Throughout history, people’s needs are simple, that is, there is hope for food and clothing.

It’s easy to understand when you’re full and warm, which means it’s very simple and literal. Hope is the idea of ​​changing one’s social class, that is, letting one’s social class rise, better than it is now.

But here comes the problem. No matter how large a society, there will always be the bottom of the pyramid. And most of the reasons for the demise of the countless empires were not actually caused by the lack of room for the people at the bottom to rise. But, what caused the destruction of those empires was that the bottom layer could not survive, but the reason why the bottom layer could not survive was actually the tip of the pyramid, natural disasters, man-made disasters and the like. As for the Shurima Empire, their magic technology can easily solve the problem of food and clothing at the bottom. Their sun discs can control the entire Shurima with no difficulty, and there will be no shortage of water in the entire Shurima. Solving problems that require social progress to be solved.

And the most important thing is that they will never lack room for ascent. In other words, the top of their true pyramid is very difficult to climb.

The ascendant is the top of this pyramid.

Shurima, instead of calling it a desert empire, he should call it an ascending empire, such as Nasus, and Azir, which can easily change the landscape with every gesture. In the flourishing Shurima There are almost hundreds of empires. They have created the glory and strength of the Shurima Empire, and because they have lost most of the desires of mortals, such as reproduction, passing on to the next generation, creating offspring and other desires and consequences, the number of ascendants will not increase due to marriage. But only through the ascension ceremony to increase, plus those powerful, the danger that even the ascended will die is very much in that era.

So in that era, the top position of Shurima was never occupied. Everyone will work hard for the greatness of Shurima because of this.

“If you want the power of the ascendant, then I can give you some treasures that store the power of the ascendant. Although they can’t completely change your life form, they are in harmony with your magic. Combined, it can give you the special power of that ascendant. If you want to participate in the ascension ceremony, although your merits are enough, you can ascend without enough priests and demon Ap Carry. The ceremony will be very dangerous. The survival rate is less than 1%. But if you can survive, then you will be able to gain the power of the ascendant that belongs only to you, and you will be promoted in the form of life.”

On the 2nd day when Azir angered his city, he summoned Li Ke and the others, intending to reward them for their merits. When Li Ke came to the palace where he used to deal with things, he saw Azir sitting on his throne. Next to him was Sivir sitting on the smaller one, and Nasus standing on the side. . And after he said his requirements, Azir, who had already discussed these issues with Nasus, used his eagle eyes to look at Li Ke standing below. This single-handedly pushed his return and took what he had done. The man who needed everything in front of him, said his reward.

“So, how long does it take to gather enough priests and Ap Carry?”

Li Ke asked eagerly, he was impossible to analyze those through his magic slowly The power of the ascendant, and then let his body continuously adapt and evolve. He desperately needs the power of the opponent Aatrox, so he can only choose to ascend to ceremony.

“It takes about 40 years. It takes 30 years to cultivate people who can support the ascension ceremony, and it takes nearly 35 years to select loyal candidates. And I need to reunify Shurima. Five years. But even so, it just raised the success rate of the soaring ceremony to 10%.”

Azir gave the answer very directly, and he didn’t mean to deceive Li Ke. Because soaring ceremony is such a dangerous thing. In the former Shurima, there have been countless brilliant and beautiful people who have been qualified to challenge the ascension ceremony, but most of them are like Nasus who was seriously ill at the time. Only when they did not do so, they would Go for the ascension ceremony. And even if they are the ascending bloodline, their success rate will not be much higher, otherwise, in his time, there would be no ascendant with the Imperial Family bloodline. And this is why he insists on ascending, and takes his son to the ascension ceremony.

Because if it really fails, his son can also become the next emperor directly. With the assistance of Xerath and Nasus, as well as Renekton, there will not be much disturbance.

Everything will go well.

“Is that so.”

Li Ke does not doubt the difficulty, but the success rate of one percent and one tenth still makes him very helpless. This kind of probability He simply doesn’t gamble. But it’s not that he didn’t have the courage to face life and death, but that the probability was too low. It was undoubtedly a very stupid thing to pin all hopes on that success.

“But you don’t need to be overly nervous. As an Ascendant, Aatox slaughtered the people of Shurima recklessly and turned his back on the Glory of the Ascended… The question is about crusade, so if he returns to this world, then I will shoulder the responsibility of eliminating him. So your worry is no longer a problem, you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing anymore.”

Azir said his thoughts directly, and he didn’t look at Li Ke deeply, observing the man’s expression.

“So, you only need to feel at ease and enjoy the rewards you deserve for helping Shurima, and don’t worry too much about finding a way to deal with Atox.”

When he said this remark, he saw that Li Ke still had a heavy face. He obviously disagrees with what he said, so he shook the head slightly, looked towards Sarah on one side, and the one standing at her feet. Peculiar cat. He paused for a while before speaking.

“As for the two of you, Sarah Young Lady, all your business activities in Shurima do not have to pay taxes, and you do not have to pay all fees, and enjoy the same treatment as the general, and I will personally Give you some small gifts as a thank you. And this… Well, cat Young Lady, I think you will like our temple, our temple will always be open to you, and there will be twelve servants at any time obey your orders , And you will always be our friend. Anyone who hurts you will be hanged.”

“Hey! In other words, I can have a litter box made by Gold Rank Now?!”

Sarah didn’t express anything yet, but Yuumi on one side jumped over, as if she wanted to pounce on Azir, eyes full of light. Only halfway through, he was grabbed by the nape of his neck by Nasus, who was standing on the side, so that she could only ask Azir in a funny gesture.

“Of course.”

Azir, who is sitting in a city built by Gold Rank, simply doesn’t care about this, while Yuumi is unsatisfied and more excited. Nasus sighed.

“The unlimited supply of Fizz and catnip?!”

But Azir was not angry, but gently nodded.

“This is the basic treatment.”

All of a sudden, Yuumi seemed to be happy and didn’t know what his name was, and thanked the cat.

“You are such a good bird! Then I will be merciful not to eat you!”

So Nasus’ smile solidified.

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