“About this issue.”

Hank looked at Li Ke, then stretched out a finger.

“First, smart people will choose not to keep their promises when the power gap is too large, but we have ushered in a “stupid” leader. He keeps his promises and is quite loyal. This The dot is really annoying.”

He stretched out his second finger.

“Second, the people are stupid, so they can only see the immediate benefits. Before the money is in their hands, they will not even believe in the promise of God.”

Then he stretched out his third finger.

“Third, what do you think I did before? Bernard? My previous job was to prevent them from realizing how much they should have gotten, and to make them believe that they took the previous The salary is very reasonable. Otherwise, why do you think your husband said he wanted to hang me as soon as he met? Because I am the biggest stumbling block of his empire in this place.”

Hank has done it. It is possible to use simple words to tell this secretary who is capable, but inexperienced, what he can teach. Because he discovered that Li Ke had no idea of ​​replacing the secretary. Of course, Bernard’s superb ability to handle chores and his innocence is also an important reason. So he needs to train up the secretary and make himself appear a solid, reliable and close ally.

“Uh, ah, it seems that we have always known that the salary is not enough for them?”

Berner was a little shocked, but Hank was ashamed. it should be by rights.

“If they think that salary is reasonable, why not give him that salary? Bernard? They didn’t ask for it, and they didn’t think about it. Do you think there are people besides your husband who will pay him Is the salary forcibly handed to them? In other words, do you think the wolf will give food to an ant without being attacked? So before that, no one but the husband thought there was anything wrong with it.”

Berner was completely silent.

“So what Mr. is doing here is to let other workers ask for their wages to be like this? Let them get wages that match their own labor?”

Na finally understood the true intention of Li Ke’s actions. He subconsciously thought of the probability that these workers would be murdered by other factory owners. But he thought about the street lights with dead bodies, and finally he didn’t say anything.

Because Li Ke killed too hard this month.

Anyone who dares to question his actions must first undergo a round of inspection to see if there are any factories in his home that exceed the “legal” rules defined by Li Ke. If so, and if you continue to work, then the other party’s family is a dead word. He never shows mercy, and even those highly respected school professors, celebrities, and literature experts, as long as they dare to put forward any opinions, they will be censored. If they fail to censor, it is a dead word.

As for those gangs who took the opportunity to make trouble?

All are dead.

In a short month, only one tenth of the people Bernard knew were left. Basically, it can be said that every day Li Ke kills hundreds of the original gentleman Young Lady, and Hang their bodies on the street lamp. In fact, if Mr. Hank hadn’t managed to protect many people, he probably knew less than one-tenth of the people. But what makes them gratified is that Li Ke’s new government does have their place, and they are generally not low.

Berner was Li Ke’s secretary, and Hanke became Li Ke’s general secretary and permanent secretary of Parliament. And even though it sounds like typing, making tea and pouring coffee, in fact, if Li Ke doesn’t direct everything personally, then the power of the city is basically in the hands of Hank and Bernard. As for the rest of those who are interested, and the family property is innocent, the secretaries who survived the frantic mutual whistleblowing, steward and the like, have also obtained the Vice-section Head in the Li Ke regime, and the temporary minister. position.

It can be said that although the owner of this city is already Li Ke, the managers are still the original bureaucrats, but under the repression of Li Ke, they have to wait for the ministers elected by the workers And the employees came and stepped on their heads.

Of course, they are not dissatisfied, after all, compared to their original status, these positions with deputy in front of them can already satisfy them enough.

“Yes, because the majority of people have changed now, because the husband chose to help them, and all we can do is to stand on the side of the majority, because generally speaking, there are a lot of people One party is the most powerful.”

Hanke slightly nodded, and then he saw Li, who had handed over the last wages of the workers to the other party, and waved at the workers in cheers. Ke, in his heart, was thinking about how to get rid of the factory in his hands as soon as possible, because he had a hunch that even if Li Ke didn’t want to take the factory in their hands, he was overwhelmed. People whose wages have stunned their heads, but let their factories’be robbed’ by Li Ke.

They will change what was originally tolerable in the heart into intolerable without the slightest hesitation, and they will quickly change their identity from the beneficiary to the oppressed.

Although this is indeed true, the squeeze of the merchants has indeed reached a terrifying point, and it has been absolutely all to the point of slowly depriving all civilians of their way of life, but this is not Mr. Hank, who hindered the exquisiteness, added a little embellishment and polish to this fact.

After all, he was also an exploiter before.

But it’s a pity that even though Hank and Bernard were extremely shocked and surprised by what Li Ke did, Li Ke didn’t have much joy. Because he knew that his first attempt did not meet his original expectations. This was just the beginning.

Just letting the workers get the wages they should get is not his ultimate goal. His ultimate goal is still to make these people stand up. But the irony is that if he wants to make mortals stand up according to his own will in a short time, he has to use the prestige of the gods in this world and Divine Vestige to make these people truly understand him. What I want to bring to these people.

After all, he is the only one to build this good man with rewards, and if he struggles to gain a world, he is impossible to death, and he is also impossible to maintain his authority by killing. However, if you add a god condensed by faith, it will save Li Ke from having to think about how to maintain a good environment for good people and rewards. Because the gods can see everything in this city with no difficulty and make judgments.

Moreover, borrowing the prestige of the gods in the feudal era is also a routine operation.

The only thing he needs to worry about is that this god judges good and evil standards, and prevents the other party from directly punishing and judging mortals.

And such a god, he has three people in his heart…the choice of God.

Kayle Kyle, the degenerate Kayle Morgana, and Jana, who is also called Ninety-eight.

One of them deeply believes in order, the other loves human beings, and the other…

She represents progress.

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