Udyr’s request Li Ke can only accept. After all, if he wants to figure out what these abilities are in his body, Udyr is also the only relevant person he can contact now.

But the plan never keeps up with the changes. When Li Ke and Udyr hadn’t cooked the potatoes as dessert together, and asked him for some knowledge in this area, she returned home with full load. This stronghold, and brought back a lot of supplies and herds.

“It looks like my warrior is not only awake, but also in good condition.”

She was riding on her big wild boar, looking condescendingly as she was roasting next to the fire. Potato’s Li Ke has a helpless smile on his face.

“You made me lose my face, but you are really very good to be alive.”

She jumped off the wild boar, and hugged without saying anything He took Li Ke sitting on a piece of Malphite, made Li Ke’s face and her cold breastplate make an intimate contact, and then laughed and slapped him on the shoulder, looking really happy.

“I think I would like some gentler etiquette, Sejuani.”

This intimacy makes Li Ke feel bad. These people’s simple concept of marriage and standards for mate selection make He was a little scared. So the warrior, who didn’t even blink with a sharp sword piercing his chest and didn’t know how to dry his eyes, pushed Sejuani away and maintained his cold look.

“This look of you is so cute, it has more of your style on the battlefield than that kind look.”

But unfortunately, it had the opposite effect.

Sejuani pinched his hair because of his words, and looked at the white color, with a different look in his eyes.

“I feel that our relationship is not close to the point of this relationship.”

He took his hair back from Sejuani’s hands, but the result of doing so , Sejuani’s smile was more obvious, and those soldiers who also saw this scene also burst into laughter.

“He is shy!”

“Didn’t expect that even a fighter like him will show this look in front of the war mother!”

“It’s okay! As long as you are not shy at that time!”

“Immortal is also very young! Ha ha ha!”

Such voices and words come and go, but The laughter and discussion from the soldiers this time did not make Sejuani dissatisfied, but made her even more proud.

But Li Ke felt out of place for a while.

Especially this feeling of being soaked.

“Don’t care about them, they are just too excited. Because of you, they didn’t dare to resist when we attacked their village, and they ran away before they could even get the supplies.”


Sejuani took off her helmet and sat next to Li Ke, while her mount walked back to where it rested. The other fighters stopped laughing and began to bring supplies to Where it should be taken.

“It doesn’t matter, if I cared about this, I would have died a long time ago… So the war mother named Cherna, her tribe can’t pose a threat to you?”

Li Ke intentionally told Sejuani directly, don’t be so close to him, he agreed to become her husband out of a misunderstanding. But if such a thing is said with so many people, I am afraid that he and Sejuani will fall out directly.

“Of course, they insist on half a month at most without supplies, even if we don’t deal with them when the time comes, they will fall apart in the cold wind.”

Sejuani from While taking the wine, he filled his own croissant glass, and drank all the full glass of wine boldly.

“But I won’t wait until that time, I will find them, and then completely destroy them, tell other tribes, this is the price of being an enemy of Winter’s Claw tribe!”

Li Ke poked the potatoes in the fire with a branch, and then he heard Udyr winking at him while drinking, which was clearly asking him to persuade Sejuani.

This was the price he paid for the teaching, so he had to speak reluctantly.

“Then how many fighters will be lost this time, and how many fighters will be lost before.”

He knows that the opponent is having only one self to blame, but running a power is not just about having fun. Yes, although Winter’s Claw won this time, Li Ke believes that their losses will definitely not be small.

Sejuani was silent for a while because of this, and the expression on his face became serious again.

“We have suffered a great loss. More than one-fifth of the soldiers died in battle, and even more were injured. But if they were not eliminated, other tribes would feel that our strength could not hold them. Sites and supplies, they will swarm like wolves and tear us up as prey.”

Li Ke doesn’t know the situation here, but from the way Udyr can’t refute, she What is said is true.

“There should be other ways to prevent other tribes from attacking, right?”

“Yes, let them join Winter’s Claw, but their war mother is too much Cowardly, so this is impossible. Warriors led by those cowardly people will only be cowardly Furato, not qualified fighters.”

Sejuani chuckled lightly.

“And there is no other woman in their tribe who can become a war mother. If there is, when we just go, their new war mother will use her head as a way to join Winter’s The sincerity of the Claw tribe. But unfortunately, they don’t.”

She does have plans to incorporate the Cherna tribe, but if it is a tribe led by Cherna, she will only choose to refuse. The reason is also very simple, that is Cherna’s decision to attack Winter’s Claw tribe, so she will always be impossible to accept Cherna’s surrender.

No one can survive after provoking the Winter’s Claw tribe and provoking her!

This is her message to the other tribes. She wants other tribes to succumb to her tribe, and will always be in awe when encountering everything related to Winter’s Claw tribe.

“But Sejuani, if we start a war again, our manpower may not be enough for our future hunting. And our current manpower is not enough to build a house before the blizzard to resist the wind and snow.”

Udyr spoke. He didn’t want Li Ke to dissuade Sejuani alone, because that would only make Sejuani feel that his war mother authority was offended.

“This is also a problem.”

She put down the cup and looked a little distressed, but after looking at Li Ke, she became highly-spirited and vigorous again stand up.

“Then go grab other tribes, after we solve Cherna and the others, other tribes will definitely feel that our strength is empty, so we have a high chance of success, and it’s just to grab the stove. ……”

Udyr couldn’t help it anymore, he stood up, his voice was a little loud.


The war mother who was called by her name was taken aback. She looked a little angry, but after she calmed down, she also knew what she had just said. What a risk.

“…Sorry, I’m a little too excited, Udyr, let’s discuss this issue tomorrow.”

But how could she be subdued, she wanted to say something and watch Li Ke stopped for a while, then stood up and walked back to her tent.

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