dim drunk eyes and moved up and down. I took a look at Li Ke, and then showed a satisfied look.

“Let’s go far and hit, hiccup…I don’t want to, um, destroy this wheat field.”

He shook it twice, and then Li Ke didn’t reply. Under the circumstances, each minding their own business stated their own reasons. And the attitude is quite serious and sincere, you can tell from the tone of voice, this guy is very sincere.

“You know, I don’t want to make the host here angry. After all, if this is the case, I won’t be able to get these wheat that can mature in winter to make wine.”

No No, you have made me angry.

Li Ke looked at the soldiers who were thrown together by Cherna by the arm, and the wheat field that was obviously overturned, and his own building was fine when he went out, but now Like those wooden railings, a table that was shattered, he wanted to beat Gulagas well. But when he thought of the dirt on the opponent’s body, he gave up this plan, and instead clenched his fist, which once again evoked the howling cold wind.

Since it’s a hero, then my Li Ke skill is not too much, right?

“Oh, magic, this is really troublesome…the wheat will become unavailable for brewing!”

Under the sudden cold wind, Gulagas’s head, drunk because of his alcohol, became a little more sober. So he quickly moved towards Li Ke and rushed over, because after he took a look, the magic of Li Ke was released, and the surrounding wheat would definitely suffer. When the time comes, they would make a lot of less wine! So either it is to interrupt before the magic is released, or it is to block the magic to prevent it from spreading to the wheat around you.

And Li Ke naturally did not intend to get a punch in place, so he directly isolated his magic from the Gulagas teacher who rushed over, and Gulagas in order to protect his own brewing ingredients , And directly hardened the cloud of white mist and wind. But what he absolutely didn’t expect was that the moment he was in contact with Li Ke’s magic, he didn’t even feel pain, he felt comfort for a while!

He stopped in doubt, but found that his body was only covered with condensed ice flakes, and with his own activities, these ice flakes that did not affect his activities were also brought with him. The dirt fell to the ground. These things do not hurt myself as much as the wind that blows away my favorite alcohol! At least the former makes it impossible to continue to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of wine!

So even Gulagas’s still groggy brain felt something was wrong for a while.

“Very well, I can beat you up next.”

But looking at the dirt on Gulagas, especially the black mud and dirt all fell off Li Ke of Li Ke, who was satisfied, laughed, and punched his fists in the palms of his palms respectively, showing a kind smile.

Burning life, open.

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