“It sounds like we are going to find something that these Baru people call the Heart Demon Sickle?”

Twisted, who was sent out to negotiate Fate feels a little stomachache. After seeing the fighting stance of Aatox and the giant beasts, the two of them are very clear about one thing, that is, their small bodies cannot bear this. On the journey of an adult. Offending the Noxus people is a trivial matter. Whether the two of them can safely return to their nests is a questionable question.

He doesn’t think about the cards in his hand, or pistols or something. It can have an effect on the giant beast that is tens of meters long, but it is this kind of monster that he has not seen many times at the slaughter wharf in Bilgewater. In front of the huge shark face, even two minutes have not been able to survive. . This kind of battle is far beyond the scope of their handling. Their ability is to rob a bank, rob a prison, or fight a thug in a casino. This kind of mythical battle is too far away from them, so both of them. The best choice for this is…

“Yes, it’s dangerous, because that thing should be very powerful to deceive people, so although I lack the manpower, I still want to ask you. Opinion.”

Li Ke nodded, he has no intention of concealing it. These two heroes in the game are just ordinary people in front of him, and have not experienced tempering, revenge, and right Bilgewater had a transformation of sense of responsibility and became like a complete empress. The two of them had not experienced the wasting in their own destiny, and transformed into what the Players looked like when they saw them.

Now they are not strong enough, not experienced enough, and even less capable of weapons and equipment. In my own place, they really come to work as boatmen. But they are really short of people now. Four people sailing is easier and faster than two people, and various other things need people to do, and it’s better to have a tenacious spirit. .

And since these two people can become Legendary and are called hero, then naturally, the tenaciousness of spirit should be much more than ordinary person. That’s why Li Ke got two bags of Gold Coin from Sarah and tried to use Gold Coin to buy these two people.

“This sounds cool, doesn’t it? And there is a lot of money, we agreed.”

And Twisted Fate, who was crying in his heart, and Graves, who was excited. He took the Gold Coin bag that Li Ke handed them without hesitation, and then went sailing silently. Among them, Graves is really full of excitement, he really wants to see more exciting things, and Twisted Fate, as his unstable external brain, has a certain degree of unwillingness. No, the reason why he agreed so readily is also simple and touching:

Because Li Ke rescued him, he was worried about being killed.

“I think you’d better hurry up. You don’t think there are no Protoss to manage my compatriots, right?”

Aatox saw Li Ke unexpectedly Still thinking about these two strangers, I couldn’t help but urged.

“Then who is generally responsible for your compatriots?”

Li Ke really doesn’t know how much Aatox is hiding from himself, since he After relying on himself, the information he gave himself was either ambiguous, or he just liked to say half of it and didn’t say it. For example, Aatox obviously knew a lot about his own magic, but he just didn’t say it, and every time he taunted himself with something he didn’t know.

Only this time, Aatox answered Li Ke.

“Pantheon, it’s just that the real Pantheon has been killed by me, but I don’t think that the mortal who stopped me once will leave my fellow citizens alone. And if we run into him If you do, the trouble will be even greater.”

“You can’t beat him?”

“No, he will be a new Pantheon, and the only one who can become a Pantheon again People, so if he dies, then the gods in the sky will chase us down one after another.”

Aatox’s voice is quite confident, as if the one who had stopped him Humans are nothing but clay chickens and pottery dogs to him, but in this case…

His hidden power is probably quite amazing.

Li Ke once again recalled Zoe’s attack that he felt could not resist at all. When faced with the impact of stars, even the planet might not be able to survive, let alone him. Up. However, Pantheon and Zoe are obviously Spiritual Gods in the same position, which means that Pantheon at least has the ability to destroy the planet’s surface. Since Aatox was able to kill Pantheon, would he, who had been dealing with Twilight Protoss for so long, not know that he had no way to get Zoe’s Space Jump?

If Aatox knew that he could not catch him for the time being when he saw Zoe, but just let himself see that he would go crazy when he saw Zoe, then this can be done. It makes sense, but why? For your own magic?

All kinds of abnormal behaviors of Aatox kept appearing in Li Ke’s mind. He tried hard to find clues to Aatox’s crafty plots and machinations, but because of intelligence, So I have always found nothing, I can’t see Aatox’s real thoughts.

“Okay, let’s hurry up.”

For the time being, I can only let go of Li Ke, which I guessed in Aatox’s heart, and look at the coast next to the ship. Ke turned his head and looked towards the Baru who was still sitting next to Sarah and Yumi, and constantly writing something to a map.

“How long are we from the place you said?”

The Baru quickly put down the pen in his hand, looked at Li Ke in panic, and quickly asked Li Ke Yes, there is some extra information to Li Ke.

“As long as you get ashore after reaching the Giant God Summit, and then move towards the direction of Ancient Shurima, you will be able to find that place! Those Noxus people intend to carry out their excavation there!”

It’s Noxus again…

Li Ke’s mouth curled up with excitement, but all kinds of doubts, and the information that didn’t match his mind, It still made him more mindful of this Baru. Because this is so unusual, Rajastemin should have been unearthed a long time later. How could it be possible to meet a Baru casually and find a dark descendant that he knew?

“Very well, then you hope that your words are not wrong.”

He looked at the fearful cheeks of the Baru man, but he was able to learn from this In the eyes of the Baru people, there was an imperceptible excitement. So he thought about it for a moment, and then pointed his finger on the Baru person.

Then, the heart-piercing screams of the Baru people rang out on his boat.

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