The surging Life Water continues to rush to the entire territory of Shurima. This flow that has been extended for thousands of years not only rushes a certain priest who wants to find Li Ke. In addition to the place of unfathomable mystery, it has also injected new vitality into this country that can be said to be dead.

“Enough! This well is ours!”

A strong man drew his sword and pointed it at another village people.

“Ah, of course we know this, Arlette, but there is no way, our tribe cannot live without water, so either you give us the water, or we get it ourselves.”

The person holding the long spear who was confronting him was helpless shook the head and pointed his long spear at the other side.

“Dreaming! Bona!”

Arlette snarled angrily. The well water in their village was already very scarce, and there was not enough supply for them, so what? It may be distributed to others, so this is simply an unsolvable problem. Although the leader of the other party is his childhood friend and the father-in-law of his daughter, there is simply no possibility of friendship. Everyone is to survive and can only abandon everything and speak with strength.

“Then there is no way, we also want to survive.”

Bona sighed again, he knew it would be bad, and it would also break his family. . But what can be done? He took out the heads of his son and daughter-in-law and threw them in front of Arlette, and the people behind him also threw the heads on their hands in the past, making the opponent’s formation turbulent and wailing. As for why he wanted to kill all his sons, it was naturally because the relationship between their husband and wife was very good and very affectionate, and he could only show his position. And he knew that the daughter he married in the past and Arlette’s son would never survive.

And the facts are indeed exactly as he thought. Arlette also silently threw out the heads of his daughter and his son, and the heads of the relatives who went to live in their village were also All appeared on the battlefield in the middle one after another.

The villages on the two sides had already lost one third before they started fighting, and this was only due to the diversion of water sources caused by the battle in Myriadth some time ago. But they also knew that even if the Myriadth’s struggle did not cause their water supply to be cut off, the water supply in their village would not last long. This will happen sooner or later. It is not the next generation or the next generation. They still have to face such problems.

“Kill! For our blood relatives!”

“Kill those smashed! Revenge for relatives!”

The two tribes are also because of these The heads had nothing to say anymore. They shouted, holding pitchforks, swords, and long spear collide together as one, and Allette and Bona, because they were the leaders, all turned to the most central part of the battlefield. Give it to them, and let these two young friends, brother, fight together!

“My daughter is still pregnant with your grandson! The witch’s prophecy says that he will be a powerful leader!”

The vicissitudes of Bona roared at Arlette!

“My daughter is still pregnant with the beautiful girl in the prophecy! I still remember the prophecy at that time! Her eyes will be as bright as the morning star and dewdrops!”

Arlette also roared out.

The two brothers who learned art at the same time and fought side by side for more than ten years broke out in fierce fighting, but they knew each other too much, so when Bona’s sword pierced Allett’s At the time of the heart, his heart was inevitably pierced into Arlette’s long spear. The two men fell on the battlefield with each other’s arms, and at this time, the two of them were able to see their fragmented tribe between each other. Their respective tribes suffered heavy casualties, but they were relieved that the remaining water was enough for these people to use.

However, just when they were about to plunge into darkness, Life Water from the Sun Disk rushed past the dry rivers of their two villages with a large amount of sediment. The sound and the rushing roar made the two people who were fighting to death for the water source stay in place, staring at the endless Life Water, listening to the waves that seemed to be mocking.

“We have lost too much…Bona.”

“Yes…but we have already run out of patience…and there are choices…”

” p>

The two best friends who had been entangled for a lifetime uttered the last words to each other, and fell to the ground one after another, and next to their corpses were those who were equally dumbfounded and found that everything was meaningless. People: They could not believe that they found one thing, that is, they only need to go to war a second late, they don’t have to kill their relatives with their own hands, and fight with their brother friends.

But who could have expected such a thing? Without this surging river, their choice is extremely normal in this desert, because they have never had a choice. In order for their tribe to continue, they must do so. Drought and poverty have long deprived them of their right to choose, as well as their patience to wait.

But now, with Life Water appearing on the dry land of this song nearly ten years ahead of schedule, these choices, these patience, can return to their hands, and fully advanced. ten years.

However, following these hopes and choices, there are also rulings from ancient emperors.

“Anyone who uses slaves, relies on power to insult civilians, enforces forced conscription, wilfully killed civilians, plunders other people’s property, treachery.”

Nasus see Looking at the precarious city wall under the attack of Sand Soldiers, he raised his hand high, and in front of him, there were a bunch of rulers in a city, as well as aristocrats and nobles, on their knees. As their executioners, they were the servants who were called by them, the civilian men and soldiers who were forcibly recruited by them, as well as some disabled women, and people who were not normal in their minds.

They were summoned by Azir’s order to kill those who oppressed them. And Nasus is Magicstrate, the witness.

“Follow the emperor’s order! Kill!”

Following his judgment, one after another noble head fell on the ground, and the nobles on the city wall even more Work hard to urge the soldiers, wanting them to guard the city wall harder, and protect them aloof and remote people. But when the whip of one of them hit the back of the soldier who killed his wife, the soldier looked at the boundless, fierce and unafraid of death Sand Soldiers, and the Sand Soldiers standing on the city gate The ancient Heavenly God below, the Guardian Nasus of the Empire, struggled in his eyes, and after he thought of the sudden emergence of the water, he silently recited the name of his underage son, and turned around and took his own hands. His long knife pierced into the chest of his own officer, and roared at the other soldiers.

“For Azir!”

This is the change of Shurima, ten years in advance, and all the worries about the change have been resolved.

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