This guy is an elite among bureaucrats!

Li Ke understands this more deeply, because everything that Mr. Hank just said is to surrender to him and show his own value. In order to put himself in a good position among his new forces, he even prepared a list that could send most people to Top Lane lights.

“I have to say, I want to hang you more and more.”

Receiving the file, Li Ke couldn’t help saying such a sentence. And Mr. Hank was just shrugged and put on an innocent expression.

“Can I take it as a compliment?”

“It’s up to you.”

Li Ke doesn’t care about this person, he is only temporarily It’s just that these people are not accounted for, and it is not that they will never be accounted for. After a few years, when his real team has stood up, he will let all these people go. After all, he can ignore the constraints of the bureaucratic system and directly accomplish many things. of.

Because he is a right, there is no need to worry about taking away the resistance of the power organization caused by so many people at once.

However, the document in his hand still surprised him, because this document marked the flow of most of the funds used to maintain the security of Vi. And he told Li Ke directly how the taxpayers’ money approved by the coalition council that governed the city had flowed to the treasury of each ruler’s family through various means. And how they support their family in public utilities and grow their industry. And there are also who, who, who, when and when, use what reasons, what methods, and specify the goals of procurement in their own industries.

I have to say that this vote is simply incredible, because it is all about how the bureaucracy and capital collude before him. If he hadn’t known it a long time ago, Then I will be furious because of this document, and will introduce Mr. Hank who submitted this document as a confidant and entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Because he not only gave away all his former colleagues, but also dedicated the world and skills he had relied on before to Li Ke!

“It’s really interesting. Bernard, copy these things and distribute them to all the Vi and Zaun people within three days. Similarly, if anyone obstructs this for any reason, then put Give me the name, I’ll go hang his whole family from the street lamp.”

Berner took the file in Li Ke’s hand with a little trembling, and he looked at it more or less when he was standing next to Li Ke. When it comes to the contents of this document, I understand what the consequences will be after these documents are given to everyone: the sacred labels on the previous rulers will be ruthlessly torn off, showing their ugly essence and Flesh and flesh, those who have been deceived will never want these people to take power again, because no one will believe a group of people who have lied for decades.

This is digging the roots. The most important thing for businessmen and rulers is credibility, and these real crimes can not only crucify the previous leader, but also completely crucify their regime and society. , Let them all become a thing of the past.

Until now, after seeing this document and receiving Li Ke’s order, he deeply felt that the sky was going to change, and the world he knew was really going to collapse.

“Yes, sir.”

Suppressing the increasing anxiety in his heart, he left with a group of people with a bitter face. What’s interesting is that he didn’t take people with him to ease his work, but to avoid sending this document again. He was attacked by who while performing this task, and then delayed Li Ke’s order.

“It looks like you are very satisfied.”

After rubbing his temples, Li Ke lifts the head and saw Hank’s smiling cheeks. His tone was full of excitement and sincerity, and he was very confident, believing that what he gave would give him a glorious future.

“I’m curious, don’t you worry about counterattack? After all, I am lonely, and there is no one I can trust. You actually put such a big bet on me.”

The person in front of him is basically the iconic exquisite egoist, bureaucrat, and standard speculator. But you still have to admit that this kind of person with traitor and talent attributes is really the person Li Ke lacks now: he knows everything about this city, he knows many secrets that should not be known, and is able to let others know. Everyone understands the seriousness of the matter, and like Bernard, who is obedient to his words, he is the person he must rely on now.

However, this kind of person is also the most uncomfortable for Li Ke, because he only needs to show his own ability to slowly wash his past, and make compensation, and then in his own Gain a lot of power and influence in their hands. Just like the multi-party government on Earth, there will always be people who are able to reap the source of power and hold great power no matter which party is in power.

Such a person simply doesn’t care what philosophy and system he upholds. It is also the person Li Ke needs to guard the most, but now he has to use it.

“Because you gave me no choice, and you are a good person, so I can only do this.”

Hank’s answer is still full of faces Smile, even though the person sitting in front of him made him abandon the connections and personal settings he has run for many years, as well as people of various forces, he still intends to sincerely worship and be loyal to Li Ke, and will Li Ke All of the commands are executed perfectly.

Because only in this way, he can still control a lot of power and power.

“So, even if I need you to confiscate all the illegal gains I define, and believe in the shovel doctrine I believe in, you can still follow me unswervingly until I fail. So far, am I right?”

Li Ke directly and directly stated his opinion of Hank, and the people in the surrounding hall were choked up, because whether it was Lions It’s still those people who have committed crimes and meritorious service. They are actually such people, but they have slowed down Hank a step, or have not had time to implement their ideas. But if Li Ke really shows the idea of ​​accepting these people, then they will not be stingy with their loyalty and beliefs, and let themselves be transformed from a firm capitalist elite to a loyal supporter of the dancing shovel class.

“I will always offer you my loyalty, sir. As long as you are willing to trust me, then I will always dedicate myself to your Supreme authority in this land of aquatic plants.”

Hank smiled with satisfaction.

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