After taking away the snack in Bernard’s hand, Zoe opened the door and left. The moment she left, Li Ke’s mind was also in a trance. Then the surrounding scenery started to flow again in an instant, the air and dust continued to dance, and people and various things continued directly at this brief moment.

“If you can pass the trial of True God, then I will try my best to help you achieve your ideas.”

Although experiencing the trial itself is an honor , But the order Illaoi received from her god was for Li Ke to be tested.

There is a problem, if her strength is enough to oppress Li Ke, then she only needs to catch Li Ke over. But she can feel that she will fly against Li Ke’s opponent, and it will be herself as long as she tries to die.

And most importantly, she felt a sense of oppression when she saw Li Ke. That kind of crushing and deterrence at the life level made her feel that she was in front of a Great Desolate beast, accepting the other’s torture.

So, she lowered her stance and prepared to ask Li Ke to participate in the trial through remuneration. If he passes the trial, then it proves that he is the Holy Son chosen by the true person and assists him in doing things. It is a duty in itself. After all, she has never encountered the experience of requiring True God to order her to participate in the trial.

If he fails, then he is dead, and he naturally doesn’t have to fulfill his promise, as long as he finds a way to leave here.

even more how ……

Looking at the still open passage behind him, Illaoi is confident that he can get enough food and water to leave here before the others arrive. As for the sudden disappearance of Zoe, in her eyes it simply doesn’t matter.

“Is the true trial? Can you tell me where your help can reach, and what trial… can I gain?”

This kind of unclear meaning Ceremony Li Ke is indeed lacking in interest, but the problem is that, as Zoe said, Bilgewater is a very good fat. If he wants to do it in this World, then it’s no better. Now is a more appropriate time. If Illaoi can help himself, then Bilgewater in his hands is nothing more than covering his hands.

“You should know Gangplank, the Gangplank who died in your hands, my love. The reason why he successfully became the king of Gangplank is because he passed the trial and gave us People’s promise to live in peace, so I helped him and let other Baru people support him. But if it’s you, I can lead them to loyal to you and call you king.”

Dedicating everything to the gods, and seeing the will of the gods as her lifelong goal, and indeed, because of the gods, she has gained power that no one else would even think of. She extremely obeys the will of God, So he gave his highest price without hesitation.

Because her god has never harmed her, and every will of her has benefited her a lot.

“We priests who serve the gods will also work for you. When you need it, you will recruit the Sea Beast to fight, and the chicken will defeat your enemy. It is a very huge rare beast, even if it is A 100-meter-long ship is nothing more than a plaything in front of them.”

She slowly told her price, but after hearing a general idea, Li Ke He took out a book from the table and handed it to Illaoi, while speaking.

“Even if I want you to tell you that all Gangplank in Bilgewater will cooperate with me to kill, and disband all the gangs, so that they can find a real business student?”

Li Ke no Speaking of the various preferential conditions that he would give, he directly put forward the request that most people in Bilgewater would starve to death.


However, Illaoi still categorically agreed to this request, and she touched the pendant on her body, and then when her eyes opened again, her There was a green light in his eyes. Because her god gave her a urge, her god has already begun to want to contact Li Ke through her body, she can feel that she is craving for Li Ke extremely.

“I will listen to everything from you.”

That’s what she said, but Li Ke also began to escape from her eyes uncontrollably, Naga Capolo With the power of silk, his body moved involuntarily, and the yearning for Illaoi appeared in his heart subconsciously.

To be precise, it is an incomparable yearning for the strength in her body, as if there is something in the other person’s body that can make him go further. It is the air that the hypoxic person needs incomparably. The water that people walking in the desert need so much is the love they can never give up.

He feels this weird, because he knows that he has shown a longing for the power of Nagakaboros in Illaoi, but this weird feeling still makes him very uncomfortable.

Because if it were not for his timely response, instead of raising his arm, he would hug Illaoi directly…

“Is this…like? “

Li Ke suppressed this impulse, but as Illaoi uncontrollably slammed the shrine in his hand to the ground and let the power inside escape, Li Ke’s hand grabbed a green Vel’Koz that suddenly stretched out uncontrollably.


When he came into contact with this green Vel’Koz, this green Vel’Koz suddenly dissipated into a colorful starlight into him His body, and he also felt a wonderful change, his mood began to excite, and he appeared uncontrollably in front of him at the same time in Earth, in the arena, in Freljord, in Demacia, in the scene of Runeland Another scene.

He saw his life as an outsider, and had a strange feeling. But just when he was about to catch that feeling, his feeling disappeared.

He looked down, and it turned out that Nagakaboros’s power was completely dissipated, so after he was silent for a while, his face became a little weird, and he gasped for breath, as if to endure more Illaoi said something similar.

“Let’s begin, then, the trial of Nagakaboros.”

He must find the feeling that he just felt. He can’t tell why, but he Clearly, my heart and body are eager to enter that place and enter that wonderful realm. It’s just that when he opened his mouth, what he uttered was neither Noxus nor the language commonly used in the ocean, but an inexplicable fluctuation.

But Illaoi understood it, because every time Nagakaboros gave her an order, it would fluctuate like this. So she raised the shrine, and then smashed it down heavily.

“Follow the will!”

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