Maymu is not afraid of death. She has not regretted even the slightest bit of regret because of her decision just now, because she has worked hard and struggled to balance this goal all her life, so To die for balance, she has no complaints or regrets.

But if her decision will destroy the entire equilibrium sect, then she will never forgive herself, and the question here is whether Li Ke has the power to destroy the equilibrium sect? After all, if it is true strength, even though she is a little unwilling to say it, she also has to admit that whether it is Kennan or bitterly speaking, these two people are actually above her.

So Li Ke’s ability to defeat him with no difficulty does not necessarily mean that he can defeat them with no difficulty. The will of balanced sect cannot be stained because of herself, after all, she has never heard of that giant betraying balanced and sect for this reason, never. Although Li Ke’s magic is magical and exquisite, such powerful creatures have not never appeared in Ionia. As long as they find their weak points and defeat them, they will be able to solve this big problem.

Yes, despite being knocked down by Li Ke with an overwhelming advantage, Mayem is still thinking about how to beat Li Ke and nothing else.

“Looks like you have made a choice?”

Looking at Maymu’s firm eyes, Li Ke’s slightly sighed, he said with conscience that he really didn’t want this The beautiful woman died, but since she chose to be an enemy of herself, and she had no pitiful life experience and motivation, and possessed extremely strong power for an ordinary person, then he could only choose to kill her Up. Although those who assassinated him were regrettable, they could only be trusted to throw them into a better Noxus prison.

Grabbing Mei’s neck, who wanted to attack again, Li Ke began to extract her vitality, wanting to read the address of the balanced sect from her vitality, since the other party has already identified herself Become the mortal enemy of this sect, and also sent a leader like Mayme to assassinate him, then it also represents a full declaration of war.

The pain of soul, consciousness, and life being drawn makes Mayeye’s attack on Li Ke suddenly stagnate. How intoxicating is the warmth just now, and how terrifying is the pain now, she I can clearly feel that a part of my soul is being absorbed and chewed by the terrifying man. I am like a good piece of pastry. I am constantly tossing and biting by a picky person. I want to find the fattest piece from my body. Eat it. And everything that constituted her was being severely bitten by the other party, and his life and past, as well as all his memories and emotions, were also fiercely plundered by him.

This kind of terrifying feeling can only make her think of the monsters in the ancient book, whether it is called the void or the monster of the evil spirit, she can’t help but stare at her eyes because of panic and pain, and Because the memory was chewed wantonly by Li Ke, countless hallucinations began to appear in front of my eyes: the picture of myself playing with my daughter Akali a long time ago, the memory of having fun with Faey, the memory of my hard work balancing the secret technique, myself and the others. Memories of a giant meeting…

He was devouring me! Plunder everything from me!

She immediately realized that Li Ke not only wanted to kill herself, but also wanted to know everything about equalizing sect from her own body, so she wanted to use her own life without results immediately, But the problem is that the pain of being robbed of everything allows her to barely hold the kunai in her body, but it is difficult for her to end her life. She shed tears because of her grief, because her memory is about to threaten her sect, and she feels ashamed and unwilling because of it.

Li Ke didn’t care. He carefully savored the vitality he had taken from the eyebrows, and sent them into his mind, constantly reading everything about the balance sect. It’s just that the limitations of his magic still exist unfortunately. Although he has slowed down the speed of his extraction, the rate at which May’s Source of Life collapses is still very fast, even though he has not fully obtained all of her as well. But he will soon pull it into a mummy.

But when May’s life was about to end because of Li Ke’s plunder, her eyes suddenly resonant shined with blue light, a force from Spirit Realm, also suddenly Her soul gushed out and enveloped her body, forming a strong shield at a glance, temporarily isolating Li Ke’s absorption. At the same time, a short Yordle and a somewhat old man also jumped out of a clear blue space and launched a series of attacks on Li Ke.

Compassion to save the soul!

Maymu looks at the shield on her body, knowing that this is the current Twilight Eye to support her, because only the Twilight Eye who inherits the soul blade can come down under such a situation To my side, and also saved my own. The limp Maymu couldn’t help showing a look of guilt in her heart, because the actions at this time were entirely her own will, but now she wants the other two of the three to save herself.

After using the Smoke screen to force Li Ke back, Twilight’s Eyes said to watch Li Ke guarded by the Smoke screen, while the Heart of Fury Kennan immediately ran to support Mei She took out an emergency spell and patted it on May’s stomach, causing her body to suddenly resonant shine, and then she recovered a certain amount of strength, and she could stand up with a breath. But she didn’t say anything else, but immediately told Li Ke’s information.

“His movements are faster than me, and impervious to sword and spear, my attack can’t even break his Skin.”

Said it is only a faint nodded, Maymu can see that his eyes are shining with a dazzling blue light. This is a secret skill that every generation of Twilight Eye must refine, and with the help of the power of the soul blade, they can make Oneself and others see the spiritual realm more clearly, as well as the essential side of certain things. In the eyes of Kusuo, Li Ke’s image is exactly similar to the previous Atox, which is the kind of peerless beast that will oppress the spiritual realm and the real world just by standing in place.

From his overly precise vision, Li Ke is an on the back grows a pair of wings, with countless arms and mouths on his body, watching the world with a thousand eyes, devouring magic with a thousand mouths, Thousands of noses sniffed the four directions, and used thousands of ears to listen to all the chaotically creeping flesh, while the stars in the world were constantly shining on him, causing his body to swell continuously. But as long as he is in a trance, Li Ke in front of him will become a starlight god who is on the back grows a pair of wings and holds a big sword, full of virtue and glory, and gathers all the beautiful existence.

He has never seen such a situation.

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