“Of course, why not!”

Hank showed a happy look, and asked Li Ke and Sarah to walk into a luxuriously decorated half-open The quiet room, and there are not only various sofas, tables and chairs that are very valuable at a glance, but also various animal sculptures that are completely mechanical, and each has a wonderful role.

For example, the owl next to Hank. Li Ke saw that the other party just gently grabbed the owl’s wings, and a maid with a pocket watch came out and offered it to them. Black tea, and some exquisite pastries. It’s just that when Li Ke sat there as usual and knocked an Erlang’s leg with aristocratic manners, that Mr. Hank took out a document from the hand of the maid on one side, and then pushed it in front of Li Ke.

“Although I am happy to tell you about our high-quality and magical products, your Excellency Li Ke, you must be a swift and decisive, and very courageous person, you should be more straightforward The way, isn’t it?”

He still kept smiling, and after Li Ke picked up the document, he smiled and picked up the black tea.

“Of course, why not?”

In response to the other party’s words, Li Ke put his eyes on this file, and at the first glance, he squinted And looked towards the Mr. Hank who was drinking tea, and the other party gave him a kind smile.

“This is really amazing.”

Even the smile did not disappear, but Li Ke’s mood deteriorated in an instant.

Because the product on the first page is slave.

“The lithe and graceful girls from Ionia, they are very pure and innocent, and have signed a life-long service contract. They are the best choice for you to build a family and increase your heritage.”

Below this passage is a lifelike portrait with three young girls playing musical instruments. They are obviously’hired’ as employees. Next to this portrait, there is a series of dazzling numbers written in an artistic, but still recognizable font. But it is obvious that the so-called price of employment is also in line with the looks and talents of these girls.

And identity.

Ionia’s daughter of the nobility, but as Li Ke understands, she is probably the daughter of Elder in the monastery, or the daughter of Elder in the village or town. In fact, it’s not bad anyway. She is also a girl of the ruling class. They also receive elite education from an early age.

“Didn’t expect you to still sell this.”

He asked calmly, and Hank’s answer was quite decent.

“Guarantee gentlemen with suitable hires and sufficient human resources are the qualities that an excellent Chamber of Commerce should have. Please rest assured, they are all legal, civilized, and not Will betray you. As for how we did it… Please forgive me. I can’t tell, after all, this is our trade secret.”

Li Ke didn’t answer the call. He has made a decision. A former slave praised the necessity of the slave, even a gentleman, it is impossible to tolerate such insults. But now he just silently looked at the things below.

A Vastaya man with cat ears and eight pairs, a total of sixteen cosmic truths, and a lot of hair and stripes on his body, but the price does add up to the three Ionia girls Tripled.

A Freljord woman who does not look so fierce, her iconic white hair shows her identity, and not only does she have a peculiar collar around her neck, she also has a young boy beside her, and explains It can only be sold in packages. However, what makes people wonder what to say is that this very beautiful Freljord woman is a bonus, obviously her son’s little child, which is a serious’commodity’.

Li Ke almost laughed, flipping through it, and finally saw things that didn’t stir his nerves after more than a dozen pages: artillery, ordnance, and all kinds of gears and mechanisms. But it can be seen that they are weapons produced by assembly lines, as well as many mechanical prostheses.

Li Ke is still not interested in these things. Although he is very fond of one of the mechanical swords that can be transformed into three or four weapons, but after seeing the various ships, he just doesn’t After what he needed, he handed over the document to Sarah. And that Mr. Hank also handed over another document in due course, and in terms of thickness, it was much thicker than the previous one.

After Li Ke opened it, he found more exquisite paintings and descriptions, pieces of jewelry, and various decorations suddenly appeared in front of him, and even said that there are many more from Shu Rui Sculptures and antiques of Ma, Ionia. So Li Ke speeded up and read the document, and then put it down disappointedly, and shook the head to this Mr. Hank.

“Sorry, Mr. Hank, maybe I am not the same as the mainstream customers you have dealt with in the past. What I need is something more practical.”

According to his own request, Mr. Hank made a suddenly realized expression.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, can I know something more specific?”

His expression was very surprised, and with guilt, he had to say, no Considering this gentleman’s physical factors and combat capability, the ability to receive guests and the kind of affinity alone is enough for him to be a diplomatic assistant in Demacia. After all, Demacia’s diplomatic assistants only need to speak Mandarin and receive guests. The strict hierarchy prevents them from doing anything wrong. But Noxus can’t, because Noxus’ diplomats are usually very good at fighting, very good at fighting. The general requirement is that after a war is declared, a person can be killed from the heavily surrounded city by the enemy, or the goal cannot be achieved by diplomatic means. , When the assassin under his hand is not very useful, he can take his own initiative to kill those who hinder the action.

So the diplomat of Noxus, this one is definitely not going to be.

“Practical things are related to those who need guidance. My territory is very backward, so I urgently need the light of civilization. I say this, do you understand?”

Li Ke shook the head, then waved his hand and made something helpless. His meaning is very simple, that is, the most basic industrial facilities, that is, basic industries. But he absolutely didn’t expect. After hearing his request, the face of Mr. Hank suddenly appeared panic and sluggish, and then immediately laughed unnaturally, and used the gesture of drinking tea to hide it. His own lost self-control, and after a brief period of calming his heart, he said his answer in an awkward tone.

“Sorry, sir, there is nothing we can do. And I think…”

He looked at all around, as if he was afraid of something, then lowered his voice and needed to say Out his answer.

“The entire Vi, and even the entire Zaun, may not be able to satisfy you, sir. In fact, um…this is not a business issue.”

That’s a political issue. ?

Li Ke instantly thought of the rabbit isolated by the whole world, which is his hometown

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