Countless years ago, when he was a carefree god of creation, he had unimaginable freedom and power. He could create stars and shape galaxies with his hands. , And light up these cold and dead planets, making this World full of Lux.

In fact, it is not without exception to call him the God of Creation, because it is because of him that the tiny creatures in this world can have a dwelling one by one, and countless lives can be created by him. Multiply on the world and create countless civilizations. Even this world full of magic was not created by him. It is because of the sun he created that there are so many lives in this world.


This World is special. Once called Valoran, the world that should be called Runeland is a very special place. Although it exists beside the sun created by Aurelion Sol, the noble Aurelion Sol can be very sure of one thing, that is, this World was not created by him, but something else. Created by people. But this does not affect him being attracted to this World, and then in many of the same races as him, but the personality and power are fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms, even at the request of the Protoss who are considered to be not a race, Come on top of this World.

This World is composed of multiple realms, and is full of magic and magical power. And here, there are countless infancy civilizations that need to be guided, so at that time the great creation giant dragon appeared in this World with enthusiasm and contentment, and showed his body to his heart’s content. I want the natives of this World to be guided by higher wisdom, so that they can take fewer detours on the road in the future, so that their feelings and energy will not be wasted in some useless places.

It’s just that when he complacently accepted the admiration and worship of the mortals in this world, and put on the crown offered by the mortals who climbed the world’s most peak, he was arrogant. Aurelion Sol, who was negligent, finally ushered in failure for the first time.

He was cursed, or rather, enslaved. That crown was not a tribute to mortals, nor was it a tribute to his allegiance, but a trap, a trap laid by the protoss together. And the moment he took it on, he was already deeply involved.

Those who did not care about him at all, and despised the protoss cursed him with this crown, threw him directly away from this World, and there was no way to get close again. His power and wisdom also began to be stolen by those sad stars and mortals in that world. He couldn’t resist, because the curse on the crown was very powerful, and every time he resisted, one of the stars he regarded as hard work and child would go out.

Then, his power was also stolen by those mortals using the so-called solar disk.

“Interesting, my memory was seen by a mortal, and this person saw my memory when he was stealing the power that another thief had stolen from me.”

The far distance can’t block the sight of the casting star Aurelion Sol. With no difficulty, he saw Li Ke manipulating the sailing boat, his essence, his magic, and his in The trajectory of this world. But when he just wanted to look away from him, he noticed something was wrong, and then re-looked towards this mortal who was small enough to make him care for a moment, enough to be remembered by their civilization.

“…the entire world is actually aimed at him.”

The shame of memory being peeped disappears instantly, because in his sight, this man’s magic has The other thing is not part of the light of this World, but the will contained in it makes him look at it for a moment. Because this man’s magic is the same as his many fellow citizens, not acquired, but born of nature. This kind of magic can give life to all things, and it is not only a little thing that he can use in a shallow and rude manner. But this stupid and superficial creature has not seen his soul clearly, so Aurelion Sol feels that it is difficult for him to see that rare ability.

But this is not the reason for him to focus on him. Let him focus on that the man who caught his attention, like his magic, does not belong to this World, and his body structure is also the same as this World. People are very different. It is his magic that gives him the right to live in this world. But what is surprising is that this man shouldn’t have had so many tribulations. He should have become a general of the so-called Noxus and raised a girl named Rui in his own home. Instead of the way it is now, wandering with a female brain mating and an annoying little hairball on a sea.

He was targeted by this World. From the moment he came to this World, he was targeted.

Aurelian couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that when those sickening void creatures entered this generous and hospitable world, they had never experienced such a target, but this man did. Arrived. According to the inertia of this World, he was supposed to be a general who had lost his son and found out that he was almost identical to his son. He had made military exploits, and step by step towards the Peak that mortals thought. But he became a slave, a slave who was full of unwillingness and anger, and had to carry out stupid killings because of this.

Moreover, the thief beside him also appeared by his side at a time when he shouldn’t be there, causing his original plan to be broken, and he could only helplessly steal his lost power, and then Embark on a journey with that stupid thief who is desperate and has no desire to improve like a little child.

Even, normally speaking, when he stole the memory, he would not notice it, but he just played the essence of his power by accident and made himself aware of this A small existence that does not belong to this World. And he thought carefully, and watched him and the stupid female who was mating with his brain driving on that planet for three days, he could only get one that he couldn’t believe, but he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh’s answer.

The reason why this man is so bad luck, he is unhappy everywhere, and even seems to be targeted by the world, for the simple and absurd reasons.

He is bad luck enough.

The magic of his awakening in this World also aggravated his bad luck, as if he had blocked his luck at the door and only let her in at a critical moment. Before he can control his magic freely, there will never be a time when his life is too peaceful. He can only keep moving forward until he understands what his magic is.

“Interesting guy.”

Finally, the star-casting dragon made an evaluation of Li Ke.

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