He hasn’t felt this way for a long time.

Since he began to search for the legacy of the ancient kingdoms on this continent, those who were once called Heavenly God warriors, but are now known as the existence of the Darkborn, and began to clear them , His life became busier. It is only in the past few years that he has stabilized, because the fighting between mortals has caused more harm than the dark descendants, and because of him, the dark descendants who are still raging have also been temporarily Died.

“And this feeling…”

He covered his aching chest, he thought of the guy he would never forget. The existence that killed the Protoss that occupied his body and soul, and made the sky dim.


Called out the existence that allowed him to use unforgettable, because even now, he doesn’t have the ability to replicate that moment. He still has He didn’t know how he did it, but he cut off the arm of that horrible existence, ended his life, and sealed it.

But now, that feeling is back again, which makes him sigh–

Mortals always feel that they can master the existence that enables them to have extraordinary powers. But I don’t know how arrogant such behavior is. Just like my original self, I feel that the power of the protoss can save myself, and I can also control that powerful power. But the result is self-evident, he was driven to the corner of his heart, and as a war star, he was directly killed by Fiend.

There is no doubt that the people he entrusted were either seduced by Atox’s power, or someone killed them for Atox’s power. It will reappear in such a short time.

So although Aatox’s escape will not make him feel surprised, but the time is so close, it makes him sad for a while, because this is the root of mortal inferiority, even he himself is experiencing After countless hardships, I understood this truth. And it is obvious that the power he has gained will allow him to see such mistakes more times, and to stand up again and again to fight side by side with those who dare to resist, and to inspire those people and let them understand the war. True meaning.

That is, regardless of whether they can be rewarded, whether they can win or not, people have to face the fight, bravely fight, and understand what they are fighting for and what the meaning of fighting is.

“It looks like the war is about to rekindle again.”

Turn off the bread oven, Atreus, this Pantheon, put the bread in his oven I took it out, and took out some of it as my own rations, and the remaining part was wrapped in another, intended to be given to families who had become impoverished because of the war on the road. Although he knew that as long as the empire called Noxus did not stop their warfare, the place would be uneasy.

But he has no other way. If he is going to face the Darkborn, then he will watch the war spread. If he wants to join the ordinary person, although it can be killed with no difficulty Those Noxus people, but this is unrealistic, because in his opinion, these Noxus people are more enlightened than the current kings. Although they are more cruel, their residents live a little better in the small countries that they join.

Except that every family requires a male to join the army.

But this is not so unacceptable, because in the area currently controlled by the Noxus people, the whole family had to go to the battlefield before. This is ironic to a point where people can’t laugh. Those Shurima’s so-called kings are kind to his people and compatriots, but there is no group of Noxus who can be said to be cruel.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but sighed. Since getting this power, others always feel that he can solve all problems, but he himself knows that what he can solve is only in reality. Part of the enemy, and the battle in people’s hearts, he can only inspire, and cannot replace them to defeat the cowardice and fear in their hearts, as well as those selfish greed and tyranny.

Taking up the long spear and shield, Atres did not fly directly as usual, but slowly walked from the mountain road, moved towards the nearest village and walked past. And when he started to inquire about the news and began to look for Aatox’s trail, Li Ke also met those Noxus people who came to intercept the Demacia.

“Come, don’t be impulsive, I know you can kill them all, but if you do this, you will be able to move a single step around here.”

Sarah Looking at the Noxus ships with the Olaf flag and gradually moving closer, they slowly reduced their speed, and used Telescope to observe the cannons above them. Once the opponent had an intention to attack, they were immediately ready to escape. And she didn’t forget to remind Li Ke not to let out his killing intent and cause a lot of trouble.

She is not a fool. When Li Ke mentioned the Noxus, the obviously changed expression betrayed some of his previous experiences. According to her observation, this experience will not be too good.

“I know, in fact I know their strength better than you guys.”

Li Ke clenched his fists, he looked at his right hand, and he left it on purpose. The scar that came down, the mark of the slave still existed, although he had eliminated it long ago, but the hatred in his heart changed the mark on his hand in a different way. Every time his heart overflowed with anger towards the Noxus people, the trace of this slave would appear on his right hand, and after his anger disappeared, the mark would slowly disappear.

“That’s good.”

Sarah sighed in relief, what Li Ke said was always done, and she also got the second good news, These Noxus people did not intend to attack them, but instead sent them a stop navigation flag, asking them to stop for inspection.

Soon, the rugged and steely battleship of the Noxus people drove to the side of the merchant ship, and Yuumi was so scared that he hid on Sarah’s chest, and Sarah at this time There is no time to teach it. In fact, even Twisted Fate and Graves, who had been arguing with their partners all day long, even if they were the most jumpy, both of them were born and quietly watched those Noxus men in armor driving. The boat came over and set foot on this boat.

Li Ke naturally, he is the one who knows Noxus best among the people present, so he just stood there quietly, watching how those Noxus people got on his boat.

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