This weird idea made Li Ke a little speechless, but he didn’t care too much. Just because they raised their long swords to themselves and attacked them with the attitude of killing themselves, Li Ke knew that they had become a killer.

The awareness of the so-called murderer is also very simple, that is, if you attack with the intention of taking the lives of others, then it is reasonable to be taken by others.

Li Ke keeps this idea every time he does it. Unless it is really a misunderstanding, or his fault is wrong, he has always run over attacks that include killing intents. Sarah was almost killed because of this. After all, he hadn’t killed a beautiful woman.

He just hasn’t killed someone with such a big chest, and he is not a waste of being fascinated by beauty.

But even though he saved the life of this female hero in order to allow him to leave the sea, he still feels that there must be something wrong there. And this feeling was when the two of them gained initial trust and started the ship

“So you mean, give me all the heavy work?”

Li Ke, who was pulling a rope that needed five talents to pull, looked at Sarah who was walking towards the rudder, and couldn’t help but ask, and when the other party put his hand on the rudder, he said something to Li Ke. Can’t help shook the head.

“Only you can do this.”

Sarah is actually very shocked, although she already knows that Li Ke’s strength in Danger Land will not be low, But seeing that the other person’s face was not flushed and breathless, she could not help but was shocked to do the work that required more than a dozen people to do. After all, she knows how heavy these things are, and how difficult it is to live. What she originally thought was that the two of them could barely let the ship move down the wind is already the limit, but now it seems that we will give it more. With one or two of her, she can go on a standard voyage.

In fact, there are many places that need two people, or even three people, all of them are handled by Li Ke’s terrifying power for one person, and those places that need to be matched……

Sa Pulling and looking at the extra wood on the mast, she couldn’t help but appear in a trance. After all, it was a bit irritating for her to grow new branches from the dead wood. Big. Because if you have such an ability, let alone being able to do several people’s work alone, you can directly make a ship a ship that will never be sunk!

And she just went to see the wood, and found that the wood that grew out was all the same wood as the wood used in this ship, except that it was wet. This represents Li Ke’s ability to repair The hull is a trivial matter, if this ability is stronger, then he can continue to mass produce battleship alone! And the time will not be very long!

It just needs to be dried and oiled.

But, how much money can these cost? !

At present, she is still saving money to buy a big boat for herself. The idea of ​​accepting Li Ke as a younger brother suddenly appeared in her heart, but she looked at the damaged place on the one-eyed Gangplank boat. With the blood-reeking qi that hasn’t astigmatized yet, she decided to keep this mind firmly in her heart, and she would never reveal it if she was not sure. After all, she can’t beat it, and she’s still a prisoner of Li Ke strictly speaking now, but she used her words to avoid beating that’s all……

But she didn’t give up, she could pay for revenge. Everything about her, and Li Ke, who has a powerful combat capability and a coveted ability, she will never let it go. So she wants to try to use her physical advantage to test this person, even if she can’t keep him by her side, she can also draw the goodwill of both sides, so that he will not kill her afterwards.

Of course, even if she does this, she is not completely sure that Li Ke will not kill her, but she is not used to leaving her destiny to the unknown. As for whether this kind of thing is too cruel to a girl, or is too dirty…

She has seen something more filthy, and she simply doesn’t care who used her body. As long as there are enough benefits, she does not consider her virginity in the slightest. After all, using one’s own body to help a powerful person by one’s side is a matter of making money without losing money. Even if the success rate is somewhat low, it is enough for her to make a bet.

Furthermore, she herself doesn’t know how long she can live, and she has never heard that the world after death will treat people who are innocent.

even more how, beauty itself is one of her weapons.


Li Ke did not question the good luck’s excuse, after all, he could also tell that he let this good luck Young Lady do this. In terms of things, I’m afraid it won’t be long before she will find a way to kill herself, or run away. After all, these tasks are really not something a person can do, and they can even make him work hard. And when he thought of not being able to sit in a boat to pass the time in his future life, and only be able to do the work of a sailor, and to cook by himself, he felt a moment of depression.

After all, who would want to work if he can be free.

“So I really don’t want to take a boat.”

I raised the sail and looked at the dark sky as if it was going to be pressed down, and I couldn’t see the bottom at a glance. , And unable to see the ocean at the edge, the melancholy in Li Ke’s heart became even more obvious. And accompanied by this melancholy was a strong feeling of dizziness and nausea.

“What’s the matter?”

The good luck of jamming the rudder tried to treat Li Ke with a gentle side, but she put Li Ke’s shoulder on her, and When she pointed her face to Li Ke’s eyes, she directly saw Li Ke’s face twisted, and then rushed directly to the railing, vomiting at the sea, and it was not true that she put down her dangling hand. It’s not like not letting go.

Moreover, she also has an unusually annoying feeling. If it is in other places, other people, then she will definitely kick those who dare to do so directly into the sea, or use others The gun was stuffed behind him, and a mouth comparable to the upper one was opened under him.

But after thinking about the difference between her and Li Ke’s battle strength, Sarah still worked hard to squeeze her smile out again, telling herself that it’s still a long time, and that she can try to win each other in the next time. After all, she still can’t die, she wants to live, and she will live until Gangplank’s death, and she will live better and better!

For this, she can pay all costs and do everything.

But unfortunately, the sea does not think so.

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