Because the deaths of the two wyverns are far beyond the estimates of these Demacias, especially the old hunter Fiend, who watched all this, his mouth opened wide, I can’t believe him. In the scene before him, when Bijing Li Ke started, it was so neat and neat. The two dragons looked as if they had no resistance at all. They were killed with no difficulty under his hands.

Does our sacrifice really make sense?

Such an idea appeared in his mind. The crossbow arrows they used to deal with bipedal wyvern basically couldn’t cause much damage, even the special heavy crossbow used to hunt bipedal wyvern. , It can only pierce their scales, and cannot cause too much damage to them. And their soldiers were killed without the slightest ability to resist, and they couldn’t even block them for a while.

If you let this person go directly…

When Old Hunter Fiend thought about this, he shook his head directly and threw away his absurd idea. Then at his side, the young Fiend who showed the same expression as himself, and the soldiers whispered reprimands.

“We are from Demacia, don’t we defend our homeland, let others protect it?!”

Even he had such an idea, how could other soldiers be possible? Such thoughts will not arise. If they have caused effective harm to those wyverns before, they will not be as depressed as they are now and wonder whether their efforts are useful. But unfortunately, the world is so cruel, and there is an absolute gap between people.

Looking at the man who put that unknown big sword back on his back, the old hunter Fiend knows what he hates, and I am afraid it will be staged in front of him again. But there is no way, this is also for Demacia…

But when the old search Fiend thought about this, he had burns on his face and a sharp scratch on his armor. The general was on the two guards. He walked out of the bunker with his arm, and then some Exhaust raised his arms and made a sound that resounded throughout the fortress.

“Cheers for our warriors, soldiers of Demacia! Cheers for his heroic attitude!”

Following his orders, the remaining soldiers of this fortress are all Raised his weapon and cheered, and Li Ke could only laughed at the cheering Reen, and then moved towards the general along with the cheers of the old search Fiend. But as soon as he walked over, he saw an unnatural twist in the general’s leg, and it was obvious that his leg was also injured. And judging from the scratches on the armor, he might have faced the two wyverns, just like himself.

“I originally wanted to kill those two beasts directly like you, but unfortunately, I did not have your strong military force… I’m sorry for the rudeness to you these past two days, but please allow me Collins Andorra has a chance to make up for this time of faux pas.”

The general who needs help to stand has a friendly smile on his face and a touch of sadness. Ke’s attitude is actually very normal. After all, Li Ke’easily’ solved the two wyvern they were helpless, for this kind of person who is strong and willing to abide by the rules of the ordinary person. Unless it is someone who has a real problem with his brain, no one will be rude.

But it is clear that a general who can run a fortress here is simply not the kind of person with a sick brain.

“Where, the loyalty to the job, no matter how demanding people will not care, even more how the scenery here is also very good, I have a very happy time here.”

Li Ke didn’t care about such things either. He used social language he had learned to answer the general, and slightly surprised the general. Because the meaning of Li Ke’s words is obvious, he doesn’t care about being monitored, and is still willing to follow his arrangements. It’s just a few comments on the treatment, and I want to go out and stroll around.

But this is not what a farmer who farms or Noxus’s slave can say. It is obviously a well-educated person and often mixes in the upper class. After all, although this kind of language skills seems very simple, smart people can understand it, but the “rules” are not easy to understand by ordinary persons. In other words, this youngster with extraordinary strength, his identity is definitely not that simple, even more how from the aspect of language and vocabulary, he still has a little Noxus accent.

“Thank you for your understanding…”

General Weiwei tried the etiquette of a nobleman, and Li Ke also used what he had learned in the slave years, a little bit The unfamiliar Demacia nobleman gave a return. But this added to the general’s surprise, because even in Demacia, families who would learn the etiquette of the nobles of other countries were in the minority. Only those families in charge of diplomats and the real nobles would let their own homes. The children learn the etiquette of other countries.

So who is this guy?

I don’t know Li Ke’s true bottom-line General Collins is slightly sighed. After all, if Li Ke is really hostile, how could they have been impossible to resist. even more how The other party not only showed a considerable degree of kindness, but also confessed his identity to himself in this way.

“Now, please go to my room and wait a while, after all, I still need to deal with the matter here.”

Salute again, General Collins and Fiend old searcher looked at each other. At a glance, Laosou Fiend walked down with Li Ke, who didn’t know he had been misunderstood. But it is very interesting that at this moment, there was a huge bird call in the sky, and when Li Ke looked up, the first thing he saw was the flash of silver white armor in the sky, and then he saw it. The body of those huge birds.

What a majestic bird that is. They have a slender, streamlined body, and have four sharp claws and huge wings connected to the two front claws. Their heads are slightly flat. If it weren’t for the sharp beak and the typical bird face, I’m afraid Li Ke would recognize their face as a flathead brother. Not only do they have long downward-growing feathers on both sides of their heads, but their heads and backs also have scales and spinous processes that are very similar to dragons.

“This is our Demacia’s Dragon Bird Knight, the trump card in the absolute sense. Even giant dragons have to drink hate under their attack. But unfortunately, they came late this time.”

Seeing the expression of interest in Li Ke’s eyes, the old searcher Fiend didn’t plan to take Li Ke down. Instead, he introduced him to those beautiful big birds and those big birds. Knights on.

There is one thing, his tone is a little bit sorrowful.

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