“You actually put my Twisted Fate in your crotch! That’s what I use all day long! I said that I had Twisted in my mouth when I fucked that woman last time. Why does Fate have the smell of urine!”

Twisted Fate angrily pinched Graves’ neck with his hands, but the strength of his hands was not as strong as Graves’s neck, so Gray Foss just shrank his neck, and Graves was immune to most of his choking attack. Then Graves felt the suffocation from his neck, and he stretched his hand to Twisted Fate’s neck very uncomfortably, and stared at Twisted Fate fiercely.

“You fart, I obviously put it in my ass last time!”

My T…

Twisted Fate hearing this almost fainted , And Graves’ hands squeezed his neck violently, so his eyes were round, and he was forced to stare at Graves, and because of the feeling of suffocation and a broken neck. The wide-open eyes were considered by Graves to provoke him, so the very straightforward Graves also directly glared his eyes as big as the suffocating Twisted Fate. Let Twisted Fate look at this face and want to punch the opponent, but because of his lack of strength, he can only continue to pinch the opponent’s neck hard.

So, under the gaze of the Gangplank below, the two of them squeezed each other’s necks, as if the other was their own enemies for life, and their gnashing teeth exaggerated expressions also The Gangplanks below who were considering how to deal with them couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

Especially the Gangplank who thinks he is the protagonist. He is very embarrassed now. All the eyes and attention of the scene are concentrated on the famous partner. Let him feel that his face simply doesn’t have a trace of brilliance. So he walked to the side of the two partners who were sending each other to the west, and coughed vigorously.


But there was no response. On the contrary, Twisted Fate realized that his strength could not be used to choke Graves when he contracted his neck. , On the contrary, he would be strangled to death by this bastard first, so he stretched out his hand, inserted two of his fingers into Graves’ nostrils, and then pushed it up fiercely, but also grabbed and grabbed Gray. Fox’s eyes, this directly caused Graves to turn his head and pull out one of his hands not to be outdone. While giving Twisted Fate a chance to breathe, he also slammed his hands. Inserted into Twisted Fate’s nostrils.

The thick fingers directly make Twisted Fate feel that his nostrils are about to split, so in order to let Graves let go, he increased his strength to poke Graves’ nostrils, and the other His hand also stretched over to grab Graves’ ears, but Graves felt it was a provocation, so he tried hard. So the two people scrambled very comically, ignoring the Gangplank of the Gangplank who wanted to say something.

This made the Gangplank’s face black.

“Oh my god, I think we don’t need to do it, the two of them can kill each other…Are they really the rumored partner?”

One The sailor standing next to his own Gangplank looked at this speechless scene and couldn’t help feeling sigh. After all, the current situation is that they will kill these two people who made trouble with their ships anytime and anywhere, so He really didn’t understand why these two guys could be so indifferent, and have time to engage in this kind of child-like scuffle with his partner.

And most of the other sailors also think this way, so they can only stare at these two people blankly, not knowing what they are doing. But they forgot that their Gangplank is a very pushy person, so as soon as the open sailor finished saying this, he was kicked hard in the ass. Then the Gangplank of this ship, a man with a few Swains walked under Graves and Twisted Fate who were accusing and fighting each other, and playing with the Deathcap he took from Twisted Fate, and spoke to the two people. Up.

“Tobias, and Graves, you should give me an explanation.”

His tone is majestic, learning the Gangplank in his memory, interpreting With his domineering and brutality.

“What do you think I should do with you two?”

The deliberately low tone and imitated hoarse voice, this Gangplank was extremely satisfied with his performance. However, he was stunned to discover that his unusual style and appearance as a maritime overlord did not make the two people who were dumped cause too much tension in the slightest, on the contrary, it made their quarrel more intense.

“Have you heard?! Graves! He came to clean up us! And you are responsible for all of this!”

“Shut up! Tobias! Also! It’s not because you’re so stupid, you were caught by them all at once!”

“What! You dare to call me stupid! Graves! You forgot who fell four dogs on the ground in a row Biting mud!”

“You still have a face to say! Tobias! It’s not the reason why you used your weird card to burst the ground!”

“Bah! It’s not because you led the explosives… Anyway, it’s your fault!”

“It’s your fault!”

Then, these two partners While being hanged upside down, he shook his fist at the other person’s unpleasant old face, but from the cry of pain, you can hear that Twisted Fate, now called Tobias, suffered a lot. After all, his body is very thin, and compared with Graves whose skin is rough and flesh is thick, he has no comparability at all.


The Gangplank of this ship finally couldn’t bear this. He roared out in anger, and pointed his pistol at the sky and fired. With a shot, while the laughter of all around stopped, he slowly walked to the side of the partner who had stopped because of his gunshot, and then kicked Graves’ chin severely. , Let his tall silhouette dangling on the mast.

Then, he looked towards Tobias on one side, the trickster, and when the opponent closed his eyes, he kicked his boots at the opponent’s pretty boy. But what surprised him was that just when he thought he could kick this guy with this kick, the guy with a red scarf around his neck suddenly grabbed his ankle when he swung back. , And pushed Tobias aside.

Then, Tobias, who was pushed away by him, successfully hit the head of one of the masts, and then knocked over a wooden barrel, letting the cards and Beer scattered all over the floor.

“Kick him what to do, kicking him didn’t make me feel refreshed.”

And when I heard something landing, Graves, who was face covered in blood, was still facing This Gangplank gave a defiant smile.

“So use a little bit of strength, landlady.”

Then, the Gangplank’s hateful kick was greeted him, which directly shook him violently.

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