“It looks like my job is a lot more troublesome.”

Li Ke suddenly had a bad feeling that if Zaun’s people hadn’t If people are aware of Vi’s exploitation of them and the fact that they will always be impossible to rise to a higher level through hard work, then even if a certain teacher arrives here, it will be impossible to completely solve the situation here in a short time and initiate the hard work. The masses.

Otherwise, the Noxus people simply won’t let Zaun, who seems to be at their fingertips, unacceptable. Instead, they will attack Piltwolf and Shurima.

However, the worst part is still a Transcender world. Quiet mobilization and lectures are useless, but large-scale lectures will surely cause people who hear those teachings to be encircled and suppressed. In the case that resistance and innovation are not active and uncommon, this is undoubtedly ruining this broad and open road. Even if they yell at their throats, these Zaun people at the bottom will feel that they have ulterior motives. Ambitious.

“If you just kill the unpleasant guy you see, it will end.”

Sarah looked at Li Ke who was a little bit distressed, and said her own way.

“This is a class issue. If this inherent structure of monopoly and exploitation is not broken, then no matter how many people I kill, everything here will not change.”

shook the head, Li Ke can only answer this question from Sarah. Killing can solve many problems, but killing can not solve the problem of consciousness.

“Isn’t that the problem of unclean killing?”

“No, I will become a public enemy before that, and when I’m halfway through, let those temporarily People with conscience also become the exploiting class, and then become positive models for a certain period of time, making more people unwilling to follow my path.”

Li Ke, who drank all the milk and stayed up all night, was in the mood. It’s complicated. He still knows too little knowledge. This makes him regret that he either slept in Mao’s class when he was in college, or skipped this class with his friends, and then went online. The more he advances and the more he sees, the deeper his understanding of this subject, especially after his own personal experience, the more pity he has missed the knowledge.

“But if the situation is very bad, I really can only be a super righteous policeman, and then lead the public opinion, so that the union organization can really play a role.”

No matter where you are, a purposeful and targeted rebellion is not just a slogan. Someone must always be active for this goal, and they must be local people. Because no matter what outsiders do or achieve, they will naturally bring a layer of barriers and prejudices. Especially in this wild and backward era, and if only Li Ke is alone, nothing can be done. After all, he is a Noxus in the eyes of most people.

“wait a minute”

When Li Ke recalled what he saw in the history book, he suddenly thought of a sentence.

“… Turn people into ghosts… Turn ghosts into adults… If Gotham’s Shaco meets a faculty member, he won’t be a madman… Shaco, madman, madman, Jinx… if you say If I can teach these children to grow up normally and healthy, will Jinx no longer be mad? Become a madman who can only destroy? Then Wei, Caitlyn, Catherine, Ekko… these are in the original Heroes who will contribute to the change of this city in history, can they also jump out of that narrow vision and look at everything from a higher angle?”

“What did you think of “

Li Ke shook the head, he reached out and took one side of the clothes again, and put it on his body, and then when he kissed Sarah on the cheek, which planted some on her body The vitality prevents her from being injured in subsequent actions.

“The things I thought of need more investigation. So be careful, the ship and cargo matters will trouble you.”

Sarah tilted her head, she knew Li Ke This is going to act on his own again.

“Well, it’s you, don’t get lost.”

After kissing each other, Li Ke put on his clothes and walked out of the hotel, as soon as he left the house A coachman driving a steam carriage drove the car over and took off the Deathcap in front of Li Ke, making a humble look.

“Sir, do I need me to take you for a ride?”

Li Ke took a look at this, except for horses, and carriage. It’s only in the power core below the carriage. Different Bronze carriage, then nodded, while getting in the car, while instructing the driver.

“I want to go to the hospital to buy some medicine from Heal. Is there any larger hospital nearby?”

I can see how the people at the bottom of a city are living What kind of place to live, one is a vegetable market, the other is a hospital, or else, it is a slum. Li Ke’s apparent identity does not allow him to easily get in and out of the slum, so he can only go to the hospital first. However, Li Ke’s request made the driver’s face a look of embarrassment.

So his fingers lit up slightly, and a little magic was applied to the coachman, which made him excited, and he was able to say things that he wouldn’t normally say during the time he was walking with him.

“Sorry, sir, if you want Heal to cough up, it’s better not to go to places like hospitals, which are only open to the poor… I know the addresses of some doctors, And they are very knowledgeable about Heal coughing, and they also have rich experience of Heal’s allergy to haze. As for the hospital, I’m sorry, there is no better doctor there.”

His voice was a bit of a silly, thinking about the green smoke and dust that is no longer everywhere in this city, and there is also a lot of smog. Li Ke knew that this must be something that someone had mentioned to him. Or maybe it’s his years of driving experience.

“Haze, do you mean those green fog?”

With their words, the car slowly began to move, but what surprised Li Ke was, Except for the faint grinding sound of gears, the sound of this kind of carriage is much smaller than that of most modern cars. And it’s very stable, it feels like he’s sitting in a friend’s luxury car, but the fact is that he is sitting in a Bronze gear car whose most parts can be seen to be hand-built.

“green? Ah, yes, even though that is the most terrible kind…other.”

The coachman quietly lowered his voice halfway through the conversation.

“Never mind the crude drugs there. Sometimes the Singed apprentices even use the poor people to try some unfathomable mystery drugs!”

Li Ke felt a little bit , His heartbeat did not slow down faster, that is to say, he believed from the bottom of his heart that what he said was true.

“That’s really terrifying.”

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