
Li Ke reached out to hold the long spear burning with sparks in front of him, looked as embarrassed as himself, but also Pantheon struggling between life and death, or a man who should be called Atreus. While breathing heavily, he tried to stand up straight. The diaphragm under his lungs is not complete, and there is simply nothing to cushion, so he needs to use his own weak vitality all the time to repair the lungs that are falling down, otherwise, he can’t even breathe. Arrived.


Attris is also really uncomfortable here. Atox’s destructive power is constantly in his body within the body. Tortured him, and his injuries became more and more serious with the passage of time. This is a serious injury than the last time he faced Atox’s injury. His reason tells him that if he does not go to heal sooner, then even if he has the power from the gods, he is very likely to die here.

However, neither of them intends to take a step back. Li Ke will not let go of people who threaten his life, even if he will pay the price of his life. In order to prevent the ordinary person from being affected by the war between the Darkborn and the Protoss, Atres would not be stingy with his life. So the two guys who shouldn’t have fought because of their own persistence or stinks.

And, it is very likely that they will be perish together.

Li Ke, who had just recovered some strength, did not have the power to roar, but he still used all his strength to rush towards Atres, and Atres roared to his feet. In the process of charging, he picked up his shield, moved towards Li Ke charged with a gun and rushed over. The collision of the gun and the shield also caused the power of the two Divine Items to collide, and a violent burst sound rang when they collided.

If there are two people in the peak state, then this shock wave will not cause trouble at all, but now, two people can only hold the weapons in their hands firmly, and try hard to keep the weapons in their hands. Fly out. The strong impact disappeared when their 1st Strike’s power was exhausted, and the two of them did not hesitate, and directly hit the other side and issued a 2nd Strike.

The edge of the shield and the tip of the spear slammed into each other, and the two people showed their martial arts at the same moment: Atreus wanted to make Li Ke’s spear tip off the shield. Go over, then slap Li Ke’s head flat with a shield. What Li Ke thought was to pass the tip of the gun from Atreus’s force, and let Atreus’ own power cut his throat. So the weapons of the two people were deadlocked there, and the two began to wrestle each other again.

However, when they found that the other party wanted to wrestle, the two of them kicked each other’s abdomen again, so the two of them backed out again and lay down on the hot yellow sand. on. This situation makes both people feel uncomfortable, and the result is that they both want to fight quickly, but the result is that both of them are fluttering on the sand, and they met each other like bullfighting who did not admit defeat, staring at each other’s eyes. .

So two powerful fighters who can set off a killing storm in the mortal army even without extraordinary power, just like this fought the little child’s play. The two were dying of their lives, but were able to recover from their injuries, until they were exhausted. Even Li Ke, who is outstanding in martial arts, has not been able to find a chance to draw vitality from this man whose martial arts does not lose himself.

“You…can’t admit defeat, right?!”

Once again, Atreus blocked the long spear, but he punched the opponent again Li Ke, looking at the bloody star spirit, but still holding the shield, couldn’t help but sigh. And this sage, who was starting to be unclear like Li Ke, shook his head and head, said quite firm words to Li Ke, and once again assumed a fighting posture.

“I…can still fight with…you all day.”

The lives of both people are about to end, the difference is only in the next second, or the next ten Only a few seconds. But they all know that the next blow is the final blow of two people. However, the two people still had no fear at all, only after a slight gasp, they roared towards the other side and rushed over, and waved their weapons again. And their extremely close distance also made the two of them attack each other at the next moment.

A huge golden sandworm with a head of more than six meters high, which is very similar to a centipede but more like the head of a giant dragon, rushed out and moved the two A person who was about to collide with each other rushed over and swallowed them into his mouth. Li Ke and Atreus were swallowed by this Kha’Zix, and Li Ke, even more Entrapped by a large pile of sand, moved towards this Kha’Zix’s stomach fell down.

But something unexpected happened. Atreus, who stood firm, directly penetrated his wound with a fang to fix himself, and grabbed Li who almost fell into the throat. Ke, and then he didn’t say anything, he knelt directly on his tongue full of acid, and gave his shield to Li Ke as a cushion, and after Li Ke met his eyes, When he squatted down, he stepped on the opponent’s shield, and then when the opponent roared and stood up and pushed the shield up, he jumped up suddenly and pressed his hand against the mouth full of sharp teeth. Came up, and held up the long spear he had brought.

So, before the sand worm had time to do something, his head was pierced by the long spear of the Protoss, but this kind of injury cannot be said to be fatal, but it touched him Li Ke in his body activated his own magic in an instant. Huge life energy instantly poured into Li Ke’s body, allowing him to regain strength. At the moment when he fell below moved towards, he poured his life force into his right arm, aimed at the hole he had just pierced, and threw the Protoss long spear moved towards Kha’Zix’s brain. Get out.

The powerful kinetic energy carried this long spear through the brain of this sand worm, causing it to scream and fall to the ground, and the two that had just been swallowed The bad luck egg also rolled out of its Kog’Maw.

“Uh…Finally…it feels better.”

Li Ke stood up in no hurry, he used the power he got from the sandworm to get his internal organs After it was completely repaired, he stood up, but instead of looking at the trembling sandworm, he walked toward Atreus, who fell to the ground and fainted completely, and even the helmet was gone. He saw clearly. The appearance of this middle-aged man, and his scars all over his body, covered the opponent’s heart still beating with his hands.

“For the sake of cooperation.”

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