“If our new emperor does something, everyone knows it?”

A gentleman is seeing news from Hank and his spy After that, he said his problem very cautiously and angrily. And the gentlemen sitting with him all responded one after another, because they also got the new report stipulating the treatment of workers.

“Of course.”

“Very clear, his idea is undoubtedly wishful thinking and frantic.”

“There is no doubt that this is I am fighting against the entire human race.”

“I am also fighting civilization.”


“Reconsideration, he has already It’s no different from the devil.”

“I can’t imagine what a terrifying scene Vi would be like under his rule.”

“Purgatory on earth.”


“Very well, then it seems that we must find a way to overthrow this terrifying devil’s rule.”

But in a young gentleman said After saying this, everyone silently looked towards him, asked him to sort out his clothes sadly, and swallowed his saliva. But soon everyone stopped paying attention to this youngster, but looked towards another gentleman who spoke.

“What did Noxus say? What do they think of our respectable gentleman?”

In this smoky cell, the gentlemen pushed Change the cups, and exchange tobacco with each other. But no matter what kind of wonderful items they enjoy, their mood is not very good now, and the atmosphere in this cell is also very depressing and disturbing. Of course, this is not only because of Li Ke’s reign of terror, but also because of the fact that they discovered that the network of rules and interests they had established was collapsing.

“Still like that, with vague words and constant evasiveness. The Noxus officials who have been in contact with us claim that they have never seen this general before and only know that he is a real authority. The only child of the family, and his father has a close relationship with the emperor Your Majesty, and enjoys unimaginable grace.”

This is very bad news, because it means It will be difficult for them to get help from Noxus to send this damn Noxus man back to his damn Noxus fortress.

But no matter how much money and price they have to pay, they still have to do this, otherwise their interests will completely disappear. So an old man with a big belly and a peaceful face took a sip of his cigar and asked the question everyone wanted to know.

“How much grace is it?”

The black hair gentleman who gave out this information waved his hand, and then took a sip of the iced wine.

“His father saved the emperor’s lives three times, and, in the name of his lack of ability, voluntarily gave up countless rights and Glory, and went to Freljord to defend the frontiers of the empire. The three daughters, as well as the eldest son, were all sent to the battlefield, and they all died there. Although his elder sister died a long time ago, he was still chased as a concubine by the emperor Your Majesty. And the most important thing is that , The general was still the person who helped the emperor Your Majesty’s superior, and was the emperor Your Majesty’s childhood playmate.”

He shook his glass.

“Probably it is such a grace.”

His words immediately silenced the entire cell, and no one could speak for a long time. It was not until a long time later that a hair grey-white old man shook his head and spoke.

“Then they just send troops to attack us. That way, we can simply surrender and cooperate. That will become what it is now.”

People of identity come to lay down their city and prepare to transform it. In fact, it is no different from the leader of Noxus’s emperor personally bringing troops into battle.

“Who knows, in our previous information, the emperor Your Majesty has become addicted to immortality to a point, and his ambitions have disappeared, and the veterans who followed him back then have been completely obsessed. The forehead is marginalized, or forgotten. But now it seems that the emperor’s indulging in immortality is just a cover, to let other people relax their vigilance, feel that he is cruel and brainless. His real purpose is still Unify this World, otherwise such a guy will not suddenly come out.”

After everyone started talking again, the black hair gentleman re-talked his conjecture and poured himself a glass of wine.

“So we have no choice.”

His words ignited a thousand stories like a huge wave, and the wide cell immediately began to be discussed fiercely. Get up, and there is no shortage of people who say amazing things. For example, assassinating Li Ke and everyone around him, letting Li Ke die or simply go crazy, so that all problems can be solved. But such words are still in the minority, after all, they can’t beat Li Ke.

“Sounds worth the investment?”

Another thin old man spoke. Since the emperor Your Majesty is still ambitious, they can fully support the emperor Your Majesty, and kick this damn Li Ke away in this way. But it is a pity that the gentleman smoking the cigar taunted out mercilessly.

“Yes, it’s worth investing. They will eat almost our assets and kick us away after getting our skills. This is Noxus, we are worth investing in. And you How do you know that this is not what the emperor Your Majesty meant? What’s more, they didn’t give us a good price when we talked about it before, and now that the threat is lost, what good price will they give us? Why don’t I just accept the Li Ke’s condition? After all, I don’t have too much’illegal’ business.”

The luxuriously decorated cell fell into silence for an instant, but this time there is no silence. It took too long for someone to break their silence, and the new Vi ruler who had been confident and played against Li Ke made a summary with an unhappy expression.

“So we still have to keep trying to assassinate him, and the bitch next to him, right? Ha, reward Miss Fortune, I’m afraid it’s a person who confuses Gangplank with his body, and then falls asleep on the other side, and Shot when she’s exhausted? Otherwise, she can shoot people in the front with her chest? Don’t worry, I’ll send beautiful young men. These people are good at seducing women.”

He made a taunt with no demeanor, but just after he finished speaking, the expressions of the other gentlemen who could talk changed changed. They looked at some gentlemen who were constantly looking for wine and fun. When they found that they had started frowning and wanted to leave, they looked at each other a few times at the same time, and then nodded.

So, the new ruler of Vi, a former spy, was swept over by a dozen spies when he drank a glass of wine in one sip, and waited until these spies disappeared. , The former new ruler also disappeared with them, only leaving some motor oil and blood on the sofa in this cell to prove that he had been here.

This is the people who resist Li Ke.

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