The roaring gunshots continued to be heard in this tavern. Not only those gunshots from outside the tavern, the Gangplank in this tavern also began to fight back. Countless bullets appeared in this place like a torrential rain. When Li Ke walked past, he had to roll a few times before he escaped the bullets coming from howling and came to the side of good fortune.

“Quick! Let’s get out of the back door!”

The other party caught his clothes as soon as he saw him, and the harpoon who had negotiated the price with her It was the first to rush out from the table where they were hiding, but the problem was that his charge ahead time was really a coincidence. By coincidence, he just took a probe from the table and a lot of blood appeared on his head. , And then fell directly to the ground.


Good luck yelled, and then rushed out under the cover of Li Ke, and because the crew just got killed, she Angrily shot at the entrance of this tavern, causing a scream outside. And Li Ke guarded Aatox in front of the two people, resisting the bullets. And when those bullets with powerful kinetic energy were on Aatox’s body, he not only had to withstand the shock caused by the impact of these bullets, but he also had to endure Aatox’s taunt in his spirit.

But no one cares about this at this time. He and Good Luck quickly ran to the back kitchen of the pub. During the period, it was not that they wanted to come to the back kitchen that leads to the back door, but it was a pity. Yes, they don’t have Li Ke, a bodyguard who can see the trajectory of bullets, nor the powerful wrist strength of Li Ke, so they were sifted by the dense rain of bullets as soon as they were halfway through.

“Damn it, what’s going on!”

After hiding in the safe back kitchen, luck loosened Li Ke’s clothes in embarrassment, and quickly He checked his weapons to ensure that there would be no mistakes in the subsequent battles. And Li Ke also tentatively moved towards the door and looked over, but when he poked his head out a bit and saw the tavern door that had been on the verge of collapse, and the Gangplanks who were suppressed and unable to get out, he A warning sign appeared in his heart.

He didn’t hesitate at all, he hugged the good luck that was still loading the bullets, and then directly smashed the window of the back kitchen and hid outside the house.

Then he heard a bang, and then there was a strong wave of air behind him, pushing him and good luck directly flying out, hitting a large bush, and letting two people involuntarily He rolled several times on the ground until Li Ke hit a piece of Malphite on his back and stopped. But before they lifted the head, Li Ke felt that countless people were aiming their guns at him. This situation allowed him to swing his sword, and at the same time subconsciously used his own power within the body, forming a blue protective barrier beside him and Good Luck.

Countless gunshots sounded again, but he did not feel the bullet impact on the sword, and at the next moment he heard the screams of other people, looked all around, and found that they were facing him There was an extra bullet hole in the body of the person who shot, and after a person shot himself, the shield he subconsciously opened showed a wave of ripples, and the bullet that moved towards his head was also with the next moment With a burst of blue light moved towards its owner, he flew over and directly smashed its owner’s head.

This unusual scene drew the attention of other Gangplank who attacked this town. Several Gangplank who hadn’t seen that scene drew the trigger at Li Ke and let Li Ke the shield. Several more lives have been scored. But Li Ke is not easy. Every time this shield is attacked, it will greatly consume the power of the ascendant within the body. If it continues to be attacked like this, it will take less than twenty seconds for him to be within the body. The power of the ascendant will be emptied, and his physical strength will be heavily tuned to produce this powerful force.


Fortunately, the Gangplank’s formation that appeared suddenly is very loose. Li Ke hugged the nose with a Princess and shed blood, looking dizzy. Fortunately, he ran in the direction of their ship, and while he was running, he could still see that the Gangplank guys at the same time were slaughtering those who appeared in this small town, even those in the small town. The Gangplank staying in the town was the same, it was a massacre with no room at all.

“Damn…someone wants to challenge the manager of this town.”

And good luck didn’t faint for too long. Li Ke held her and ran to the entrance of the town. At that time she woke up. She first glanced at the blue shields beside them in surprise. Li Ke started to appear sweaty on the street, and then she took out her gun and pointed it at a Gangplank who was about to attack them, and buckled it directly. He moved the trigger and knocked the Gangplank holding a long spear to the ground.

“What do you mean?”

Li Ke didn’t let go of her meaning, and luck was not in a hurry to break free. She stayed in Li Ke’s arms safely, using her own two The pistol keeps knocking down those who want to attack Li Ke, so that Li Ke’s pressure can be less. And she only had time to answer Li Ke when she was changing bombs. The rest of the time was constantly attacking the Gangplank that appeared suddenly.

“The income of a Gangplank town is very high…even more how, who knows what is going on! I still want to know!”

Her answer is quite Li Ke didn’t ask any more, he could feel that the woman in his arms was at a loss now, and he seemed to be wondering what was going on. It’s just that this kind of thing makes Li Ke feel very familiar: it is this sudden development, the sudden occurrence of sudden occurrence, and the enemy that the ghost knows where it came from.

It’s just that he still refuses to admit that this is his own cause.

But after he quickly ran to the beach with a large number of dead bodies and alarmed some of the seabirds and Urgot who were eating, Li Ke felt the palpitations again and heard a sound The roar of sound. He did not stop, but turned his head and looked towards his back, and then at the next moment he couldn’t help but his eyes widened, because behind him, big ships flying the Gangplank flag were docking in the port of this small town. , And continuously run the next Gangplank from the ship.

And what made him feel his heart palpitations was the cannonballs that were constantly roaring and falling in the sky, which could be clearly seen with naked eye!

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