I’m powerhouse.

There is no doubt about this.

Looking at the countless vines drilled out of the ground, under their own will, the soldiers entangled in front of them, or directly shot to death. Li Ke closed his eyes and completely immersed himself in the Internet of the tree trunk that was awakened by him. He saw that the plants that he spawned under his own magic commands, with their own magic, arrested those civilians, police, officials, beggar, businessmen, scholars, and even gangsters, gangsters, and workers who flee in terror. , The rulers of these two cities.

Then control them, and use their magic to extract part of their vitality, and then spawn more trees and vines.

Why did he dare to lift the table as soon as he realized the problem, and he didn’t care whether it would set off a riot in the city, causing anxiety, and causing countless innocent people to die while cleaning the superstructure by himself? The resulting turmoil?

Because he holds the right strength in his hand, these people are weak in front of him. Whether it is thought or physical power, they are weaker and pitiful than him.

In his previous actions, he unfortunately realized this.

The plants spawned by him are like subordinates to him, and his magic is more like a life that knows all his thoughts. All he does is order, implement, and then strengthen himself. It’s just the will. This is his experience after experiencing Shurima’s trip, and it is also the result of the teaching of the Ascended One. For the original magic of this World, how big your heart is, how far you can see, and how firm your will is can affect the power and function of your magic.

In the dark, the voice of the one who taught him, called Ivern, rang again.

“Did you finally understand?”

Li Ke didn’t have much feeling, because this Ivern’s voice was filled with regrets and sighs, obviously because it could see Where did the life of these plants come from? What did Li Ke do? Although he doesn’t care about human corpses or animal corpses being used as nutrients by other lives, because this is the cycle of life. Nor is it sad for those who have passed away, because death is not the absolute end in this World. He just regrets that Li Ke did not follow the path he thought, because Li Ke’s will has begun to be reflected in his magic. His magic is no longer new and ignorant, which is why he immediately confronted himself. One of the reasons why the understanding and control of magic has risen a lot.

Magic is sounded by silhouette, but it also affects people. This is the unique ecology of this World, and it is also the reason why the people of this World are extremely cautious about magic. Because anyone can possess and use magic, even if you haven’t noticed it, just feel your emotions agitated.

And magic, but it is the reflection of the human heart. People who don’t recognize themselves can’t use this power correctly.

“It’s just a part.”

Plants tore the ground, and infiltrated those seemingly strong steel houses. People sailing on the sea level looked at this in horror. The city on the upper and lower floors has become a city surrounded by countless vines and plants at a speed visible to naked eye. And when they drove cautiously to the vicinity of this city, the survivors they met all told vividly how they escaped alive in the pursuit of these vines, and how amazing these plants are. terrifying it.

However, the more terrifying is yet to come. When these ships try to get close to the city, their ships go crazy. The wood on the ships continues to sprout and grow, and they don’t even jump off the ship. In time, they had been firmly bound by the branches that grew from the boat, and passed out because of the absorption of vitality. This kind of thing made other ships madly fled the city, avoiding themselves from entering such a terrifying situation. Of course, they will naturally not know that people who make such exaggerated things are actually a bit headache now.

“It’s a bit too much.”

Wait until Li Ke climbed to the highest point, and watched this being his own plant in less than half an hour. In a completely wrapped city, he knows that he has done it too much. It is already the limit that he can guarantee the safety of people who are caught by his own trees. But letting these plants not harm the city is that he can’t do it now. The matter has arrived.

So the post-disaster reconstruction task of this city must be a huge task that makes the leaders of this city want to kill people.

“hahahaha! It’s funny just thinking about it, the capitalist pigs must be for the stability of the city…”

However, his laughter stopped abruptly because he It suddenly occurred to me that I was going to conduct a public trial this time. That is to say, after I have done what I want to do, the manager of this city will definitely be him within a certain period of time, and the reconstruction work is also He must be the abbot. Otherwise, no one can persuade those Vi people who were originally aloof and remote to put aside their arrogance and disdain for Zaun people, and allocate new residential areas according to their needs and work requirements.

Only he has this power and right to speak.

“This is really…”

After thinking about it, I still went on this path by mistake. Li Ke has the absurdity of what he was struggling with before. Feeling, because he finally fully understood another truth that he felt he had understood before after he had done things.

It’s not good to count on others. It’s not good to just think about it. Some things are easier than you think.

“Then there will be a public trial, and I will teach them about the value of their own labor, but during this time I am afraid I will suffer a period of cursing and resentment.”

Looking at this ruin-like city, Li Ke couldn’t help but smile. His original plan was to kill most of the armed forces, so that these people could not stop the will in this and the world. It’s just being promoted on a large scale, but he really didn’t expect these people to gather forces so fast, and he didn’t expect that his own magic that he completely let go of had such amazing destructive power and control.

It’s just that because of this, his next road is more difficult to walk. There is no obvious enemy, and the damage to the interests that will inevitably occur in changing Early-Stage, he is in this paragraph The reputation in time is bound to be stinking, and will definitely be called tyrants and monsters by the people you want to save, and even be conquered by brave and justice envoys with justice, as well as surrounding countries, especially Noxus. Attack and target.

Before there are some people who can really understand his thoughts, he even has to face some people who rush to him because of his strength, seem to support his thoughts, but use these thoughts to behave nonsense.’ teammate’, and the consequences of his misconceptions and wrong decisions about many things.


“This is the enemy of the world!”

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