“Did I say that this is a misunderstanding of your belief?”

Li Ke took his hand away in a slanderous manner, and what he said was indeed not a lie. For a moment, he simply didn’t think too much, and directly pushed Sarah behind him, without thinking about that many, and the reason why he didn’t let go was actually because of guard.

To be honest, after all, the threat of muskets to him is much more like Billy Arrow and Giant Axe. This thing is very fast, and small in size, and there is no such thing as an arrow shaft. It’s something that gets in the way. And they can fire bursts quickly. Although most of them can’t hit themselves, it’s not to be underestimated. If you don’t pay attention to being hit to your brain, you might actually hang up.

And most importantly, he doesn’t know if these Gangplanks will have pistols made by Hextech. After all, for these Gangplanks, they don’t get guns and ammunition from Piltoff. It is simply impossible. That thing can’t be explained with ordinary ammunition, but the combination of spell and physics. When he didn’t learn the skills of protective shield, he it’s still better to be careful. even more how My family knows his own affairs, although he is now not afraid of cold weapons, but when facing the cannon, there is really no way to ignore Aatox without being able to ignore it.

“Why not.”

Sarah also knows that Li Ke can’t be blamed at that time, and the top priority now is not to let this guy look like he’s on a boat. Directly rush to kill them, or they will really be trapped here. So she immediately took out her pistol, shot it sharply at the sky, then pointed the muzzle at those people at a distance, and then shouted loudly.

“You scumbags! Is that how we welcome us?”

Her voice has a stern feeling, and the guys who don’t seem to be serious, also All smiled and replied to Sarah. Especially the person who shot Li Ke and the two of them, his voice is the loudest, and the voice is full of ridicule, and a feeling of wanting to get something, so Li Ke can’t help but squint his eyes. .

“I swear by the wine in my stomach, I have never seen a woman as big as Naizi come out of town! So who knows you are who!”

This person’s words made Sarah frowned, she tilted her head and looked towards Li Ke and explained it to him.

“They didn’t see our boat, nor did they see us coming out of the town, so they stopped us, otherwise there would be no conflict. After all, this place is too close to Demacia If you’re not careful, it’s easy to be found out by the Demacia Navy.”

Li Ke nodded expressed his understanding. After all, when they left Demacia, he was away from the cliff outside Demacia Harbour. I saw a lot of hanged up skeletons, but if you think about it now, it’s obviously those of Gangplank. And Sarah, who knows his military force, is also sighed in relief. When facing this man, she always feels that things will get out of control, and what she hates most is this feeling.

“That’s because our ship ran aground! You idiots! If you don’t believe it, just follow the way we came. You can see our ship!”

After gaining Li Ke’s understanding, Sarah turned her head and shouted again, and after the Gangplank whispered for a while, some people left. But the guns in their hands have not been put down, still vaguely facing Li Ke and Sarah. But at this time Sarah was sighed in relief instead. She took Li Ke and walked behind a coconut tree, then sat down with him to rest, and hid her body behind the coconut tree.

But after hiding herself, she did not relax completely. Instead, she used Li Ke’s body to hide her movements and refilled her pistol with lead bullets. Li Ke was also very interested. Looking at this kind of strange musket that is obviously an ancient single-shot musket, but it can fire continuously. Then I looked at the small town where people are coming, people going, and couldn’t help asking the Miss Fortune in front of me.

“Is it so troublesome to get in?”

Sarah did not look up, but took out two guns out of thin air from behind her ass, and then checked them before throwing them away. Arrived in front of Li Ke. And this is not the end. Just under Li Ke’s stunned gaze, this Gangplank also took out three pistols from her pants, and what surprised him most was that she also took it out of her chest. Two guns.

Then her chest hasn’t shrunk because of it!

“Yes, if we were able to go in smoothly, there would be no trouble, but now it’s different. We both have a ship and a whole ship of cargo. And the treasures of two Gangplanks, and the armament that can arm two ships, so it is very troublesome now. The people who manage this town will not do anything here, and the sailors we recruit must not be trusted. So it’s really troublesome… In fact, what I hate the most is that after we are stopped, we still have to tell them this kind of thing, otherwise we won’t be able to get in.”

After she finished loading the lead bullets, Tucked the gun full of lead bullets back into her chest again, but after she moved a little bit, she reluctantly tore Li Ke’s shirt open, and then posted a knot in her chest, so that she didn’t let the lead bullets be filled. Two guns fell. The gun she hid in her pants is hung on her belt, but the same, although her good figure makes Li Ke’s pants fit well, it is different after the gun is full of ammunition, so While adjusting the position of the gun, she looked towards Li Ke’s pants.

“…Do you mean to kill others?”

Li Ke was a bit sorry by her, so she moved back subconsciously, but she still stared Li Ke’s trousers, then nodded, pointed at the beach in front of them.

“Do you see the junction of the beach? Where the black sand and white sand meet, no matter how intense the fight is, don’t kill those who step on the white sand. , Otherwise we still can’t get what we need. As for those who fled in, if they dare to do it, then the people who manage the town will do it, because this is the rule.”

Li Ke sighed, nodded, and then saw that Sarah was still looking at her pants, so she couldn’t help but looked towards the girl’s eyes, and after the other party pursed her lips, she finally said her request.

“Lend me the belt.”

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