Li Ke is not accustomed to this kind of sudden incident, like this time, he thought he would go on an errand for nothing, or he would really come across Raast. Let the future Kayn lose his plug-in, or it is a curse. But he never thought that his entire group would encounter such a thing on the first day of the journey, and meet a dark descendant who has never appeared in League Of Legends!

And this darkborn was given a second by Aatox!

But when Li Ke thought this way, a voice of Exhaust suddenly appeared in his heart.

“I refuse to call the invincible brothers, this is his favorite sentence. And, honestly, even if I was a long time ago, when I was a Heavenly God warrior, I would Not an opponent of Atox. Even among the same Heavenly God fighters for hundreds of years, I am the weaker type. Therefore, even if I fight head-on, I will be taken down by Atox very quickly. , This is not something that can make people too surprised. It should be a soldier named Li Ke.”

With the appearance of this sentence, Li Ke’s consciousness has also entered a pitch black In the space, and in front of Li Ke, there was also a very handsome male human with long black hair. He was wearing a white robe and he was holding a long scroll in his hand. But it’s a pity that there are large and small red cracks all over his body, which fully shows that his current situation is actually terrifying.

“Darkborn, isn’t it impossible to be killed?”

Li Ke looked at this broken guy, and clearly knew how this guy is now, because at the beginning He has also experienced such a situation. It was the trauma caused by two violent gods fighting in his soul. At that time, his soul was also like this, full of cracks, and seemed to be broken at any time. It’s just that he was probably saved by Aoun later, so he didn’t die in the World of Ice and Snow at that time. So he didn’t ask why his soul appeared here, but asked this question that was of vital importance to him.

For his question, this darkborn named Ahariin also answered him.

“Who told you? As long as there is life, there is death, but the stronger the life, the harder it is to die. The strength of the ascendant makes us very difficult to be killed, so yes For those protagonists, sealing is a very good method. And although your magic can indeed save me, it is actually a meaningless thing. Because even if I am resurrected, what will happen, Ya Toks is right. Shurima is dead. Without the power of the solar bloodline, even if we rebuilt that great empire, it would be just another country… Those lost would never come back. “

After he finished speaking, he smiled bitterly and turned his back, looking towards the darkness of the Infinity Edge.

“…I thought what I did before was right, Aatox and the others were traitors, but now I understand it, I have long since become the one I swore It’s a guy to fight against. Everything we do, everything we understand, has long been abandoned by the people who keep advancing in this world. This World doesn’t need us, Heavenly, who holds power that doesn’t belong to our human beings. God is a warrior…Yes, how could people need God?”

He is a little talking to himself, and the dark red crack on his chest gradually follows the ebbing of time Began to spread.

“Are you regretting?”

Li Ke heard something. He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch this man because he didn’t want Aatox to gain A powerful body, because it means that he will destroy everything in this world. Therefore, he was impossible to give up the power that was able to fight Aatox. Although the man in front of him was also a dark descendant of harboring malicious intentions, since he and Aatox were hostile, he could use his power.

Even if he lost to Aatox, he was bound to resist him.

“In this world, who will not regret it? But do you know, I can know your thoughts, your every move, any kind of thought, will not escape us In fact, your so-called plan, and the idea of ​​rebelling against him, Aatox knew about it a long time ago. And it’s been so long, your… forget it, let me tell you that, even now, between us He also knows the conversation.”

Li Ke shook the palm of his hand and said nothing. But Ahari laughed directly, and with his smile, more red cracks appeared on his face.

“I’m just telling you, follow Aatox’s orders, kill me, and use my blood and power to reshape him. Because you can’t resist him. And you, I must also make good use of my knowledge.”

“What do you mean?”

Li Ke is very annoyed that this kind of speaking does not speak to someone who understands, but his question this time No response from Ahariin, the other party just laughed, then closed his eyes, and said something that confuses Li Ke even more.

“Let me see what I used to be.”

After he finished speaking, he just stood and waited for Li Ke’s actions, and a picture appeared In front of Li Ke’s eyes: Sarah did not escape. Although Graves, Twisted Fate, and the guide pulled her by the arm, she still did not intend to escape, but wanted to come to Yatock, who was kneeling on the spot. Si’s side.

Li Ke knows what Atox means, that is, if you don’t do it, then Sarah will be the first person to die, and then other people close to him.


Li Ke has nothing to say, he took a deep breath, walked to Ahariin with a full of killing intent, and put his right The hand was placed on the opponent’s chest, drawing the opponent’s power from the gap opened by Atox.

At the moment his magic was activated, this dark space was instantly enveloped by the starlight of the infinite Infinity Edge. The brilliant Star River surrounded Li Ke and Ahariin, and Li Ke’s In his hands, there was also a burst of light purple power and spirit. This power is so deep and charming, and the power of the Ascendant that he snatched from Aatox is completely two concepts, and it is a contrast that is even more exaggerated than the contrast between gravel and rock.

Li Ke understands that this is probably the most important existence of the Ascended. It is something that would be difficult for Ahari to get if he didn’t cooperate. But before he could be surprised, he found that the power in his hands had dispersed from his hands, and then Ahariin’s soul also showed signs of his rocky body before it collapsed. The red cracks completely covered his body, and because he lost his strength, he knelt to the ground.

But even so, his head is still raised high, looking at the things flying out of Li Ke’s hands, he only had time to say a word, and his soul was turned into fragments. , Completely shattered under the power of Aatox.

“Ah… it’s so wonderful.”

His voice was full of satisfaction, and Li Ke saw one of his pupils before he died. The reflection exactly like him. When he turned his head and looked towards those flying powers, what he saw were different silhouettes: there were babies, teenagers, youths, and…

The same on the back grows a pair of wings.

In a trance, Li Ke seemed to see these silhouettes smiling at him, and then turned into a group of power back to his hands, and the starlight in the sky also converged in The light ball in his hand. And after all this was over, Li Ke also appeared in front of Aatox’s silhouette.

Li Ke and Aatokes looked at each other for a while, but Li Ke didn’t see anything from Aatokes’s face and eyes, but found that his face looked like tears. The same scar is more obvious.

Finally, Aatox broke the silence. He opened his arms to Li Ke, and in a low and majestic voice, he said almost pleading tone.

“Come on.”

So, in the horrified gaze of Sarah and the others, two straight Heavenspan beams suddenly appeared on Aatox’s body, a blue beam. Purple, a dark red.

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