The night fell quickly, and the dinner also began.

Although Frelzo’s supplies are scarce, and hundreds of people can even die for food, you can still see them holding a banquet without the slightest hesitation. Because it is precisely because food is a precious thing, when you are happy and worth celebrating, you should eat it to your heart’s content. The delicious food and the happiness of eating will also make everyone work harder and fight harder, so that the next banquet can come faster.

So everything at the banquet is delicious, even if the broth is still very light, and there is a slight smell, but it is better than the pot of corpse water that Udyr and Li Ke boiled together many. However, Li Ke observed Udyr and found that the two seem to be the same to him. He eats very wildly and doesn’t care about his image at all.

Moreover, when you look at his food, you can feel that these things are really delicious.

Li Ke was sitting near Udyr and Sejuani, while he was roasting on the fire, while eating his own food quietly, waiting for these people to leave after eating.

But when the banquet was over, Udyr left for a while, and Sejuani just came over and gave Li Ke a pot of wine, and went back to his tent to get things, leaving only Li Ke One person, there is another person who watches the fire watch at night.

This person is very silent, Li Ke is also very worried, so when a person wearing only fur clothes comes here, that person will automatically leave, leaving space for them.

“Udyr told me that you don’t understand the meaning of swearing father and blood alliance, but it doesn’t matter. No matter where your performance is, you can get a position in blood alliance, and you can be qualified to make me pregnant and give birth. The next powerful offspring.”

The person here is Sejuani. Now she is not wearing armor, but wearing a thin cloth, revealing part of her white arms and neck. She was carrying a pot of steaming wine, and there were two glasses in her hand.

“It’s good if you can understand it. Looking at Udyr at the time, I thought you would be very angry.”

Li Ke was a little surprised, but looking at Sejuani’s calm face, he I think this is also a good thing, after all, this kind of thing is really embarrassing to say by myself.

“There are some, but the oath is an oath. Since you have made an agreement, then you should fulfill your oath, or you think I am unbearable to look at, or you don’t deserve to be you His wife?”

Sejuani said these words in a flat tone, but the meaning of them showed that she did not intend to give up the matter.

“Because I want to go home, I don’t belong here, Sejuani.”

Li Ke said his reason, but Sejuani curled his lips in disdain.

“A cold bloodline said that he does not belong to Freljord? This is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard, Li Ke. It’s useless if you don’t want to admit it, the Frost Energy in your body is sufficient Prove your identity, you are an iceborn, and the most powerful male iceborn I have ever seen, the Frost Energy in you has just been inspired by true ice, you can make them set off a storm by your side, this All prove that you are a noble and powerful ice bloodline! If you combine with me, I can give birth to an ice bloodline that is stronger than you and me! The most powerful ice bloodline ever!”

Sejuani said that she was very excited, but Li Ke could not feel any kind of admiration and the kind of “like” to herself, and Sejuani did not hide her attitude, she just wanted to marry this This kind of form will restrain Li Ke, let Li Ke work for her, help her grow her tribe, and make her power and influence more powerful. So Li Ke told Sejuani clearly.

“Sorry, but I don’t feel that my vows are valid when I don’t know the specific circumstances, and what I promised is to be your child’s Adoptive Father! Not anything else What!”

But Sejuani didn’t seem to think that Li Ke’s disagreement was so effective. She poured a glass of warm drink for herself and Li Ke at a moderate pace, and then One of the horn cups was handed to Li Ke.

“I’m also sorry, you agree with the father and the blood alliance.”

She smiled lightly, but Li Ke’s beautiful cheeks made Li Ke feel bored for a while.

“I know this is difficult to accept, but I can swear, unless someone can defeat you, or get your approval, otherwise I will not swear to others, let him be mine Blood confederate couple.”

The young war mother drank the drink in the glass, then smiled and continued to bid Li Ke her price.

“Well, my conditions are okay. You must know that as a war mother but there is only one blood ally for a long time, I will be laughed at by other people.”


The number of blood confederates who can surrender or receive allegiance to the war mother partly explains the strength of her and her tribes, and these blood confederates will also be her most loyal warriors and courtiers. She took care of everything in her life, and rushed to fight with her on the battlefield, paying her life for her. And what these blood alliances can get is that the war mother will give birth to children and make friends for them, and if it is a daughter, it is very likely that their daughter will become the war mother of the tribe. The son is a little worse, and he is destined to become a warrior, but the outstanding existence among them can also become a land leader, leading the furnace households and supporting the ice vein warriors in battle.

“Sorry, I can’t accept it. I can compensate you elsewhere, but it’s impossible to marry you. Because I simply don’t know you, and I can’t talk about love. The relationship between you and me is just It’s mutual demand that’s all, and now this relationship has ended, I will leave your clan recently and go to other places to find my hometown.”

He just drank a little wine, and then After seeing Sejuani’s face still calm, he continued to speak, instead of immediately restraining Sejuani and avoiding her attacking him.

“But during this time, I will work in exchange for my food and shelter here, so you don’t have to worry about me eating free food.”

Sejuani’s attention seems to be Not here, she turned her head back to look at Li Ke long after Li Ke finished talking.

“It seems that I still have a chance to keep you, as long as you are willing to stay before you leave, do you say I understand it right?”

Raising the refilled glass to Li Ke, Sejuani’s smile gradually became more confident.

“I think it is impossible.”

Li Ke also toasted, and then drank all the wine with Sejuani.

“Then we wait and see.”

Sejuani filled the glasses of the two after drinking, and then talked about other things. As for whether she can keep Li Ke?

She has never failed, not now, and never in the future.

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