The flame was finally extinguished, but most of the villagers could only watch their almost burnt home sitting there, and the two Yodels who were trying to put out the fire, The hairs on their bodies were also smoking, and it was obvious that they had gone through a hard fight and posed a mortal danger. At this time, the sun in the sky also began to appear, but it used to be a morning full of hope, which was just the beginning of a nightmare for these villagers.

But even the activeness of the two Yodels did help them put out the fire faster, and without Honey Apple, the fire would completely destroy their village. However, when the villagers look at them, they are also full of hatred and disgust. If it is not for the need to rescue their own property now, or if they have lost all their strength, then they would be against these two. This Yordle does things that are not very fairy tales. After all, to the people of their village, they just killed two Yordels who came to arson.

Teemo obviously knows these things. After he recovered a bit of strength, he quickly pulled the honey·apple, who was standing and sleeping, to Li Ke’s side, and then looked at a little on his knees. The girl was sleeping peacefully, Li Ke, started to take things out of her bag.

“Sorry for causing you so much trouble, but I may still need to trouble you. After all, when they react, it will be difficult for us to leave. And from the bottom of my heart, I don’t want to There was a conflict with these people.”

He took out a small bag with $ from his backpack again, and then it was the same as the bag that Li Ke gave to Li Ke before, after Li Ke took it over. Suddenly it became very big. And Li Ke took a look and found that there were at least hundreds of Gold Coins in this big bag.

“The Gold Coin inside is enough for them to rebuild their homes and make up for their losses during this period. The rest is enough for them to buy more cattle and sheep. You just say that you are looking for us. The compensation they want is just fine. After all, it is impossible for them to reverse their views of us.”

Li Ke nodded, after all, he also wants to rest, and Teemo sees that he agrees. sighed in relief, after all, if he were to give this bag of Gold Coins, then he might be in conflict with humans again. Although his duty is to protect the Yordle and Bandle City at all costs, every Yordle does not like conflict when it is not necessary. Li Ke’s decision really made him very happy.

After all, every Yordle has a pure and kind heart like a child.

This sounds incredible, but it is true. The Yordle is such a fairy-tale race. Even if they do evil, they will become unconsciously doing good deeds. But it is a pity that the destructive power generated by their pursuit of happiness is not lost to tyrants and villains. And in this world, for the time being, only the Bandle City, which is equally magical, and also like a fairy tale like them, can perfectly accommodate them.

But even if the biggest troubles and worries are relieved, Teemo, whose hair on his face is all scorched, is still sighed looking at the tragedy around him. He knows that some things cannot be made up with money, but He has no choice, he has tried his best to stop it, and now he still has his own responsibilities to do. He took out a strange pocket watch with eight hands from his trouser pocket and looked at it, then took it out of his pocket, took out a moon-shaped blue Taric and handed it to Li Ke. .

“This Taric is our gratitude. It can help you to concentrate one’s mind to a certain extent, without the interference of Mental Magic.”

Li Ke took this again What fluffy gave him, and then immediately felt a burst of spiritual relief, and the spiritual oppression that Aatox brought to him was also a lot easier. This made him immediately energetic, looking towards Teemo while playing with the moon-shaped Taric.

“Do you still have this kind of Malphite?”

If I can, I want to make some armor to wear.

This is Li Ke’s true thoughts, and Teemo is scratching his head while shaking his little scorched head, and when he shakes his head, Li Ke also sees his A piece on the back of his head was completely bald, which made him almost laugh.

“No, this is given to me by Lulu. If you have to, I can ask Lulu to ask, and then find an opportunity to tell you… But please don’t hold on too much hope, after all, I don’t I think I can ask anything from her.”

Teemo sighed again. He can’t stand Lulu sometimes because he is tolerant among the Yodels, so he is not so good at being able to help Li Ke. Hopeful. And Li Ke didn’t force it, he was just nodded, and then shook hands with Teemo again, and sat there, watching him drag the sleeping honey·apple away tiredly. After confirming that these two guys left, he closed his eyes, put the Gold Coin in his arms, and then leaned against the wall to take a break. But it is a pity that even he would be tired, so after closing his eyes for a while, he fell asleep.

When he woke up, there were already soldiers in armor in this village, and the little girl in her arms woke up a long time ago, holding his arm and looking at the standing Soldiers beside Li Ke. He glanced at the soldier suspiciously, after all, he didn’t think he had anything worth protecting. But this familiar soldier bowed directly to him, and then explained it to him.

“Ah, Mr. Li Ke, you are awake, Karina Young Lady said you will let me notify her immediately after you wake up.”

He wanted to leave after he finished. And Li Ke touched the money bag that still existed in his arms, and after thinking about the tired face defender Young Lady, he stood up and followed the soldier.

“No trouble, I will go with you.”

The soldier gave him a grateful look, and then led the way, but when Li Ke followed him, But she felt that the little girl she rescued was holding her white kitten in one hand and holding his clothes in the other, and looked at him pitifully when he turned her head. He sighed and touched the other’s head.

“Where are your parents?”

But the little girl just shook the head and did not speak, and Li Ke also remembered at this time, and everyone was fighting the fire at their own home At the time, there was no one in the little girl’s house, and there was only one person’s tableware in the house. This fact made him a little bit ignorant of what to say, although he didn’t think the fire was entirely the fault of the Yordels. After all, if the old man and the fat woman didn’t take the opportunity to express their desires, things wouldn’t be like this. It’s bad, but it stops abruptly when the robust man falls. But after hearing such things, he also thoroughly understood the reason why the Yordle was unpopular.

Because they are’powerhouse’, their jokes and entertainment are sometimes the life of others.

But they don’t have the consciousness of powerhouse, and they don’t know how to restrain their behavior. Such people are not disgusted, and who should be disgusted? And in the face of such’innocent and cruel’, how can the Yordle be cute? For people who work hard in this world, they are…

very hateful.

“Then come with me.”

After figuring this out, Li Ke picked up the barefoot little girl and let her sit on her shoulders After stabilizing, he followed the soldier forward in strides.

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