Laast is very dissatisfied with what Aatox said, but since Aatox has a plan, he is also willing to temporarily listen to the other party’s dispatch, after all, he wants to get the original With his body and the power beyond Myriadth, then there is no doubt that he needs Aatox’s help.

Although Varus really wants to find his sisters, he also knows that if Aatox and the others make a big news, and he is still alone, then his situation It will become very bad. And in order to get revenge, he also needs to follow Aatox and let him help him become stronger.

It’s just…

“…Where shall I be taken?”

Ahri Young Lady with broken limbs is in a groggy state Raast grabbed the tail and lifted it up, and the intense pain caused another strong wave in her heart. But she is no longer able to scream. After all, you can’t expect the three people who are full of hatred for the entire world to have a good attitude towards the captives, right?

There is only regret left in her heart now, because she would not have come to those who recognize her, and then be caught by these weird people. But a human who claimed to be a painter broke into her territory. He looked strange and wanted to invite himself to meet people like him.

She agreed, because she has always had a feeling of restlessness recently, as if something terrifying is coming, something that can kill her has arrived, so she is eager to know what is happening around here Ahri, who was innocent, went to the place where many Vastia gathered with the human man.

At first she was very grateful to him. After all, it would be difficult for her to talk to other people if it weren’t for this person, but before she could say the fifth sentence with that man, Darkborn We are here.

It was a massacre that she could not resist. The man who brought her was cut in half by the sword-wielding monster in an instant, and when she wanted to resist, she lost it. She lost all of her consciousness and when she woke up, she had already seen that everyone was dead, everyone except him was dead, and he was the only one who survived.


Will I die eventually?

She was exhausted to the point where she couldn’t think in her head. She faintly fell asleep, and then she lost consciousness.

When she woke up here, she was surprised to find that she had entered a strange place, where the trees were full of flowers and the sky was filled with strange clouds. And there are so many other buildings that she has never seen before, and…

“What’s the matter, why did you come here?”

A strange Ahri.

This Ahri has nine beautiful tails, but unlike her, this Ahri’s tail is pink, which is different from her pure white.

However, she felt a strange sense of familiarity from the other person, and the pain that had been haunting her disappeared completely in this brief moment. She was also surprised to find that she could be very She stood up directly, but she clearly remembered that her limbs were directly broken by the man named Atox instructed by the monster named Laast.

Even her spine was directly broken, she should be unable to move anymore.

“Am I dead?”

She couldn’t help but ask, and reluctantly got up from the ground, but she did not transform into a human form. Because she thinks that Ahri may be her own clan, although it is a pity that she will be able to see her own clan when she dies, but since this is the case, isn’t there no way?

I just don’t know if my parents are still alive, and if I can see each other here.

“no no no, you are not dead yet, your within the body has a strange power preventing you from dying, so although you have entered here, you will not die for the time being… But…”

The Nine-tailed Fox in front of Nine-tailed Fox frowned, and then looked directly at Ahri in front of him, and the doubts in his mind about part-time jobs would come out directly. . But just when the messenger who led the dead to the other shore wanted to ask for more information, a sudden wolf howl came out of her ear.


She knew the howling of the wolf and who was the Little Brat who was with this wolf all day, so her face changed immediately . She stood up abruptly and turned into a beautiful woman in front of Nine-tailed Fox. She looked at the direction of howling the wolf, and then squeezed her palm firmly.

“Damn! How did Kindred come!”

She just wanted to transfer the Nine-tailed Fox, a wolf appeared in front of them, and there was a very well-dressed Cute costume…


Is it really dead?

Nine-tailed Fox, who had just entered this World, couldn’t help but this idea appeared in her mind, so she tilted her head and looked very confused. And raised his paw to decline the hug of his own clan, and hid behind the other party’s skirt.

“ahhhh, sure enough, it really is that guy.”

The wolf who came spoke up, and he walked around behind the fox fairy, looking at this one who was looking at it curiously Ahri’s face showed an expression of disgust that can be seen by naked eye.

“Ah, I guessed it, the wolf is really a stupid.”

The pleasant voice rang, and Nine-tailed Fox can hear it. This voice is full of pleasure. sense.

“What are you doing?”

But for the fox fairy who extradited others to the other shore, this behavior to her old acquaintance was very strange, she was puzzled Seeing these two gods who didn’t do anything directly, but looked helpless and disgusted, asked their doubts.

“She has a smell that we hate, and the guy who can’t die is here to hinder our hunting.”

The wolf said it straightforwardly, and After speaking, he looked at the sheep on one side nervously, looking very afraid. The two sheep’s movements were also stiff, and then directly drew their bows and arrows, moved towards the wolf who suddenly hid behind the fox fairy shot.

“Ah, the foolish wolf has said it again, how can I teach you?”

Her voice is still cute, but the fox fairy who is used as a shield by the wolf does not Appreciating the thought, she tried hard to avoid the arrow from Yang Ling, while trying hard to figure out what happened. But those blasts of arrows and the behavior of wolves following her closely and hiding behind her also made her unable to do anything. She could only evade and wailing at the same time.

“So what happened!!”

She was the one who was completely kept in the dark. First, she appeared in the real-plane co-location of the unfathomable mystery. The world in the spiritual realm, and then this unfathomable mystery encounter, this made this fox fairy Young Lady, who was about to face her own troubles, couldn’t help but after seeing her residence shot through by Kindred with an arrow. Sent out a cry of sorrow from the heart!

“Mi cylinder ahhhh!!!”

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