“But I don鈥檛 think that kind of thing will work for you. After all, according to the priests, those wands are used to enhance the power of their ice magic, so I think Their wands are probably of no use to your strength.”

Cherna nodded, she doesn鈥檛 think this kind of sloppy wand that can knock a person鈥檚 head and helmet together is what No, for them, the standard staff of Noxus is actually a very sissy weapon.

“If you need it, I can go back and get it for you.”

At this time, a soldier following Li Ke patted his chest and assured Li Ke. His expression was excited, as if he was about to accomplish some great task.

“It鈥檚 okay to try…Go ahead, I will tell Ashe about this later.”

Li Ke nodded, and Cherna took out one Frost Tudou married the soldier and asked him to use this as a voucher for Li Ke, so that the guards of the treasure house would open the door for her. And this warrior happily took over the crystal clear and near-transparent ice bloodline potato, then bowed to Li Ke, then rode on the remaining good horse, moved towards the direction of the tribe. Past.

And this soldier did not let Li Ke wait for long. When Li Ke healed other people and harvested the wheat with other people, he took a gasping for breath with them when they were ready for the next farming. A long stick ran over, and respectfully brought the long stick wrapped in cowhide to Li Ke.

This long stick is straight and about two meters long. And in the middle is wrapped in a cloth full of blue runes, and there is a sharp black diamond-shaped crystal about fifteen centimeters long at the head of the stick. And although this crystal is not true ice, in Li Ke’s perception, this crystal has a rather peculiar and pure power, and it looks quite hard. This crystal and the body of the unknown wood are connected by some peculiar materials and things like iron, which to a certain extent guarantees the stability of the Inhibitor, and also increases the killing ability of the Inhibitor.

Li Ke hung the sickle around his waist, then took the staff from which blind priest, waved it a little, and found that he was unexpectedly taking advantage of it!

“It is a good spear.”

Looking at the sharp crystal above and the iron cone surrounding the crystal, Li Ke tentatively moved the staff towards a Maokai who stayed purposely threw it out. And this staff indeed did as he thought, plunged into the trunk of Maokai like lightning. This proves that even if this staff can’t increase his life membrane technique, it can still be used as a long spear in his hand. But then those followers who go to beat Ashe will not have to work so hard, just hold this long spear as a stick.

I walked over and pulled out this long spear with satisfaction, Li Ke thought for a moment, and then looked towards Cherna, who was also holding a sickle behind him and holding a handful of wheat in his hand.

“How do I use the staff?”

He doesn’t know if he can directly instill his life force within the body, so he still intends to ask native.

“…should be similar to True Ice Martial Spirit?”

But Cherna didn’t understand it herself, so she also tried to express her own thoughts.

“Then try.”

Li Ke tried to move his life magic into the staff where he was holding, and tried to move towards The black Inhibitor was instilled in it. But when he instilled the life magic into the staff, the staff changed astonishingly.

The bark of the staff that was supposed to have no vitality, suddenly became alive, turning back to the original vitality of brown, no longer the dead silence. Then a few small white flowers also appeared at the head and tail of the stick, giving the stick a little vernal color. The biggest change was the black crystal at the head of the stick. The black crystal suddenly appeared white in the center and expanded continuously. Of course, this is not without cost. With the expansion of white, the color of the Inhibitor also shows some wonderful colors. Purple and blue have also appeared on this crystal, connecting with the white in the middle. A cross star.

The biggest change is actually Li Ke’s perception.

He felt his own telepathy, and his telepathy was suddenly enhanced. These two perception abilities, which were originally less than one meter in total, expanded to more than ten meters in an instant. Moreover, the magic power in this wand is slowly turning into a magic power that matches my own magic power under the action of my own magic power. In other words, this wand can also increase my own life membrane technique…

“It feels weird?”

Li Ke can’t say what it feels like, because it feels like a person who runs barefoot on the ground all the year round, suddenly put on his shoes one day and went off-road The shock of the car. If he had to rely on the Tudou Internet to perceive things ten meters away, he can now feel life ten meters away! For example, now, he feels the Life Power of the wheat he has grown!

There are also their screams of pain.

“Is the effect of the staff so good!”

He was shocked to discover this, and he couldn’t help but recall that Ivern said, “You must be open.” your heart’. After all, compared to the realm that obviously requires hard cultivation and opportunities to cultivate, the fact that he can improve his magic with good equipment has made him even more excited.

It鈥檚 not that he doesn鈥檛 understand that his own strength is the fundamental truth, but he doesn鈥檛 have that many time. He wants to ensure the rapid development of the Ashe tribe, and at the same time, he must quickly strengthen himself so that he has peace Aatox has the cost of face-to-face combat, so his best choice now is to rely on equipment! And there is not much conflict between upgrading oneself and upgrading one’s own equipment.

It’s just that he hasn’t been happy for long, but a silhouette suddenly appeared in his perception, a beautiful silhouette covered with deep blue ice and white hair.

He quickly looked over, but suddenly found that the other person was not only standing next to the hu hu sleeping Gragas, but also a person who could see his identity at a glance.


But the other party is obviously not an entity, but an illusory and real reflection, and he just stood beside Gulagas, silently looking at the man who was smirking and stroking his belly. And it seemed that she felt her peeping. When Li Ke was on guard, Lissandra turned her head, allowing Li Ke to see her delicate and white chin and the thick ice that covered her eyes.

“We finally meet.”

As soon as he said this, the world in Li Ke’s eyes suddenly distorted and revolved, and then turned into a vast expanse Ice field. And under his feet, there was also a huge, thousands of meters wide……


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