When everything stopped, two good friends lay on the broken wood on the sea, looking at the Gangplank ship slowly sinking in the water, haha’s Laughed out loud.

“Very good! We made another big vote! After we go back, I can use this to get a large bounty!”

Graves dangled the two in his hands. The sword, the two iconic items of each other can be used as the object to kill each other to get the bounty in the bounty house.

“Oh! God! I thought we were going on an errand for nothing this time!”

Tobias lying on a wooden board with Graves They cried out in surprise, because they came out this time for a treasure on the Treasure Map. It’s just that the two of them are not strong enough to get the treasure on the treasure map, so they will find someone to work together, but it is a pity that the other party is not as credible as the rumors boast.

So the two of them were placed together in this place. If they were not strong enough, they would wait until the other party found the Treasure Map and figured out how to interpret the Treasure Map. The two best endings are being sunk into the sea to feed the fish. And now, although there is the same risk of feeding the fish, they at least kill the other party first. Even if they feed the fish, those who have a bad heart towards them feed the fish first.

And they may not be able to feed the fish. After all, the place where the two of them are located is a supply point, and there are still many ships moving around. As long as they wait two or three days at sea, they can always be in sight. See a boat inside.

It’s just…

“Now, but let’s talk about it first, if I didn’t save you this time, you would be dead, so this time I’m going to take Heimerdinger Yes.”

Tobias thought of a Noxus tavern, especially the cat-eared girls who are said to be a specialty of Ionia, as well as the girls in tights and pretending to be rabbits. There was a burst of heat in his heart. After all, is there anything happier than making those fools’ money in a casino surrounded by these cute girls with furry short tails?

Obviously no good!

So this bounty is much more useful than losing to the stupid big fellow next to me. At least I can invite a little elder sister with a rabbit tail in the room. Study their tails. It’s not like this guy, who was cheated of his money by that kind of low-level scam. even more how He was able to escape the danger this time entirely because of his ability, so he didn’t take Heimerdinger, who would take Heimerdinger?

But obviously, Graves would not agree with his proposal. His sturdy voice directly echoed through Tobias’ eardrums, making him unable to help covering his ears. .

“Don’t think about it! Tobias! Don’t forget who is attracting your attention! If it weren’t for me, your little face would have been kicked by that bastard! And I was the one who exploded the gunpowder keg! Do you know?! I was almost killed by the gunpowder keg! And it was me who risked the mortal danger and took away that guy’s double knife and purse… Uh. “

But in the middle of speaking, Graves suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing, and Tobias’s eyes sharpened, he stretched out towards Graves There was only a palm, but a smile appeared on his face.

“Don’t forget the equal points you got in the action.”

Graves scratched his head awkwardly, and then after a few breaths, he took the He took out the money he thought was his own private money. But as soon as he took it out, Tobias snatched the money bag.

“Ha, you are a slippery head, I don’t trust you, this time I will divide it! Oh, this is yours.”

Tobias’s face is full of Proud, but he also stretched out into his arms and threw what he had gotten to Graves at that time. Graves took a look and found that it was a gold pocket watch that was probably made by Gold Rank, which made a smile appear on his face, and quickly stuffed the pocket watch into his arms.

But the next scene is a bit weird in the eyes of others.

“One of you, one of me…”

I saw Tobias, with a sexy moustache and a big back, put a Gold Coin in front of him On the pile of Gold Coins, then under Graves’ eager gaze, he placed another Gold Coin on the pile of Gold Coins he also piled on this wooden board. This kind of way of dividing candies like kindergarten children is instead a way for these two people to be quiet and convincing, but in the end, this method still has a flaw.

The money in this Gangplank pocket is 23 Gold Coins, 17 Silver Coins, and 5 Copper Coins.

The perfect odd combination also caused a little bit of disagreement between the two people’s behavior of dividing the spoils.

The two people in the sea stared at each other, looking at a Gold Coin, a Silver Coin on the wooden board, and the unremarkable Copper Coin. They didn’t seem to care much. . But their eyes looked towards the only Gold Coin placed on this wooden board from time to time. They didn’t want the other party to get it, but they didn’t want to get it either.

Then, in the end, Tobias failed in this mutual gaze, after all, he always felt that he would have a nightmare if he saw too much of the macho face of Graves.

“Hey, you did work hard this time, so you can take two, I can take one.”

Tobias stretched out his hand and moved towards that one A Gold Coin touched it, but Graves immediately opened his hand, and then looked at him seriously, making this guy couldn’t help but sneer.

“Are you treating me as a fool?”

Graves’ voice was very deep, but his hand also moved towards the Gold Coin and touched it. But before his hand touched the Gold Coin, his good partner slammed the wooden board to get the Gold Coin out of his palm.

“Of course not, my brother, but well, you know, this time it is always my contribution. Have you seen it? Without me, your equipment is still It’s soaking in the water.”

Tobias was talking about a double-barreled shotgun that Graves likes. This shotgun’s firepower is surprisingly powerful, and it can be loaded very quickly. So he likes it very much. He had previously risked a burst to go to the cabin, one to make money, and the other was because of this shotgun.

Then, what made him absolutely didn’t expect, Graves, his brother, who always seemed silly, actually lied!

“Ha! You don’t know, I wanted a new gun a long time ago, my brother.”

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