When Li Ke came, he thought he could see a gentle elder, or a cynical master, or a respectable person who firmly wanted to defend his homeland . But he really didn’t expect that this thing he encountered turned out to be…

such a thing.

Send someone to assassinate myself, draw myself over, and then at the moment I saw Tuqong, I was directly hit by subconsciously resisting scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“What the hell is this guy…”

Rubbed the temple to relieve the feeling of being a little uplifted by the memory of this unfathomable mystery, Li Ke sorted out the memory left by this so-called prophet a bit, so as to find some useful things from it. But what is speechless is that because the opponent’s soul and will are too weak, the memory he left is simply not much left, only a few fragments.

But this guy is really a prophet. Through ceremony and meditation, he can see a part of the fuzzy future, or subtle fragments, and the ability of Spirit Vision is also very high, and he can easily see many times. Something hidden under the surface. He did not dare to look towards the too long and too deep future, nor did he dare to look back at the too long past, so he could only be regarded as a proper prophet.

But what’s interesting is that Li Ke discovered that these prophets who existed in different ages have a wonderful connection. Just like this guy, the future he sees and the prophets of different ages will interact with each other. Watch, and make some gestures and movements, or say some words, for brief exchanges.

However, destiny is a very strange thing, and prophets with the ability to foresee cannot escape from the cage of their own time, and this prophet is also a very cautious person, and does not often conduct such prophecy. And play the peculiar game in which I foresee what you foresee about me.

“It’s really interesting, but it’s of no use to me.”

Li Ke is still very interested in the ability to predict, but he tries to predict according to the feeling of this prophet. Something, but it should have failed. He just felt that he had touched the river of fate slightly and touched the corner of fate, but he couldn’t get in.

Because the ports do not match.

Yes, the method given by this prophet can only accommodate the soul of that prophet, but to Li Ke it is like letting Yao Ming get out of a basketball hole, which is an impossible occurrence. In fact, the barriers of the long river of destiny blocked Li Ke’s soul, so that he could not see a word from the so-called destiny of this World. However, the experience of failure at this time gave Li Ke some insights into the so-called prophecy.

“In this way, everyone can actually predict the future, but those who are born close to the river of destiny can more easily be called prophets, but only to find the frequency and location that are exclusive to them, then Will we be able to see the future? Wait, this memory is the most recent?”

Does this conjecture really require a lot of experiments to be verified? The question now is that Li Ke is in When I continued to read these memories, I saw something amazing: the prophet, after knowing Li Ke’s departure through the prophecy spell and spies, let them arm themselves, moved towards the camp where Li Ke came from, and prepared to When defending the emptiness in that place, knock down its sneak attack, so that Li Ke and Noxus can cut off contact and can only come to Ionia to find allies.

Of course, ordinary civilians can’t fight against the well-trained Noxus people and the servants recruited locally, so he made all the villagers wear explosive bags, or It is a magic item that can burst, and I am going to talk about the removal of the Noxus barracks with this perish together play. For this reason, this dead guy also lied and deceived the villagers who had been ravaged by the war and the Noxus people, telling them that after death, they can live with their families in the world, not like others say, death. It is the end of everything.

In a place where the souls of the deceased are brought home during the Spring Festival, this kind of lie is naturally powerful, not to mention that the one who said this lie is most respected by Elder, the one that has been confirmed What the prophet said. Therefore, the villagers who have been tortured by the painful life believed his statement, regardless of men, women and children, all choose to leave this World in the same way as the enemy, and then reunite with their dead family members in another world!

“Damn it!”

The violent Li Ke just emotional fluctuations directly agitated the energy in him, and the space around him was also in this brief moment like water It was broken, revealing the Noxus soldiers who were still at a loss where he had gone.

“You rushed back to the camp quickly! If you meet the Ionia people in the middle, you must keep your distance and absolutely not be able to fight them, but if they rush to you, you will immediately kill them with a throwing axe. Die!”

Li Ke was absolutely didn’t expect that such a rubbish villain could do such a disgusting thing, but what made him even more angry was that this plan was not just made by him. It was decided that when he was alive, he had talked about this plan with many famous and capable people in Ionia, and there were not a few people who agreed to let civilians be cannon fodder.

“You really can’t underestimate the ruler of any place…”

After Li Ke moved towards the crowd, he walked out, and the officer following him was a little confused Looked towards him, trying to figure out what happened.

“Sir, do you mean that there are enemies?”

“That’s right, a group of deceived civilians, they all have explosives, so I solved the problem Before, you’d better be more careful.”

Li Ke didn’t want the ignorant and painful farmers to die because of this ridiculous lie, nor the soldiers who were also deceived by the lie. Innocent die, because their battle is a meaningless battle, a battle between the deceived.

“Yes, sir.”

The officer who was sent to protect Li Ke wanted to say something, but the next moment Li Ke had a splendid appearance. Shine, and quickly turned into a black armor, and grew a pair of huge wings. Faced with this situation, he only had time to open his mouth, and was blown to the ground by the violent wind that Li Ke flapped wings. He could only stare blankly at the imperial star that jumped up and flew fast in the sky. .

“This…is the rumor true? He has the power to change the empire?”

Looking at the trees that were blown crooked by Li Ke’s high-speed movement, this The officers and these confused soldiers can only horrify Li Ke’s power and begin to pass on the bizarre rumors about Li Ke.

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