
Li Ke was taken aback, because no matter how much he thought of the name Volibear, he could only think of the ramen bear, Take a picture of the bear, and the inexplicable Glory or funny’Bearkin Clan, fearless! ‘.

Except for food and accommodation.

“Yes, like Avinia, Ornn, and Sister Seal, they are all Spiritual Gods in this land. But Lord Thunderlord’s Decree is the most brutal and unpredictable among them. “

Cherna nodded, with fear on her face.

“It represents Thunderlord’s Decree, war and death. The soldiers under its command also have the power of the bear it bestows. They are no longer humans, but terrifying bear people. They are Each can have terrifying power, and fierce and unafraid of death, even if the heart and limbs are chopped off, they can continue to fight…As long as they have meat, they can even recover very quickly.”

When she said this, she pointed to the corpses in the square, so that Li Ke could understand why those corpses became that way.

“And only the bearmen and those robbers who have no shame will kill all the living things instead of taking them away when they are sure of victory.”

Looking at the children, and those who were obviously executed collectively, Cherna only felt a chill on her back. Because she has seen the lost, the tribes who have turned their backs on her, and the monsters who joined Volibear. So she could even think about how terrifying the Frostwind tribe was treated at that time.

“Well, I still don’t quite understand this thing, but anyway, it’s staring at me.”

Li Ke took a deep breath, cold and carrying The scorching smell of air made him feel much better.

“Search for what else is here, and then…Let’s burn it clean.”

He wants to follow those traces and kill both the so-called lost and Bearkin Clan. , But he also knew that if the giant bear who didn’t know whether it was Volibear came again, would his spirit still remain stable, and would he faint like before. And if they will, then Cherna and the others will undoubtedly die because of their own decision.

So before he understood what was going on, even if he was angry because of the scene here, he could only silently endure the burning of anger.

But Cherna once again gave a different opinion. She looked at the direction of the gate of the camp a little uneasy, as if some monster would jump out of it at any time.

“No, my lord, this is very close to the Snowmelt Tribe, so they will help deal with it later. We must get out of here soon and get through a few rivers.”


“Why do you want to cross the river?”

“The lost will not cross the flowing water. I don’t know why, but it can stop them.”

Cherna lowered her head.

“If you are being targeted by the lord of Thunderlord’s Decree, and there is a lost person in the vicinity, this is the best way.”

However, it is too late.

Just when Cherna said this remark, several bears with arrows and countless fresh scars appeared quietly in their sights. And this was just the beginning. Behind them, three people with bear skins and strange light radiating from their eyes appeared one after another.

But what is surprising is that there are several Knights who appear with these people. Some of them have fear in their eyes, while others are full of excitement. And Cherna also saw some people she was familiar with.

“Bloodeye! He actually used the power of the lost! No wonder it’s like this here!”

Cherna also drew her sword, but she didn’t seem to have much The look of confidence.

“Do you know him?”

Li Ke quietly adjusted his state, then observed the terrain all around, and saw a broken lance on the ground At that moment, he picked up the first half of this lance and held it in his hand like a dagger.

There are more enemies, and they are very strange. More weapons will inevitably increase your chances of winning.

“Yes, the robbers exiled in various hunting grounds live by looting those merchants and small tribes. My tribe also suffered from his looting when I was out hunting with soldiers. He ran away by chance. But I didn’t expect that he would use the power of the lost because it’s crazy. As long as the power of the lost is used, then he must be loyal to Volibear, and then one day he will also change. The loser!”

Cherna is getting more and more nervous. After all, she knows her situation. She can play five ordinary persons at most by one person at the same time, but if the loser is added, that’s not necessarily the case. Because these followers of Volibear can’t be compared with Lord Thunderlord’s Decree himself…bear, but they also have terrifying power.

And it’s true, the strength of the bear.

“In other words, no one will be sad if you kill him. It’s really great.”

On the contrary, Li Ke is very indifferent, although he also knows these things People with bearskins are hard to deal with. But when he was in the arena, how many times did he know the enemy’s ability and number?

So it’s just a small scene.

These bears and people didn’t attack immediately, but wanted to surround Li Ke and them, but Li Ke didn’t care about it. When a bear accidentally approached the range of the two-handed sword in his hand , He shot like Thunderlord’s Decree.

The two-handed sword that ordinary people need to wield with two hands is as swift as a dagger in his hand, and it pierced the bear’s neck fiercely. But because the opponent’s skin and flesh were too thick, this blow did not immediately kill the beast. Instead, it aroused the opponent’s fierceness. It didn’t care about the two-handed sword in the neck, and pointed towards the sword edge against the sword. Li Ke ran into it.

Such a move is naturally not difficult for Li Ke. He quickly moved the broken spear on his left hand towards the bear’s eye, and penetrated its brain in one breath. But Li Ke was surprised that even so, it didn’t die immediately. Instead, it slapped Li Ke’s chest fiercely with its own paws, as if he was going to take Li Ke away when he died. Li Ke had to fight the violent wild beast immediately, and put the opponent to the ground fiercely.

But even so, this bear still didn’t die completely, but Li Ke didn’t have time to make up for it, because the other two bears also moved towards him and rushed over.

But he was not too panicked, not fighting alone, because Cherna next to him waved the true ice sword in her hand, and swiped hard in front of the two bears, and countless ice thorns moved away from him. Suddenly appeared on the ground, and penetrated the bodies of the two bears, so that they could only roar on the ice thorns.

“Pay attention to your safety, I’m going to rush in.”

Li Ke nodded to her, then pulled out the giant sword from the bear’s neck, and moved towards Chong The robbers who came over killed them.

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