“Your Avarossa tribe has attracted the attention of the empire, and now the empire has increased its troops again. It is no longer making a fuss on that land, but Prepare to destroy it completely.”

Without letting Li Ke wait, the female Ap Carry told her why she said so, which also made Li Ke immediately lose interest, although he was indeed worried. Noxus aggressively attacked Freljord, but when he heard the news, and then reached the land, all that was over, he would drive the sea of ​​trees to the capital of Noxus, directly destroying the country’s ambitions. And with the food she supported before she left, Ashe can also hold on to her arrival.

“So you said she was dying? Really ignorant. You don’t seem to understand how tenacious the people on that land are, or the people you are provoking right now.”

Waved his hand, Li Ke has no interest in this woman. His worries about when the next battle of Ionia will break out far exceed their worries about Freljord’s aggressive offensive. That piece of World of Ice and Snow is not built, unless the leadership of the empire is all crazy.

“Ha, maybe. But General Swain has successfully resolved most of Ionia’s resistance. At the end of this year, he will be able to take the imperial army and the naturalized Ionia people to conquer That piece of land, wait until that time, you must not regret it.”

Conquer Ionia?

Li Ke thought for a moment about the monsters and monsters that existed in Ionia.

Master Yi, who can summon the spirit fire and burn a fleet of Karma Karma in an instant, or a thousand blows, can shuttle in the spiritual and material realms and attack freely, and wave his hand to attract and block the army. The orphan of the wind wall with a volley of bows and crossbows… Yufeng Swordsman Yasuo. And Zed who hasn’t been blackened yet, Shen. The magical Yodels who have lived for thousands of years, the Divine Dragon monk Li Qing, the Vastalians with strange talents that humans don’t have, and it’s said that there are various guardian beasts who have learned martial arts since childhood and learned magic. The temple, the dojo dísciple.

And this is because the Noxus people did not fully penetrate the inland. Heaven knows that after they completely penetrated the inland, some strange and powerful things will suddenly jump out.

Frankly speaking, the only reason why Noxus was not counterattacked by the Ionia people is because the Ionia people are a pile of scattered sand, with villages, towns, temples, monasteries and other places as their own government, and they implement a kind of Elder and famous The way of ruling the sage council by people, and there is not even a leader who can convince the people.

And they are a group of believers who are harmonious and balanced, and they are believers who have a thorough belief in their minds.

“Then I will wait and see.”

Although he heard a bad news, Li Ke still wanted to laugh. He waved his hand and completely bid farewell to the female Ap Carry who suddenly appeared next to him, moved towards his palace and walked over. After he left, a Noxus male wearing a silver white robe walked out of the shadows and looked at Nora and asked.


Nora was nodded, but she didn’t care very much. She took a look at the spy, and then looked at her nails. Speaking of it.

“Failed, he is very confident and is not someone who can easily deceive… But although there is no way to trick him into moving towards Freljord, but according to what I know about him, he will not Those who continue to stay here have lost the active search for allies, hoarding weapons and so on. So although there is one less good seed that can be taken away, it is not a failure in general, and can only say that we have not been able to hit us. The expected goal that’s all.”

The man in the white robe was silent for a while, and then nodded.

“I’ll tell Ms. Rose.”

“It’s up to you, but don’t forget, keep watching. His magic is necessary for the Emperor Your Majesty…Pai San The team of assassins, and two teams of masons, are always staring at him.”

“…Are you teaching me to do things?”

“You can think so.”

The conversation between the two broke up again, but Nora didn’t care, because this was the effect she wanted. So after the white robed man also left, when she was sure that no one could see her, the whole figure disappeared like a phantom, and when she reappeared, she had already arrived at the stationing point of these missions. Waiting for the return of those envoys.

After all, the most important purpose or for she came here is to ensure that Shurima’s newly-emerged Great Influence will not suddenly detonate Shurima when they are engaged in a war of aggression against Ionia. , It will be different from her plan and layout. The drama that has been carefully prepared for hundreds of years will come to an abrupt end. It’s just that there is always an unexpected factor in her conspiracy and plot against.

“Li Ke? I have already negotiated with a caravan, they will be responsible for accepting our goods, and as a collateral, before our goods arrive, we will press some Gold from them Rank.”

When Li Ke came back, Sarah, who was still dressed as a sailor, walked over and gave Li Ke a contract. The content of the contract was indeed as she said. In that way, it is a contract of transaction. It’s just that Li Ke cares more about another thing, that is, in the case of caravans, it is obvious that there must be enough people. But whether it’s Sarah or him, there is no one who can be trusted here except Nasus.

“Is there enough manpower?”

Sarah shrugged.

“Carla’s son is still here. Although I don’t know where Carla went, all of her clansman can be trusted. In addition, I still have some contacts in Bilgewater. It’s very easy for them to send a product or something.”

“What are you going to sell?”

Li Ke is a little curious, after all, Sarah didn’t write it in the contract. Specific things, but that it will bring something that people here need.

“Muskets, swords, armors, cannons, clothes, luxury goods, etc., my old friend Levin knows some Gangplank, so he can still bring us some.”


Sarah also sighed a little. The people here still have a certain manufacturing ability, but they are scarce, so her biggest business is arms. But Azir’s existence makes her afraid to do arms business, so she can only find another way and see what is more popular here.

“Is that so?”

Li Ke was silent for a while, then handed over the contract to Sarah again, then stood up, moved towards their room and left past.

“Get ready to leave here, Sarah, we have been here for too long. Now that I have got what I need, then let’s go. It’s time to build our Chamber of Commerce “

The relationship between him and Sivir is really too awkward. It is better for the two to calm down, and the new Shurima will definitely make the situation of this World completely deviate from the future that he knows, so This kind of development is obviously very stupid. If he can’t grasp this situation, then things in the future will inevitably exceed his control and understanding. He must gain more voice and allies as soon as possible. Whether it is Bilgewater or Ionia, he has the need to go there in person. Sex.

Especially Noxus, Nora’s words are a reminder that even though he doesn’t care much in front of the other party, his actions are still very honest because it is related to Ashe and his ideals.

Furthermore, the original territory of the Shurima Empire is not just one continent, but all.

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