The shining thunderbolt, the energy bombs fired by other little brothers, or the bullets shining with electric light, these all resounded through Zaun’s entrance in an instant, and one usually came Said that there is no place where a major event will happen.

But this time is different, although such robberies are very common. Travelers who travel alone or with fewer people are themselves big sheep. But if Big Sheep has the ability to resist, things will become troublesome and enter several processes that they often encounter.

The first one is that the other party reported the name of the rivers and lakes, and then the matter was over, or the person who reported the name was killed.

Second, the other party tells him his supervisor, or his position, and then gets killed, or is safe.

The third one, if the opponent has the ability to retaliate, but does not seem particularly strong, kill him while the morale is still there.

So, this group of robbers with background chose the third process. After all, Li Ke is a Noxus wanted man, and Sarah on the side is also a famous Miss Fortune on the list. In the eyes of these tribulations bandits with advanced weapons and advanced combat experience, these country folks who fight with swords or fight each other with gunpowder and guns simply cannot make effective threats to them, so after getting intelligence from the terminal , They defeated other gangs that had the same intelligence, followed Li Ke and Sarah, and the moment they stepped into the Zaun realm, they started their action.

I originally intended to lead them to a remote corner by stealing the boxes, but since the plan went wrong, there is no way. Robbery on the street is nothing at worst anyway. even more how These two men are still two wanted criminals, foreigners.

“Are you alive?”

With a slight sigh, Sarah pulled the trigger. And beside her, a light blue shield wrapped her and Li Ke at the moment she fired, blocking all the bullets that came in front of them.

The two younger brothers fell down, and after seeing that their attacks had no effect, these desperadoes not only didn’t turn pale with fright, but they all showed a surprised look. Especially the guy who threatened Li Ke, he even showed a hideous smile on the horrible face that had been transformed. Because if this happens, it means Li Ke they either have powerful magic items on their bodies, or they have powerful and expensive Hex shield generators.

“Fight hard! The energy of the shield is limited, let’s see how long he can last!”

After roaring such a sentence, these people attacked more fiercely For a while, there were all kinds of gunshots all over the avenue, and Sarah’s few counter-attacks just made them dodge a little bit. The accuracy of her muskets is limited, so some of them are wearing funny iron plates. Man, he didn’t even enter the bunker, but kept moving towards the shield that wrapped Li Ke and Sarah and shot.

Rammus without teeth and sharp claw will be their food sooner or later. They think so seriously.

“Can’t you solve them quickly?”

Sarah, who shot her bullet and failed to kill a few people, looked at her smoking gun rolled the eyes, showing a helpless look. There are no conditions for her to maintain weapons in that ghost place in the desert, so this low-precision musket is even more useless. She swears to God that she intends to hit someone in the head, but the gun in her hand But let the bullet fly to the crotch of a person next to him, and take away the other’s future child.

So she lightly lifted her foot, hit Li Ke’s gluteus maximus with her protruding and elastic upper thigh, and complained.

“I want to wait for the police here, and test the power of these weapons, so bear with me a little bit.”

Hands in hand has become a tattered Hex The tech gun was thrown to the ground, and Li Ke rolled over and hugged Sarah’s shoulder. Looking at the robbers who were laughing wildly outside their shield, and the Zaun people who were accustomed to just running away and watching, there was a little speechless.

“Also, has Zaun always been like this?”

Sarah shrugged.

“I don’t know. When I came, it was very peaceful. Most of the disputes will take place in a darker place, at least not in such a just and honorable place. They have their own rules. But I don’t know anymore. Like Bilgewater, the speed of gang change here is almost like the reproduction speed of Twitch. I don’t know fewer than 20 guys who call themselves blood wolves. There are at least seven or eight gang words, what is the situation of heaven knows.”

This confusion made Li Ke Weiwei shook the head. He has tried his best to exaggerate the Zaun in his mind. But didn’t expect this place turned out to be a messier place than he thought.

“That is to say, I don’t have to look forward to the police here?”

He touched himself because he didn’t have a good tool, that is, after he broke the Demon Sword The lush beard that grows out is somewhat melancholy. After all, it was his razor. After Sivir snatched it, he hadn’t shaved much, and the sword Sivir gave him was simply useless. That sword is a very powerful magic sword, and everything cut by it will receive electric shocks at the same time, causing blinding effects.

It is very good as a weapon, but as a razor…

Li Ke doesn’t want to comment.

“Yes, just like Bilgewater’s Law Enforcement Group, the Law Enforcer here is basically used to scrub the floor and to bully the ordinary person. It’s useless. So I want them to save us Well, it’s better to expect that after we sleep here, these people disappeared more reliably.”

Sarah yawned after speaking and gave Li Ke a teasing look.

“So let’s end it quickly, I’m a little sleepy. If you hurry up, maybe we can go to the place I am familiar with and take a shower or something.”


When she said that, Li Ke also lost the thought of playing with these tribulations bandits. Since the official organization here is so unreliable, then he had to use his own way. So after leaving Sarah with a shield, Li Ke’s cloaked silhouette suddenly disappeared in front of the robbers, and when they felt Li Ke again, Li Ke appeared in theirs. It’s time to hit them in the face with their fists against their bullets in front of them.

In just ten seconds, dozens of bandits with guns fell beside Li Ke, but something more interesting also happened, that was when Li Ke planned to greet Sarah to leave At that time, a sniper bullet shining with electric light suddenly hit the back of his heart, and a frivolous voice rang in the distance.

“You are arrested, sir…Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t find that you are dead.”

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