Because it is a very familiar and frequent channel, the ship of Li Ke and Sarah travels very fast, and it is carrying a huge number of At the time of the Gold Rank, nothing was left out.

After all, for the people here, legality is the most important thing.

Moreover, the Gold Rank they took with Li Ke is nothing to this port. The treasures and treasures obtained by the’explorers’ from Piltworth on this ancient continent Antiques and treasures with strange magical powers are more precious than the Gold Ranks of the two of them, and they are much larger in number.

So when Li Ke was on the dock, he saw boxes of sculptures being transported away, and a large number of cultural relics and antiques disappeared from the port city of Shurima. Even the cruise ship on which Li Ke is located is full of antiques and sculptures from’expeditions’ from all over Shurima.

“These people will be bad luck after Azir regains control of the empire. Whether it is Piltoff or the Noxus people, they will be killed by Azir.”

Looking at the exclamation of those explorers and scholars who introduced the value and history of these treasures in the exclamation of those who came to travel, Li Ke somewhat felt.

Especially their pair of these things were unearthed from ancient tombs, ruins and other places. It is the respect and protection of these treasures, the respect and protection of this historical civilization, and it will always make Li Ke There is a feeling of nausea.

There is a huge difference between protective excavation and the so-called tomb robbery, and the so-called exploration and research by these people are actually no different from the tomb robbery.

“Listen to you, this kind of behavior is indeed a bit weird…”

Sarah couldn’t help but turn her head away, because she actually I have also done, reselling cultural relics, or ancient treasures, and most of them are Shurima’s treasures.

This is an industry chain, and since the Noxus people began to conquer Shurima, this industry chain has been continuously complete and solidified, and it is now a pillar industry, allowing the Noxus people and Vi and Zaun It is even said that the low- and middle-class people of Bilgewater have a hope of making a fortune and making a fortune.

“The fact of carrying out the looting under the banner of protection and persecuting the local aborigines for this is really familiar to me. My hometown has experienced countless such tragedies. , And until we become stronger, we still have a lot of things that we haven’t been able to get back. We can only watch our ancestors’ funerals are still other people’s collections, and then develop ourselves silently until we don’t have to spend huge energy and wealth If you ask, they will send these things back on the day.”

Li Ke thought about what he saw when he was a child and what he saw when he was an adult, so he couldn’t help but grasp it. The railing of the ship showed a smile when he looked at the blue sea.

“It sounds overwhelmed by emotions.”

Sarah also followed the example of Li Ke, grabbed the railing, and straightened her hair, wanting to see Go up and be more intellectual.

“It’s just that everyone’s strength has been condensed into a rope. When billions of people stand in one camp, what kind of enemy can defeat them? And who can Stop the desire of billions of people who want to become rich and powerful? And who can make these billions of people willing to be slaves?”

Looking back on his hometown, Li Ke’s smile grew more and more. The splendor.

“Those who plunder others can’t do it, not even gods.”

Sarah’s expression became a little weird at this time, although she wanted to believe Li Ke However, she really couldn’t think of what a world would be like in a world of more than one billion people. Just thinking about the situation of thousands of people gathered together was the limit she could think of.

“So you want to reproduce your hometown in this world? And more than a billion people… Then how big a world is needed to hold that many people…”

Her smile is a bit awkward, but she still responds to Li Ke as much as possible.

“Well, after all, this World is different. There are too many powerful people, and they are all too stubborn. Although Shurima is now our ally, Sarah, if I tell you , In the future, we and them are likely to become enemies, do you believe it?”

Sarah is even more confused this time, she froze for a long time without being able to speak.

“But it will happen sooner or later, Sarah. I was prepared for this when I helped them regain the country, which is why I suddenly began to alienate Sivir.”

Poor Sarah Young Lady once again felt that she couldn’t understand the man in front of her. Since he was destined to be hostile, why did he do this? It’s not that she can’t understand the truth of the temporary friend, but Shurima, the enemy, is too powerful, and she simply doesn’t know how to resist the power of those ascending ones.

“Is this a bit too cruel?”

She immediately made a fresh cake of Sivir. If one day they will become enemies, that girl will be the most The unacceptable one.

“But this is the fact and the goal I am striving for.”

With a long sigh, Li Ke frowned again with the smell of the sea, and the one that was approaching The shadow of the city quickly expelled the uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

“Ah, by the way, Sarah, be prepared to make a big fuss there too. There are things that I can’t tolerate in that city, so you won’t be able to watch It’s time for Vi and Zaun that you are familiar with. I’m going to try to put some things down there.”

Li Ke thought of the gray lady in the background story and the miserable Zaun laborers. We, an urge to ignite involuntarily arises from my heart.

The main labor force has been exploited. There is no organization and leadership to help them fight for their benefits, nor the strength and knowledge, nor the insight to let them know what to do to get what they want. The ascent path is almost blocked. This is the Zaun people, and they are also the most important workers and laborers in this most advanced city of this era.

“What do you want to do?”

Sarah heard a strange feeling, which she felt when Li Ke said she wanted to do a little job in Shurima It happened, and then Li Ke really did Shurima’s Heaven and Earth turning upside down, which gave the desert an empire destined to become prosperous.

“The age is Sarah rushing forward, just as the slave society is destined to be banned by a fairer social form. The history of mankind is a sea that is constantly surging, and there will always be back waves pushing forward waves.”

Li Ke pulled the hood on his head, then laughed.

“So, what I did was just let the back wave push the front wave, conform to history, conform to the trend, not worth mentioning.”

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