Although it is no longer the magic of scarlet distortion, the strong oppression still makes the two gods like enemies.

“What is your idea! And you continue to destroy the spiritual realm and the real realm! What do you want to do?”

The fighting posture of the fox fairy, Aggressively asked Aatox, who was standing with a sword, and cautiously watched him all around those spiritual realms that had begun to be distorted, for fear that this guy would use the power he saw from Li Ke again to shake this World Connect with the real world. But she didn’t expect to get the answer from Aatrox, after all, no matter how you look at it, Aatrox is the kind of person who can’t speak well.

However, the facts gave her an unexpected answer.

After hearing her question, Aatox looked up at the sky, and then with a sigh, he glanced at Ahri, who was shiver coldly in the arms of the fox fairy Young Lady in Ahri’s form, and then spoke. Up.

“What do I want to do? I just want to turn this boring world around that’s all. After all, the script of our world has already been written, God, and the so-called Player, Screenwriters, they all treat us as playthings, and the so-called setting as our future. So when a true’god’ came in this world, I was thinking, should I…”

A sick smile appeared on his face.

“…Let this World turn, invalidate the script of the gods of aloof and remote, and make the future observed by the Players and screenwriters who watch us outside the box no longer exist, Let them know that the sad world annihilation written and compiled by the gods. This is one of the things I want to do, and it is also part of what I have succeeded, and the reason why I brought the Ahri with me was only I just want to see the comical appearance of the so-called gods. After all, that guy is a rather frank guy, very boring and boring, futile dedication and justice and axiom.”

Yatok Si’s voice was hoarse and low as always, and the two gods who listened to his answer were also stunned. They didn’t understand everything Aatokes said, but thought he was perfunctory. Only Xiexian showed a looking thoughtful gaze. He looked at Aatox and walked to the side of Young Lady, while swinging the chain in his hand. In the eyes of the fox looking at the fool, he asked a question. Quite a question of his style.

“So, is it interesting? Maybe I can put it another way, is this your obsession? Is it something you are willing to offer everything to do? It is a desire that cannot be stopped even if it is death Is it?”

He is absolutely different from Ahri next to him. He does not agree with the practice of forgetting all memories after death, so he has been asking everyone to give up obsession. The Fox Fairy didn’t deal with it, because he felt that the Fox Fairy really killed people by doing this. After all, if a person gives up even his own obsessions and memories, is there any difference between him and non-existence?

To die is to die. There is no such thing as living in the hearts of others. Memories and obsessions prove that people are alive. The fox fairy who makes people give up these things really kills those people. murderer.

“Ha… Do you want to extradite me? God of the world after death, I have no obligation to inform you of my thoughts, but I can tell you that we, known as the Darkborn, want Nothing I did was not successful. Then tell me the answer, whether to fight me or obey me, although for me, destroy most of this World, and then grab the soul of Ahri from your wreckage. It’s no different from serving her yourself, but for you, it should be different, right?”

Aatox made the ultimatum, and Xie Xian finally saw Ato. Kes was obsessed in his heart, so he smiled and walked back behind the fox fairy, looking like he was going to fight Aatox with the fox. The fox fairy Young Lady didn’t care about it either. After all, Xie Xian was always like this, so she gave her back to the other side carefree, began to gather energy, and gave out cruel words to Aatox.

“hmph! Dreaming! I am the Guardian of the soul, you can’t imagine from me…what! Picking the fairy! You!”

But the Fox Fairy Young Lady was halfway through. , Her voice became horrified, because the chains of the picking immortal suddenly bound her and the killing god Kindred. Obviously he turned back and chose to help Aatox instead of resisting these demons like them.

“Don’t worry, I’m on your side.”

I said this remark to the astonished fox fairy, with a happy smile on his face. looked towards Aatrox, and at the same time grabbed Ari’s tail, pulled it out of the fox fairy’s arms, and threw it directly to Aatrox in front of him.

“I can let her not trouble you, so please continue to do your things. As for what I am doing now, you can assume that I am to avoid rescuing a soul, which affects the whole Things in the spiritual realm will appear.”

He did it to allow Aatox’s obsession to be completed, because he saw it, Aatox didn’t care about his life at all, he did The only purpose of this kind of thing is to achieve something interesting and meaningful to him. So as the god and friend of Protector’s life, it is just right for him to help each other. As for the reason for avoiding the destruction of the spiritual realm, it is completely deceiving. If Ari’s soul is valued by him , Then he would not hesitate to die for Ahri’s soul, but it is a pity that Ahri has no obsessions of his own now, and he does not belong to the child who wants to be saved.

“Whatever you want, I just need to achieve my goal.”

Aatox just shook his head slightly. He really couldn’t figure out that these gods’ minds were all in their heads. Thinking of something, but since the opponent chose the acknowledge allegiance, then he didn’t need to conquer, so he grabbed the struggling Ari and left this World, leaving the battlefield to this Xianxian who suddenly turned back to help him. , Let him face the fox fairy who broke free from the chains of Xiexian and entered the unprecedented rage.

“How? You had a fight with people in the spiritual realm?”

As soon as Aatox came out, Laast spoke up, Aatoke Si is nodded, while injecting some Li Ke’s power into Ari’s body, causing Ari to scream in pain, while looking towards the place where they are hiding, and looking towards that because of Spirit Beast The silhouette of the riots and constantly fleeing.

“Yes, and I have got some good results. I can strengthen it again for you, but I still have one thing for you to do, and that is when I strengthen one of you, The other one will stare at that little ant for me.”

Li Ke’s performance is worthy of his praise, so Aatox decided to give him some rewards, but now he has something to do, so very Naturally, you need the help of those little Twitch who follow them all the way.

“As before, you really can call people.”

Raast shook his head, somewhat dissatisfied. On the other side, Varus didn’t say much, because he was thinking about an important question now.

Where should the sub-character of his name be placed?

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