The precision machinery is exposed outside the steel shell polished by the lover’s hands, and the delicate circuits and wiring boards inside are constantly sparkling. Her elegant limbs were also completely distorted and wiped out in the destruction of the invisible sand spears. Although the original appearance can still be seen, their structure has been destroyed, and there is no way to support her body, making her walk like a ballerina in the boundary between life and death.

She knew that her life was about to end, because the enemy she faced was a total lunatic, and he wanted to destroy all known civilizations and nations. Whether it is Demacia, Ionia, or Noxus, what he wants to destroy is simply not Vi, but this World!

“You will not succeed, in this world there will never be a lack of people who want to stop you! Your philosophy seems to have a very high commonality with Noxus’s philosophy, but Noxus will never tolerate it People like you! What you do will only usher in opposition from the entire world! Not only will you destroy yourself, you will also destroy Vi and Zaun! You destroyer! Demon!”

At the end of his life, Camille saw the manuscript written by Li Ke. This manuscript was knocked into the air by Li Ke’s previous blow. It just happened to be when Li Ke came to get to know her. He flew in front of her eyes and made her Hextech eyes clearly see what was written on it. The smart brain understood everything at once, Li Ke’s purpose, Li Ke’s thoughts, and what he had to do.

So, she finally lost that elegance. Although she endured to the limit, the last words she said to Li Ke were involuntarily trembling, because even with her mechanical My heart trembles because of the hell I see.

Because her family, everything she has, and the value of her dedication are all useless in that manuscript, and everything is in vain.

“I think you still misunderstand me, Carmel Young Lady.”

Because Sarah is now welcoming her old friends on the ocean, and she still has herself on her The energy and spell reserved for her, so Li Ke, who is not worried about Sarah’s safety, still has some time for nonsense. He is like Kami who has been unable to move and can only push the energy core in his chest desperately. He wants to use a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering burst to kill the two of them together when he gets closer. When you walked over, a light blue light curtain slowly appeared in his hand. The light curtain slowly took shape with his words, and when Li Ke slowly pierced the sword composed of his own power into Carmel’s core, the light in her eyes and chest became slower and slower. At that time, he slowly said his last nonsense to her.

“I am not an enemy of you, I am an enemy of the world.”

When the big sword that is 80% similar to Aatox came from Carmel’s chest When it was taken out, Li Ke also mercilessly cut off her head, letting the spy who had maintained the Fylos family for decades and rebuilt it from weak to rejuvenation with one hand, killing the uncrowned king of Vi. But he also knows that Carmel is just a microcosm and representative. If he can’t clean up all the minions of these people, the nobles of Vi who already know the danger of the knowledge he wants to spread because of Carmel. , It will be more by fair means or foul to destroy and destroy what you left behind.

“But fortunately, you are not that hard to find.”

Lightly sighed, Li Ke picked up two pieces from the ground at random, and they looked very technological. His weapon, and then his body was shining with the light of stars, and he quickly moved towards the upper part of Zaun, which is the upper part of Vi, rushed. This is because although the Vi people enjoy the labor value and results of Zaun and most of the Vi people, they despise these people and even the air they breathe, so they moved to the position of aloof and remote-but It also happened to be convenient for Li Ke. He could easily peel off their minions little by little, and clean up their threats inch by inch.

“Lend the legs of your head and use it.”

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand, and a cloud of yellow sand held up Carmel’s head and returned Her scissor-like legs followed Li Ke’s back. To prove that Li Ke has just done something cruel to this city, to the ruling family in this city, the Philos family.

And those nobles will also give tit for tat because he killed Carmel and Er and him. If you don’t kill him, you will never give up, because he didn’t kill Carmel. , But the authority and rules of this city, the rulers of this city. But it doesn’t matter. In front of him, there is simply no one who can stop him.

“Don’t stand in front of me! I am here for truth and justice!”

When he came to the Chamber of Commerce he was familiar with, Vi’s Those secret troops have abandoned the principle of acting secretly, surrounded Li Ke group and group, and ignored the large number of civilians and gentlemen. Especially when the Mr. Hank discovered that everything was not right, and discovered that it was his big client Li Ke who was confronting Vi’s secret force, he took out his handkerchief, wiped his cold sweat, and floated behind him. Li Ke, who was holding Carmel’s head, yelled.

“why did it come to this! why did it come to this! Mr. Li Ke! We are all people with identities, we can sit down and talk, now…now…”

He was the one who received Li Ke and the one who gave Carmel information, so Carmel’s death is doomed to be angered, so the best way for him now is to persuade Li Ke to become The Fylos family, or the spy of a certain noble family, only in this way can he survive, otherwise whether the Fylos family and the newly-overlord family really want to do this, a nobody like him will ruin the family.

However, for him, Li Ke just showed a contemptuous smile that he seemed to have seen before, and then lightly snapped his fingers in his horrified gaze.

Then, the scene that happened before the hotel appeared once in this downtown area. The spies who came there fell like wheat under the magic of Li Ke, and this Mr. Hank accidentally fell to the ground when he was shaking, and he was stained with a lot of blood on his clean and elegant. He looked at Li Ke’s back, but he was still trembling and extended the hand in vain.

“Too undecent…Too undecent…”

However, when Mr. Hank was shaking, some people focused on those Li Ke completely There are no Hex technology products that have been seen. The Hex technology on these spies can be said to be quite advanced and exquisite. In Vi, advanced and exquisite represent money.

So, before Li Ke left for more than 3 minutes, there was a pair of trembling hands, and he touched an exquisite Hextech gun.

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