“Do you think I don’t know this is the world of memory? Aatox! Do you want to use this method to confuse me?!”

Li Ke hides After falling off a soldier’s attack, he backhanded the short sword in his hand into the opponent’s chest, but when he wanted to extract his vitality, he found that the things he had been accustomed to were no longer available at this time. And his little stupefaction also made him almost cut off his head by another soldier, and this too weak body also deformed some of his habitual movements.

Without the strong physical support, the battle method Li Ke was accustomed to was naturally broken. He can only recall the force method he used when he was still weak. And after losing his magic, the wound on his body became even more deadly, which directly caused his body’s actions to drop several levels, and he was surrounded by surrounding soldiers. Roots of lance aimed at him standing among a large number of soldiers’ corpses. It can be said that he has reached a dead end.

But it doesn’t matter, because the way to leave the memory world is’death’. As long as it is not the kind of battle to fight the soul, and you know that you are in memory, then death in the memory world is okay. , The reason why he can fight is just because he doesn’t like obediently surrender.

But just when he was about to take away a few, and then’dead’ the last time in this memory world, Atox’s voice suddenly rang.

“If you die here once, I will squeeze the bones of the woman’s body once. Don’t think I can’t do it, Li Ke. You shouldn’t save those two mortals because they don’t Like you, you can resist me before you die.”

A very lethal passage for Li Ke.

“…what are you trying to do, Aatox.”

He took a hard breath and pulled up a corpse on the ground, blocking the lance on one side Li Ke endured the pain of the other two lances piercing his thighs, cut off the lance that had pierced into his body, and then grabbed a lance that came again and followed the opponent’s strength to snatch this lance. come.

Although his body has become weak, Li Ke still maintains a very high level of response to combat. Maybe he cannot push it as if he is in reality, but as long as he can still move, Then he can still kill.

“Do you think your current mentality and combat capability can help me fight those hypocritical gods? Stupid, ignorant! You have to understand that even me, I have to admit that I was defeated by them. And you, where does that confidence come from? Is it your’extraordinary and refined’ combat capability for mortals? Or is it a magic that you have not yet been able to master completely? It is ridiculously arrogant.”

He was right.

Although he knows that this is what Aatox is trying to break his guard against him and gain his trust, Li Ke has to admit this, he is indeed too slack. Taking the gods as the imaginary enemy, it is natural to have to do his best, but he only thinks about the powers of the dark descendants, and ignores his own training. This is naturally a manifestation of arrogance.

When I was a gladiator, I was never so stupid.

But what he didn’t understand was, why did Aatox wait until he realized this before suddenly pulling himself into his memory for training?

“And your knowledge is still too shallow, mortal. But this is not the same as arrogance, this is not your fault, but if you can persist to the end, perhaps you can be able to Spiritual Gods have an understanding of the powers they hold. They know who you are and what powers you are fighting against.”

Li Ke picked up a simple shield from the ground and rushed over. The soldiers on his side were reorganized into a formation, and once again resisted an impact from the opponent. At this time, he also saw the falling stars in the sky, and the dazzling Lux flashing in the distance, venting the flames wantonly. Thunderlord’s Decree, and those of Frost.

But what Li Ke did not expect is that these people are Ap Carry, especially one of them. Wherever his finger goes, a meteorite will fall, and he has been The attack method of a god I have encountered is very similar.

“Is the power of the Twilight Protoss not enough to explain it?”

So he asked this question while harvesting the lives of the soldiers who charged. . And Aatrox seemed to be a little easier to speak because he had dragged a half-disabled body until now.

“Ha, what is she in the face of greater power? That is more ancient and more powerful!” This description made Li Ke understand those legends Among the world runes, he knew that these runes were born with this World. They are as important as the infinite Taric on the Marvel studio next door. They are also very powerful and seem to have the ability to confuse people’s minds. But he didn’t know what kind of power these runes could release, so this made him have some expectations instead.

And this battlefield didn’t make him wait too long. Just as they approached the other’s base camp between their camps, a man full of flames walked out and asked Li Ke I almost thought I saw the Vengeful Flame Spirit, the man called Brand in the League Of Legends. But unlike that Brand, the flame on this person is even more exuberant, and his whole person is in the fire.

“It’s coming.”

Aatox’s reminder also reached Li Ke’s ear, but it was of no use. Li Ke wanted to evade subconsciously, but at the next moment , The ground under his feet suddenly became a fire sea. The sand was still covered with blood in the last second, and it became a pool of lava in the next second! And there are constantly a path of pillars of fire spewing out from the earth, moved towards their back.

Li Ke’s legs were carbonized in an instant, but he still worked hard to let himself stand for a while among these constantly spewing lava, and what his persistence brought was a kind of With extreme pain, he felt that his internal organs were starting to burn, and this unprecedented punishment made him groan.

This persistence also allowed him to see more things. Before he was completely submerged by lava, he saw that the nearby mountains turned into volcanoes, and he also saw a hand-held long spear. The woman of, rushed to the Ap Carry scene with the shining Atox. Then he felt that the entire world had become fragments, his eyes reappeared in front of his buttocks, and the sound of the sea reappeared in his ears.

While coming back with him, he still had the pain of being burned every inch of his body by the flames, which made him shed a lot of sweat, and his breathing couldn’t help but speed up.

“Very well, idiots, then that’s OK. After you get to the shore, you will pay us the boat fare for the bounty, and in the meantime, you will help us drive This ship.”

Sarah’s voice became clear at this time.

“No problem, madam, we are happy to help. But you can call me Tobias.”

“Ah, you call me Graves. “

The discussion in front of you seems to have come to an end, which proves that the time for Li Ke’s consciousness to enter Aatox’s memory is only a few tens of seconds. This gave Li Ke a trance, because he was in another place, holding simple equipment, and fighting with a weak body for several hours.


It doesn’t feel bad.

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