The feeling of being hit by a train reappeared in Li Ke’s heart. The last time he felt that way, Sejuani used her pig to knock herself into the air. When he was hit and flew this time, I remembered Sejuani’s experience of knocking him into the air.

And like last time, he was hit like this, and his brain became dizzy. Lying on the water, he could not move a finger, as long as there was anything a little threatening at this time. If Li Ke can be hit hard, or even enough, Li Ke may be killed. Although the three giant beasts didn’t understand the truth, they still moved towards Li Ke and rushed over. Prepare to use the least costly way to solve this human being that suddenly appeared in their minds and caused them to kill.

But when the huge octopus took the first step and planned to slap Li Ke to death like a fly with his arms and legs, he suddenly reappeared in his mind. sound. And this sound is the source that makes it so powerful, and as the sound becomes clearer, the power it gains becomes stronger, so even though its brain is still unable to make it understand what thinking is, it always Every time I obeyed this voice because of my stronger instinct.

“Bring him here.”

The voice this time is so clear in its mind, and the power that comes with it makes it roar excited. Came out. So the child octopus died, and he slowed down without hesitation, and let the whale, who had also become stronger on one side, do it. But before he waited for the whale giant beast, its eyes saw Li Ke’s limbs restarted.


Li Ke shook his head, a feeling of dizziness and powerlessness instantly attacked his whole body. He is still surprised by these three The giant beast is actually so tough, with a set of controls and DPS, if it wasn’t for his body and the Darkborn armor that Aatox gave him hard enough, then he would have died. Even if his brain is in a chaotic state, he can think of the countless eyes slapped on his shield, then the burst, and the feeling of being hit by that silt-like tail.

He manipulated his own ice magic within the body to freeze the sea under him, turning it into a piece of ice that barely allowed him to stand. And he also staggered up from the ice, and the chaotic brain began to have a strange feeling that he hadn’t felt for a long time.

The pleasant feeling of walking on the tightrope, fighting, fighting, plundering, and being killed at any time.

“If the Baru people can control such giant beasts, then why are they a little unknown? When I was studying, I hardly heard any news from them, and never learned from them. Language.”

Wipe off the blood from the corners of his mouth, Li Ke, who is covered in purple juice, did not give his vitality to Aatox again this time, letting him transform into a powerful darkborn shell, but quiet Quietly watching the huge whale galloping towards him, watching his huge mouth.

This huge mouth also has purple eyes, and not only that, its mouth and throat are also filled with dense Vel’Koz, these Vel’Koz There is an eye at the tip, and it is full of sharp teeth, swimming like water weeds in the purple mucus mixed with sea water or other things. Li Ke also noticed that when he faced the giant beast’s Kog’Maw, all these eyes looked towards him.

In the eyes that only shone with purple light, there was a clear and taunt smile. Li Ke thought of the Kha’Zix type monster that was killed by himself in Freljord, that Extraordinarily powerful creatures from the void. Now they are looking at themselves again, and at a glance they know that they came prepared this time and are bound to win. Otherwise, each of these three half-empty creatures that can kill an entire fleet, is the kind of thing that can be spawned casually.

As a result, his idea was scorned by Aatox many times.

“That’s why I asked you to hurry up and master the power of the ascendant. Mortal, you still don’t understand the power of the ascendant. Hey…the power that inspires your arm, idiot, they and Compared with the power contained in your within the body, it is just some clay chickens and pottery dogs.”

Aatox’s words, Li Ke thinks he can hear it. In his mouth, Basically, except for the Ascended and Darkborn, everything else is rubbish, and even a large part of the Darkborn is rubbish. Except for those who are brave and brave, or he thinks he can’t do what the other party can do with his own wisdom, the others really have each one, and they all think it is rubbish!

It is probably this logic:

Is there the power of ascendants?



Is there the power of ascendants?


Then do you have me strong? Am i smart?



Li Ke has slowly summed up this theory of Atox.

“Okay, isn’t it because you don’t even have an exact location? Or am I like a headless fly?”

thoughts move, Li Ke is there When the giant mouth bit down at him, he still stunned Aatox, causing Aatox to let out a grunt of dissatisfaction.

“Are you a mortal dare to accuse me? Are you planning to tide over the difficulties this time?”

His answer, as always, is the kind of reason I have to say You are a rubbish attitude. Regarding Atrox’s behavior, Li Ke can only not know how many helpless sigheds are, and with an attitude of praise, he comforted Atrox.

“Well, that great and wise Lord Atox, are you ready…”

Li Ke carrying the sword hasn’t finished speaking yet, then The huge mouth was completely closed in Sarah’s scream, swallowing Li Ke into his mouth. A lot of Vel’Koz and inorganic bones also entangled Li Ke’s body, blocking his magic. And the voices behind these giant beasts are also very satisfied. Li Ke will fall asleep under their power until he reaches where they are, becoming an excellent channel for them to attack this World and a sample of their fighting body. And his kind of magic is also one of the things they must eliminate.

However, just when he wanted to take his gaze away with satisfaction, he felt something wrong. Just when he wanted to order Li Ke to be sealed in the rocks and skeletons, the Li Ke The giant beast within the body that Ke swallowed in his stomach made a blast, followed by the unpleasant sound of Aatox.

“Do you treat me like a child?!”

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