Without waiting for Li Ke to speak, the prophet who suddenly said he was a dead man spoke again.

“Ah, please don’t worry, I didn’t do anything to them. To be precise, they don’t know you have been here. But you should feel it. If you want to, you can break this at any time Space.”

His voice has a weird persuasive power. Li Ke felt the energy of all around and found that, as he said, he was involved in a strange space. Although this space gives him a feeling similar to the spiritual realm, it does not have the stability of the spiritual realm. If he wants to break through this space, he only needs to show his own power, and this space will be taken by himself. crush. Moreover, there is indeed no breath of life in this person, and he is indeed not a living person.

“In other words, those people were sent to death by you to lead me over?”

But he didn’t have the idea of ​​being played by others casually. The guy who took people to strange places as soon as they met, he didn’t directly kill the other party because of the two celestial words when the other party met. And the other party treats those assassins who are out of life and death as abandoned sons, and Li Ke likes does not raise.

“It’s not, because among the countless futures I have seen, You won’t kill them, so they’re not sending them to death.”

This old man is very indifferent and shrugged. Obviously he is not very worried about the safety of those assassins, and the reasons he gave are simply not. Ways to persuade Li Ke.

“Ah, it seems that you don’t trust me very much, but it’s okay. As long as you can answer the two questions of the old man, I will tell you everything you want to know… You How much do you know about this World? Or how much do you know about this piece of land called Ionia?”

Li Ke frowned, what he hates most is this kind of god-stick character who doesn’t speak well, because of this People will tell you a lot of information for their own purposes and tell you selectively, letting you work for him and thank him, won the spirit of 996, and sometimes make many things extremely troublesome.

“I don’t have the need to answer your question. I’m here only to solve your use of magicians to assassinate me. If you really can see the future, then you should understand that I am not It’s your enemy, so I hope you can be wiser.”

The prophet touched his beard. Obviously he was a little helpless with Li Ke’s uncooperative attitude, so he didn’t. I paid attention to Li Ke’s question, but continued on his own thinking.

“It seems that you have not yet understood the key to the problem. The problem of this land is not so simple. In the future I can see with you, you are biased towards the rule of this land. So I want to explain this matter to you carefully while I can still be active in this world.”

The prophet continued to talk, he could see it, if not Speaking clearly why he sent an assassin to find Li Ke, then he couldn’t continue the topic.

“People are mortal, but people can determine the contribution they can make, and they also voluntarily dedicate their lives to their hometown, and they don’t add life to the language, then You probably wouldn’t care about it, even more how family and country matters. People in this land need their lives to fight. And when they pursued my prophecy, they didn’t cherish their lives anymore. .”

“Then you really can be called friendly.”

“When necessary, use the necessary means. This is a necessary sacrifice. The future I see Among them, although you unified Ionia, you abolished the system of one village and one town and gathered the people in a whole country. Although this method works in other places, it is not the same for the people of Ionia. It’s not a very good strategy. Although your policy makes them no longer ignorant and ignorant, the knowledge you bring no longer allows them to listen to the words of the wise and Elder. They begin to question everything that can be questioned, completely destroying the Ionia society. That’s why I made the best move and invited you here.”

The old man’s face has a pitiful expression on his face, but what he said is incomprehensible.

“You mean that in the future you see, I have brought unity and more knowledge to the people of Ionia, but the equilibrium of Ionia has disappeared?”

Li Ke looked weird. He absolutely didn’t expect that he was attracted to him for this strange reason.

“Yes, the teaching system you brought is too advanced and detailed, and the people of Ionia are naturally simple, willing to believe in all the knowledge you give them, so the authority of the past is Breaking, the wise old man was severely dragged off the podium, and Elder was casually insulted by keeping secrets. The reason was that they kept the knowledge of Ionia so that they would not fall into the hands of people with unpredictable hearts. Of course, your policy. It allows countless children to be literate, but knowledge itself is a burden. When the farmer’s son learns the knowledge, he will want to abandon the field to do business and do things that do not meet their position and position in this world.”

The old man paused, and saw that Li Ke didn’t mean to interrupt him, so he continued.

“Ionia like this is too unbalanced. Everyone is dissatisfied with their position and want to get something better, but they never want to be satisfied. And although in my opinion In the coming future, your policy allows them not to worry about not having enough food from now on, but their spirit is no longer balanced, and they have lost the awe of the majority of existence, so I started after seeing this future Layout, and returned to the world through a special method after death a few days ago, in order to persuade you to return to the right path.”

Li Ke just laughed and asked an irrelevant The problem.

“It seems that it’s not just for other reasons, you have also done something to Mayem, it seems that you have a very good relationship with her, otherwise the shadow fist of sect will be balanced. Isn’t it so easy to get into the devil?”

The old man looked at Li Ke in surprise. He really didn’t expect Li Ke to guess this thing. Yes, he was against it because of this plot. Mayme. But since Li Ke said this, he has nothing to hide.

“Yes, I gave her the wrong message about the dísciple Faey she loves most, which caused her to lose an arm in the attacks of the Noxus and Spirit Beast, which convinced Mayem to join me Her career, so that she can work hard for a real career.”

Li Ke smiled again.

“So, this is also a necessary sacrifice, right?”

The old man found that something was wrong, but he was still nodded.

“Yes, this is the necessary sacrifice.”

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