What happened in Ionia undoubtedly represents that the fate of the two heroes and the two nations has begun to move towards a turning point. In the original history, Ionia It was precisely because her home was destroyed by the Noxus that Leah waved the sword edge that her family crest was turned into, and began to dance a flesh-and-blood dance on the battlefield with the dance taught by her grandma. Resistance will also start a wave of all-round resistance among the people of Ionia.

But you have to know that before this, these Ionia people have performed a non-resistance, non-resistance attitude to maintain the so-called balance between heart and nature, allowing the Noxus people to invade them and persecute them. Their compatriots.

But what’s more interesting is that Irelia is only about fourteen years old now.

But the wind there will not be disturbed by Li Ke for the time being, nor can it blow the sea on Li Ke’s side. But for Noxus people, it’s not good news.

“When did our supply stop?”

Swain looked at the report on his desk and the map, and asked the guard soldier who had come to call him. . His guard soldier is a tall and robust Freljord. People of this race have the patience and strength to make ordinary people unimaginable, and their thinking is relatively simple, so they often exist as elite troops and personal guards. So Swain did not give up such a good talent, and specially recruited such a Freljord. And the opponent did not let him down. Relying on the magic in his blood and strong physique, the opponent only took half a year to achieve the position of a guard, and soon he could become a guard Captain. .

“About a week ago, sir, the last batch of Piltwoff’s fleet arrived a week ago. If you count by time, Vi has not sent us supplies for half a month. Now.”

He bowed his head deeply, because he respected the thin army in front of him very much, or the commander in chief. Although the opponent looked a little weak, the opponent’s wisdom was better. After the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, this is what he respects most. Swain, who got the specific news, was snorted disdain, because he had encountered such things during the Shurima campaign. Those merchants who only had money in their eyes were willing to make more Gold Coins. Anything, even things like the food and armaments owed to Garen Szas, they can completely do it.

“It seems that those merchants want to raise prices again…really, I said I should have wanted to remove this nail before attacking Ionia.”

Very casual Sitting behind the table, Swain was not in a hurry, because this time it was not like the time when a war was launched against Shurima. They did not need to rely entirely on the transportation capacity of Vi, and Noxus could deliver a large part of the supply. come. The local resources of Ionia are even more surprising. Even Swain can’t help but be astounded by the output of grain and wood. All kinds of magical minerals and herbs, as well as all kinds of magic skills, are also rich in terrifying. Therefore, Swain didn’t take much of Vi’s’threat’ this time.

Only need to revise a book, and then invite the Noxus fleet in the vicinity to approach Vi, the cartilage merchants will relieve the trouble he encountered by themselves, and they just need to enter it again. By batching the Singed poison with good effect, doing the two things together can save a lot of time and military expenses.

But obviously, the guard soldier who came to send the order didn’t think so. The man who belonged to Freljord not long ago was a little cautious and shy, and Swain, who was good at observing, did not let go of this, so he was frowned, then put down the pen in his hand, and folded his hands to his chin. on.

“Do you have any questions?”

If you are with other Noxus nobles, this is a very serious warning and threat, which means’Are you teaching me to do things? ‘, but here in Swain, he is really asking. The guard from Freljord hesitated before speaking, because he knew that the officer did not like hesitation and concealment.

“Because I heard the last sailor who came to send supplies privately said that Vi was occupied, not a merchant’s plan, and the person who did all of this was called Li Ke… is a Noxus nobleman, called Lein Hart or something…”

Swain couldn’t help but eyebrows raised, because he could tell from the guard that this was not all the news the other party knew, but it was a bit like It is the name of the Demacian, but he still feels familiar, because the name was frequently mentioned in many letters sent to him recently when Beijing was frequently mentioned as a rebellious and talented heir of a noble family, who has a unique style of Noxus’ will. Known, and his family is the loyal pillar of the Imperial Family.

But it seems to be the same as myself, the relationship with the family is somewhat… tense.

“Reinhardt…I seem to have heard of this person, but it seems that you know the other person better?”

But for the nobles, there are obvious words of interest. , He wanted to be clear about what his guards didn’t want to mention, so he waved his hand very casually, indicating that the soldier from the’submission’ background was sitting on an equal footing with himself in the camp of his nobleman. And this Freel or Robust Man, who was able to slap each other with the violent bear without blinking, looked very cramped in the seat after the opponent gave him a seat.

He opened his mouth, looked at Swain, and found strength from the other’s firm cheeks, and then told his past in a sighing tone.

“I’m just guessing, because according to the descriptions of the sailors, this man named Li Ke has the same name as the man who brought me here, but also the same appearance and strength. So I I was wondering if these two people would be the same.”

He trembled when he said Li Ke’s name, as if he wanted to hold his weapon. This small gesture made Swain call this Li Ke’s people are more interested, because he has seen the bravery of this Freljord, and can scare a person who can charge with magic and earth-rock face doesn’t change into this look, that is called Li Ke The person is certainly not a general generation.

“Oh? Go on, I’m starting to be curious.”

So he leaned back to ensure that he would have a comfortable experience while listening to this story , And the guard fell into his memory, and began to slowly tell the story of the person who asked him to leave his hometown and head to Noxus. And it just so happens that the selection of Guard Captain still needs to understand the past, and his Guard Captain can naturally only be selected by him.

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