Everyone likes to do useless things.

Li Ke wants to sigh about this, but he also knows that this is inevitable. After all, his personality is destined to be impossible to do.

So he just looked at them, turned his head, and started using Olaf to plan potatoes in the dry and cracked ground.

However, he still issued an order for’Oracle’.

“Only dead people need to bow down. Do you think I look like a dead person? So you have the strength to worship me. It’s better to dig out these potatoes quickly. Those Little Brats are still hungry.”


Hearing what he said, the two typical Freljord big guys just woke up from a dream, panicked and nodded said yes, and then used their own hands to plow the potatoes inside, and once again succeeded in making Li Ke produce I had to remind them of the urge to sigh.

“Using Olaf will be faster.”

But even if he said so, the two robust men are cautiously slicing the potatoes in the ground, for fear of being picked out by a sharp axe. Some scratches, or being cut directly by their Olaf, desecrated these sacred…

“They are just potatoes, if so cautiously, then How do you eat them? Or do you plan to provide them cautiously after they are excreted?”

So Li Ke, who was in a hurry to eat, still sighed and said nothing like it. It is the words of the gods. And this remark undoubtedly broke the sense of sacredness that these two men had towards potatoes, and looked at Li Ke with a look of helplessness quite embarrassed.

“Well, if the sacred relic is destroyed…”

Ryze’s Ryles spoke up, and he grabbed him with a dirt-soaked hand and painted him in blue. Zhuang’s scalp still looks a little nervous.

This is also related to Freljord’s superstition. After being expert, those sacrifices will certainly maintain their mysterious and sacred sense, so some cruel methods have become commonplace. And because this place really has gods and magic, people who don’t have these powers are more awed and careful about these sacred things.

After all, people who are not in awe generally pay the price.

“Just dig the bad and wash it. Can this thing release witchcraft? If it doesn’t work, use it as a seed for the next time. Don’t tell me you won’t even plant potatoes.”

Li Ke is not interested in dressing up as God, playing the devil, nor is he interested in playing the kingdom of God. In his opinion, religion is simply boring. After all, if there is a god, he will care about the good and evil of mortals. And ideal? If he really wants people to be good, why create evil?

So either the world is an accidental product, or it is the signature saying of Feitian Pasta Gods, “I don’t care about cooking.”

So he is not interested in being a monkey at a large-scale monkey show, nor does he intend to enslave the faith and will of these barbarians. He felt that as long as he didn’t regard himself as a god, just acted according to his own will and creed, and would always deny that he was a god or something, this group of people would eventually be able to recognize reality.

But he was slapped in the face immediately. It was not a matter of God, but a matter of potatoes.

“No, I can only hunt and carpentry. I can also pick wild fruits. I can also fight against ordinary robbers, but I don’t know how to grow things…”

Si looked blank and somewhat sorry. Aklan scratched his head also sorry, a muscular robust man had a shy expression on the face of a forcibly, and also said that he wanted to piss off Li Ke.

“Neither can I, but I know that the leaves of potatoes are edible and they taste good.”

So Li Ke stopped after taking a deep breath The idea to continue, but rather simply issued an order.


After speaking, he quickly picked up the potatoes, and the two were not afraid of these sacred relic men, but also quickly kept up with Li Ke’s speed In the end, it even surpassed Li Ke’s speed of digging potatoes. After all, to put it bluntly, this is still a familiar range, and it was slow because of fear.

However, the more they planed, the more frightened they became, because there were too many of these potatoes, and they were also big, they were hard to see in the past. We must know that it was very difficult for them to find adult fist sized potatoes in the past, but in the land blessed by Li Ke, few are smaller than this size. This has increased their respect for Li Ke. A lot.

Because of the bonus of faith, the three men quickly finished all this, and the harvest of this piece of land is also very gratifying. They dug up a lot of potatoes and piled them up. Xiaoshan, and according to Cherna’s estimation, these potatoes alone are enough for their entire group to eat for two or three days. If it is paired with their existing dried meat and cured meat, it will be easy for them to stick to a tribe that can be traded.

even more how the leaves and vines that bear these potatoes are also edible, which saves a portion of the food.

And what didn’t surprise Li Ke and Cherna was that when these potatoes were seen by others, they were undoubtedly shocked, and there were more in the eyes looking towards Li Ke There are so many things that make Li Ke feel very uncomfortable.

So when he ate, he chose to leave the crowd and sat alone on the firewood pile, covered with snow in the sky, eating roast potatoes and jerky, and sipping potato leaf soup from time to time .

But to be honest, it’s not very tasty. Because there are so many people, the salt can only be put in the soup instead of the potatoes, so in general it is still quite light. . But the jerky in his hand tastes good, so when he eats jerky, he chews slowly, carefully savoring the wonderful combination of salt and meat.

“You don’t seem to like places that are too lively?”

But when he was almost finished eating the meat, Cherna walked over with a croissant cup, and The aroma of wine was brought over.

“Well, I don’t like to be regarded as strange things. Whether it is a god or slave, it is not my true identity.”

Li Ke did not go to get the wine handed over by Cherna, but he did not refuse the piece of cheese handed over by the other party.

And Cherna naturally knew that Li Ke was accusing her of contributing to the flames, which made her feel uneasy, so he explained it.

“I just think they should know how to be grateful. After all, you did not let them be loyal or promised to be their leader, so I am afraid they will have some bad thoughts.”

Li Ke thought for a while and found that Cherna made sense, so he nodded and the matter was over. After all, judging from their performance, even if Cherna did not contribute to the flames, the sensation caused by his own ability would not be small.

“That’s right, but don’t do it anymore. I don’t want to find that one day I have been carved into a weird wooden statue.”

The former war mother was well-behaved. nodded, and said her way of making up.

“Yes, I will let them swear a blood oath and not disclose any information about us.”

“Then do as you say, after all, I am not very clear. The custom here, as long as we are not disturbed… But Cherna, after we settle down these people, are you really not going to lead them?”

Cherna shook the head again, And quite firm.

“No, I am no longer a war mother, and vowed to follow you, and Ashe will take good care of them. After all, her own strength is still too small, she is not Will give up these two precious craftsmen and a group of children who have no hometown.”

So, even two ordinary craftsmen in this ghost place are precious resources?

Looking at Cherna’s face without hesitation, Li Ke concealed his sympathy with a bitter potato leaf soup.

This ghost place is really poor.

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