Sejuani’s strength makes Li Ke very uncomfortable. Although he is not the kind of machismo who can only be comfortable in front of him, this young warrior The mother’s strength is completely another concept. She did not conceal her ambition to unify Freljord, nor did she conceal her idea that she would still expand in a brutal way, and most importantly, she did not conceal her attitude towards Li Ke.

If you want, you won’t be wrong, but don’t expect her to care too much about Li Ke’s personal feelings.

She is a war mother, she will request and regulate herself in accordance with the image of the’optimal war mother’. So Li Ke is just a tool for her to achieve her goals.

So even if Li Ke is lying on the bed and almost falling asleep, he now has the four characters’leave quickly’ in his mind. This also caused him not to sleep well all night, and was immersed in the memory of the she-wolf, watching how she survived on this snowy field. It wasn’t until the horn of Winter’s Claw sounded through the entire camp that he slowly woke up from his fur bed, but his spirit was still immersed in the lives of those wolves.

“It’s really interesting. Wolves will also rival for love and shirk their responsibilities. Although Wolf King is the strongest one, he is also afraid of his wife and son being confused… This World is really not Earth, it really is…”

shook the head, Li Ke was ready to put on clothes, and when he pushed the quilt away, he touched the cold air from the warmth At that time, he almost wanted to return to his bed. But the hungry stomach and the thought of leaving still made it difficult for him to get dressed, and pushed his tent away.

Then he was buried in the snow, and stared at the waist-deep snow in front of him in a daze.

The snow has stopped, but there is no trace of the sun, and the sky is still a piece of wom, only because of the reflection of the snow on the ground, that between Heaven and Earth is still bright. For Li Ke, this is the first time he has seen such a scene. Although it is not that the Central Plains does not have such a large amount of snow, it is under the dense population and various measures to effectively deal with snow. He really hadn’t tested so much snow through childhood. So he first looked at the people in the other tents skillfully clearing the snow, and slowly moved from the snow to the square, then he took his two-handed sword and learned their way, deep and shallow. One-footed moved towards the square and went to see what Sejuani wanted to do.

The snow around the square has been almost cleared, and Li Ke also saw that the people they brought back yesterday were waiting in the square wearing some new thick clothes, and basically except for the little child , Each of them carried fishing tools, and some of the more robust people also carried bows and daggers in their hands, obviously for the purpose of going out to find food.

Li Ke is very familiar with this, because Sejuani also asked him such a request, that is, outsiders must bring food to the tribe to prove that they are useful, but originally wanted to bring back a fish As a result, he brought back a big guy that’s all.

“Are you coming with you too?”

Just as he was staring at the scene in front of him in a daze, Udyr came over with a pile of snow on him, holding him in his hand. The cloaks sent out that day, and his first batch of cloaks have returned to him, and they look much cleaner.

“Go hunting? Griffin or some other monster?”

Li Ke took the cloak and put it on himself again, and then looked at Udyr jokingly.

“If this is the case, Sejuani will only take you and a few other people, not even the woman and the child.”

Udyr gave him an angry look .

“There is a hot spring near our newly acquired hunting ground, so this hunting will last for a long time until everyone has bathed there. After all, in a few days, bathing will be It’s quite dangerous. So taking advantage of the fact that there is not much snow now, everyone is going there to wash, so as not to get sick… and it can save a lot of fuel.”

“Whether you take a bath?”


Li Ke looked at his arms and legs subconsciously, and then his whole body sank.

“Take me…”

Udyr can’t remember it without mentioning it. After all, taking a bath in this kind of ghost place is really extravagant. After all, the fuel used to boil hot water is enough for a family of three to cook several meals. So no one here really mentions this very frequently, which has caused Li Ke, who has been meditating and busy all the time, to not think of it. In addition, the low temperature can effectively make the body odor insignificant, so he really didn’t notice that he hadn’t taken a shower for nearly half a month.

And it was precisely because Udyr reminded him of the reason that he discovered that not only those who came yesterday and brought their families, but even the Winter’s Claw tribes are also preparing for their families. With. Only some helpless fighters, and some old people who were really inconvenient to act, did not act, just watching them busy from nowhere.

“Then bring your change of clothes…Oh, I forgot, you don’t have a second set of clothes yet, then you can wait here for a while and I’ll get you one.”

Udyr didn’t have any preparations either. Obviously he was also the one who stayed behind, so after seeing Li Ke’s face showing embarrassment, he turned his head and got into the one next to his tent. Little wood house, went to find a new dress for Li Ke. Li Ke raised his hand to stop him, but his desire to take a bath and change clothes made him let go of his hand, where he lamented his little greed.

But when it comes to his own hygiene and image issues, Li Ke is also quite melancholy, because there are no razors and no dedicated craftsmen. Therefore, he can only cut his beard with a sword during this period, which directly caused the beard on his face to have grown by nearly a centimeter. In addition, he was originally a beard, so he is now much more mature than he looks. And if he wears the unique armor here, the T-shaped helmet, and the lance and shield, he is basically a Spartan warrior with the face of a celestial man.

What he wanted before was Longsword white clothed, a Young Hero with long hair. But now although he has the military force of Young Hero, he has directly become a typical muscular barbarian, and let alone Longsword, the two-handed sword that an ordinary person has to pick up is now light in his hand. He wasn’t even sure whether his mother saw the fully armed self at a glance. He would recognize the conscientious and conscientious one who knew how to play games every day after get off work, and he wouldn’t find a daughter-in-law for her anymore.

And what makes him even more melancholy is that he can’t go back to his previous life, and his mentality has long changed. If he is now made things difficult by those bosses, his first reaction is to find He beat him in an unmonitored place, and then resigned in a swaggering manner on the 2nd day.

There is no way to survive in the workplace with such an attitude.

“I can’t go back.”

With a sigh, Li Ke saw Udyr walking over with a package.

“Now, even the boots are made of Demacia cotton cloth, but because the other cloth was used up when making the cloth for the clothes, this dress was almost white… You should have done it yesterday Tell me you don’t have a second set of clothes, because for those newcomers, all the clothes we have in stock are basically shiny, and there is only this one you can wear.”

Udyr I gave this package to Li Ke casually, and Li Ke opened the package and looked at it and found that, as Udyr said, except for a part of the blue, the suit was really almost white.

“This is all right, Longsword white clothed is all there.”

Li Ke shook the head and touched the beard on his face.

“It’s the Young Hero who lacks a face as white as jade.”

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