“The man is lying.”

Sivir knows this very well. The language can be fake, but the scars on his body are completely impossible to fake. Things, no matter how arrogant she is, will not really think that Li Ke’s body scar is painted on it.

But it doesn’t matter.

In the face of absolute strength, the truth and lies do not matter.

Zhai Haruo has the strongest mercenary fighter in this world, and has countless contacts of Shurima. As long as the opponent is not a Noxus, they really can’t beat the dragon. So no matter how many Gold Coins Li Ke reported, she can take it out of Li Ke’s pocket. The difference is that she has to tell her mentor and ask the mentor to take away the Heimerdinger of the 100 Gold Coins.

But she also knows her own weight, so early in the morning, she told her mentor about the deal with Li Ke.

“But it’s nothing.”

Zhai Haruo looked towards sitting alone by the burnt-out bonfire, silently eating dry cakes, as he looked over At that time, Li Ke, who was still smiling and beckoning at him, was eating delicious meat and drinking wine, Zhai Haruo turned his head, showing his self-satisfaction, and that smile with a slight contempt. .

“Although I don’t want to destroy our good reputation.”

He looked at the employers who hired him to cross this desert, and drank all the wine in his glass. .

“But not everyone can cheat. Sivir, look at him, when we get to the repaired town, I see how he can give you one hundred Gold Coin. If he really If you take it out, you can keep five by yourself, but if he can’t take it out, then…”

Zhai Haruo didn’t say anything, but what will happen to the client who owes money and doesn’t give it? Everyone knows it in this desert. Although he can still feel some dangerous feelings from Li Ke’s body, when he thinks that he will have no opinion on how to be arranged, and even feel fear of a man who smiles at him, Zhai Haruo will bear it. I can’t help but want to laugh at myself, and laugh at myself if I’m overly careful.

Even if the lion is in trouble, it will not easily allow the hyena to bite its mouth or the flesh on its body, and it will not react at all after its teeth are pulled out. of.

However, in the mercenary business, it is correct to be careful, and he does not intend to break his good habit in Li Ke’s body.

But what he didn’t know was that when he said his arrangement, one-knee kneels Sivir on the ground, his hand on the sand grabbed Shurima’s sand violently. There was also an expression of disbelief on the deeply lowered cheeks.

In her thoughts, when she told Zhaihalo about this again, no matter how stingy Zhaihalo was, she would leave her with twenty Gold Coins, which was her expected goal. of. But she absolutely didn’t expect, she was the one who made the decision, and she was the one who carried out the decision, but when it came time to get the benefits, she was the one who got the least! This made her feel ridiculous, but when she thought that the other party was her own mentor, she tried hard to convince herself that it was reasonable for the other party to take most of the things. After all, one’s own benefit is also based on the reputation of the other party, and he has to learn various skills from the other party.

So, when he lifted the head, Sivir recovered his well-behaved and confident appearance.

“No problem, teacher!”

She won’t have any comments, at least not yet.

As for what happened here, Li Ke, who concentrated on the cake, of course…

I know!

After he was eating and using the Life Power he produced to restore his body, the first thing he used to strengthen and strengthen his Life Power was not his digestive system, but his hearing . After all, Sivir also said that today they are going to walk through a desert full of sandworms, and Li Ke would not naively think that the sandworms in their mouths would be the kind of cute little ones with a length of no more than tens of centimeters.

So, it is wise to strengthen your hearing and prevent sandworms from attacking from the ground. And he didn’t forget that he was really among a group of mercenaries, so he pretended to be asleep and listened to their conversation for a while, and listened emphatically to Sivir and Zhaihalo who had left him with excuses. dialogue. Then he heard Sivir’s dialogue about her plan to Di Haro, and Di Haro’s decision.

“People are always like this, but can they be regarded as folklore?”

Slightly sighed, Li Ke put the last piece of cake in his hand In his mouth, after patted off the flour on his hand, he quickly shook his empty water bag at the person who passed by him and was responsible for sending water to everyone. Then he half sat on the ground, chewing on Shurima-flavored cakes, watching the water pouring people fill up his water sac, and finally swallowed the unsavory cake, he returned it. He smiled and said thank you to the person who poured water, and then began to drink water.

“I should be worried about such a commodity…”

Sivir, who got the order, observed this scene while tidying up her camels. Her heart had calmed down and couldn’t bear it. There was a wave of living. This kind of guy who looked like an old farmer in the field actually made himself feel heart palpitations in his sleep, and then said his plan to Zhai Haruo. When she thought of this, she didn’t know what expression to put on, she could only do things with a blank face, and then secretly scolded herself for being a fool.

“I’m so stupid, really.”

Especially when she rode a camel and was about to set off with the big group, she also saw Li Ke and wanted to do more Water, and her helpless expression after being sternly rejected by the water manager, her feelings became even stronger. So when Li Ke rode on a camel, wanted to talk to her with great interest, wondering if he could abduct this girl who was suspected of war Goddess Sivir, this one was not very interested, just used some Nothing to perfuse Li Ke.

But what she didn’t expect was that although Li Ke looked very calm and handsome when she was not talking, it was even more in line with her choice for the other half, but when the man spoke, she did Still couldn’t help feeling weird because of the man’s big nerves. Just like now, when they passed a dead bone, Li Ke, who was familiar with this place, suddenly spoke.

“Ah, I’m full of food and drink. When I go to see the desert, it really has a different flavor…Ah…Isn’t that the place where I fell before? Sivir, the sand dunes in this place have changed Are they all fast?”

Li Ke is telling the truth, because he did fall down the sand dune next to the dry bone before, but now when I see the dry bone, what he saw It’s a plain. But Sivir, who had messed up a big deal because of his “idiot”, really didn’t bother to pay attention to him, but weakly slapped Li Ke.

“…The place you follow is really strange.”

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