Since arriving in this damned world, everything Li Ke has encountered today has gone smoothly and unbelievably. So much so that he himself couldn’t believe that his luck was so smooth today: most of the hidden snake heads stretched out directly, and the nails buried in his camp also stood up. Finally let him experience the treatment of the hero of the novel.

But astonishment is astonishment, Li Ke still thought about the reasonable explanation of these seemingly absurd things in this short period of breath.

The reason why Du Kecao treats him preferentially, and he does not hesitate to send his excellent assassins to woo him on various levels, then in other words, he belongs to the eyes of the block “My own people”, at least in his eyes, he feels that he is a member of their camp, or he will temporarily regard himself as a member of their camp in his eyes. Otherwise, he would not take such a big political risk to help himself. Knowing that the number on that order is incredible.

Let’s not mention that the Singed agents are all purchased in units of 100 tons. For the siege explosives alone, they have issued tens of thousands of kilograms. Don’t underestimate these figures. Although in the eyes of modern people, these gadgets are estimated to be less than a small factory’s production capacity for one month, but in this era and the world, these two orders alone are enough for nearly half of the entire Vi and Zaun factories. Started day and night for several months.

In addition, there are orders for military uniforms, quilts, tents, daily supplies, and various sabers, armors, and bows. But these things are not only sent to Ionia, but many are sent to Shurima. The value represented by these orders is no longer measurable by money, but the full opening of Noxus’ trading port and the almost exemption of Mrs. Piltworth’s business tax.

If Du Kekao, an assassin and spy chief, dared to open such a bargaining chip to help and show good things to him without the emperor’s knowledge, then when he went to Noxus, he would I can see him and his two famous daughters, that is, the heads of Katerina and Cassio Penny hanging high on the city wall of the immortal fortress.

In other words, in his eyes, he is a staunch member of the noble family of the Imperial Family, and there is no possibility of betraying the emperor, and he is extremely powerful and arrogant.

Then, if someone makes a fuss about me, my position at Noxus must be a general, with the help and support of that bastard’s family. Probably the successor of that shit family, the new patriarch.

The line is connected, but the question is coming again, who will make his identity so noble in Noxus, and let the emperor of this empire, and a famous and exceptionally capable assassin leader feel this Is the fabricated identity extremely real?

Li Ke suddenly thought of the woman named Nora who frankly wanted to give birth to his child and gain power with his power, as well as the rose decoration she often wears.


“So, what does General Du Kekao need from me? After all, this gift is so rich and…full of sincerity.”

Li Ke looked towards this The female assassin, the other party is lying on the table, showing as much as possible his hips and legs that are so smooth after exercise, so that the perfect curve can be seen by Li Ke at a glance. In particular, her effort to lift her head up exposed her curves in another place, and the slightly oozing sweat in the process of flowing, also added a third of elegance to the scenery.

“Specific sincerity, should we talk more about it?”

The female assassins are well aware of the weaknesses of men. They are about to reach an unspeakable place, or they want to When they got it, their will and perseverance were all shit, and that was the best time to negotiate terms. On the contrary, after everything is over, men tend to become rational and Grim, your conditions are not easy to achieve. So for her own future status and safety, she decided to give Li Ke something interesting before negotiating terms with Li Ke.


“If you don’t say it, get out.”

Li Ke said this sentence with a smile.

The expression on the female assassin’s face instantly froze, so she no longer act coquettishly in front of Li Ke, nor did she control the liquid to slowly wet her clothes. Instead, he stood up straight and unceremoniously put the document back in front of Li Ke.

“Mr. Du Kecao wants you to delay the delivery as much as possible. Recently, Shurima has experienced turmoil. A freak with a yellow chicken head wants to rebuild a hell Empire, we have to fall into the embarrassment of multi-line battles. So Ionia’s battle cannot be too deep… But telling the soldiers who are full of Empire Glory that this incident has hit their enthusiasm too much, so for The empire can only sacrifice the reputation of the city under your command.”

In other words, the emperor Your Majesty is not only afraid of Swain who is in charge of attacking Ionia, Are you afraid of me too? A person who belongs entirely to his faction in his eyes?

If this is what Du Kkao meant, Li Ke would be willing to do Ashe and Sarah together. It is obvious that the once-talented emperor Your Majesty now feels that he can’t control Swee. Because, there is also himself who has never been loyal to him, but in his eyes it is an excellent and excessive Imperial Family faction. His plan can weaken both himself and Swain’s right to speak in Noxus, as well as his power in the military. It can be said that if he is really the opponent’s general, and the current Swain is indeed ill-intentioned, then this strategy can greatly help the emperor Your Majesty take a breath.

“so that’s how it is, if it’s just this kind of thing, with no difficulty, and I promise no one will complain.”

Li Ke has already thought about it. , The money must be collected, and the factory must be started, but it is his business to send the goods there. He will not order the production of Singed poison, but he can use the clothes, armor, and weapons made from Noxus people’s money and materials to arm the Ionia people, Freljord people, and the small nations that resist Noxus.

Moreover, in a few days, he plans to implement the Jana plan. By that time, the tiger skin that I don’t know who put on this layer of himself is probably about to break.

But now I still have to fool around.

“I would say that because the previous turmoil has caused the vessel to be tense, I cannot ship any cargo within two months, but after two months, I will deliver one third cargo directly to them. I swear by the reputation of my Noxus family that within two months, the old fogey of Swain will not see these supplies.”

Li Ke made a solemnly vowed appearance, and the woman The assassin also slightly raised his lips, because her mission at this time was completed.

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