Although you have enough ideas, things change a little bit faster than you planned. Especially after Li Ke had a banquet similar to Freljo, his plan yesterday almost disappeared.

Because the crown defender Young Lady seemed to be worried that another wyvern would threaten the fortress, so she took her own person moved towards the nearby mountain early in the morning and flew over, I went to pay the wyvern there, so Li Ke’s plan fell through. Only received the attention of a few dragonfowl Knights, and their dissatisfaction with their approach to Karina.

And not long after Karina left, a large group of artisans who came to divide the Green Dragon, and then sold part of it to merchants, and part of it was sold to a group of people with the same emblem as her Put it up. And the red dragon that still belonged to Li Ke was also sold directly to the crown defender by Li Ke. After all, he does not need to use the things on the red dragon body to make weapons and armors. What he needs most now is not. It is eye-catching, and wearing equipment made of keel bones is obviously contrary to his low-key, unobtrusive idea. And he is not the protagonist in the Assassin’s Creed series, he is clearly coquettish, but still able to make others ignore them.

So in the end he only left two dragon teeth, five dragon tendons used to make bowstrings, and a few beautiful dragon scales used to commemorate. The rest was replaced by Gold Coin by him. To be precise, it is quite a lot of Gold Coin.

The red dragon probably gave him 10,000 Demacia Gold Coins, and the Green Dragon only brought him 5,000 Gold Coins because of other trading reasons, but other The trading products of the company are also naturally available. A sheepskin pass with the imprint of the defender’s house, an emblem that is much more refined than the emblem given to him by Lao Soo Fiend, and a letter of recommendation written by Dijadra Crown defender to So Fiend, and Li Ke also From above, I saw several names with the defending defender’s family, and among them was Karina’s name.

Another interesting thing that Li Ke discovered is that Demacia actually has a bank.

And it’s the title defender.

“So I think the king of this country, is he very good to the defending defender?”

Wearing a cloak, with a stamp from the old search Fiend Search for the black gloves with the Fiend emblem. Li Ke took the deposit certificate in his hand and had a little doubt about this country.

That is what kind of role does the title defender play in this country? At the beginning of the plot, did they plan to usurp the throne? After all, the bank belongs to their family, and the military on the border also obeys their people. According to Li Ke’s memory, the youngster Garen, the best defender, will be the Corps Head of Demacia’s most elite Legion in the future, and he will manage the kingdom when Jarvan IV is away.

Because of putting the big box in the bank, Li Ke had to leave the fortress and arrived at a border town with a bank. Although the Chief-In-Charge here nervously called the village chief after he finished depositing the money, and then found a bunch of soldiers to escort his Gold Coin away. But this small town called Irvingdale does have a well-equipped bank that is responsible for various financial services, and Li Ke has truly experienced what is called the power of the crown guard family.

When he showed the pass that the general gave him, the soldiers didn’t plan to let him go, and planned to call their chief to decide this matter. And when he showed the pass with the title of the defender’s home, the soldiers who just planned to call someone bowed and apologized to him, and then sent a soldier to take him to the bank, and directly let the Chief- of the bank- In-Charge came to deal with the more than 10,000 Gold Coins for him.

“It’s fun to think about it… But if the two families fight, I’m afraid there will be another war. Especially Freljord’s…”

Think of this , Li Ke was a little silent. Because of the urinary nature of the Freljord people and the environment of Freljord, they must be in conflict with Demacia after they become strong. Leaving aside the issue of various resources, the pleasant climate of Demacia alone is enough for the people of Freljord to commit a serious crime. And if you proceed according to your own plan, Freljord has been completely unified ten years later, and most of the soldiers took on muskets and formed a battle group with the magic Ap Carry…

“I’m not Was it a war?”

He couldn’t help shook the head and put the matter behind temporarily. Then he put the bank’s voucher in his arms, ready to continue moving towards the capital of Demacia, and searched Fiend’s headquarters to find a way to obtain some Forbidden Magic Stones to build armor. But it is very interesting that when he walked past a residential house, two teenagers with childish faces ran in front of him.

“haha! Quinn! You are still not as fast as me! Ah! I’m sorry, uncle!”

The young man passed the corner of Li Ke’s clothes like the wind, and it was bad I ran into Li Ke at one point, and as far as Li Ke’s personal opinion is concerned, this person didn’t mean to apologize at all.

“That’s because I just slipped and fell accidentally! Caleb! Ah!”

But the owner of this crisp voice is not as lucky as her big brother, she Hit Li Ke directly and fell into Li Ke’s arms as a result. This makes Li Ke very speechless. After all, her big brother has clearly proved that there is someone here, but the girl still ran into herself. The arrows on her back, as well as some apparently hunting debris on her body, fell to the ground as a result.

“Ah…it hurts…sorry…ah, but it still hurts!”

The young girl first withdrew from Li Ke’s arms, and then she covered herself The forehead cried out with pain. Although she did not forget to apologize to Li Ke, she still squatted on the ground due to the pain on her forehead, clutching her forehead. And Li Ke glanced at his armor helplessly, expressing helplessness. After all, this light armor presented by General Collins is still very good, and the girl’s forehead is obviously not as hard as steel.

“It’s okay, you can be careful next time.”

Because she is a big girl, Li Ke didn’t touch her head, and by the way, secretly use her vitality to relieve the girl The pain, so he just helped the girl pick up her arrow, and then gave it to her.

“Ah! Thank you! Quinn is so reckless!”

The boy also came to help, and apologized to Li Ke again. The girl also quickly collected the arrows on the ground and stuck her tongue out at the boy.

“You are the one who is reckless! Ah! Sorry, sir, but many thanks for your tolerance. Hurry up! Otherwise, you won’t be able to catch up with the Bouville family!”

And Li Ke is here Time finally reacted.


He thought of the eagle with the woman.

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