She said some more about the handling of Li Ke’s prisoners before leaving, and Li Ke finally completed all of today’s chores.

It’s just very interesting that Kusuo seems to have a vague agreement with his peace concept, that is, the people must be grouped up under the command of a will to maximize power and Most tragedies are avoided. But he is denying this again. This interesting contrast makes Li Ke feel a little strange.

It’s just this kind of thing that didn’t make Li Ke care more about the qualifications. He just continued to read books to enrich himself, and after reading a book, we ushered in the morning, and got The news that your own ship can continue to set off. He did not see Lilia and Nora at this stage of preparation. He didn’t see the officer either, so he didn’t stay on the coast any more and got on the ship and left, and finally saw Nora on the ship.

“That little deer fell asleep in the room I prepared for her, and you don’t have to worry, I have convinced her that she will act with us, she will not do it on the way afterwards because of this What trouble did it cause?”

“That’s good.”

Li Ke nodded, thinking that this assassination incident he spent in Ionia is too long, his He can’t delay the trip anymore, otherwise, when he arrives in Freljord, he may be found by Freljord’s raiders, and then delay more time.

“But you are really unfeeling. The officer admires you so much, but you gave him an answer like that.”

It seems to be thinking of something, Nuo Ra also talked about the conversation between Li Ke and the officer when he came, just like Ku said, and like Ku said, they felt that Li Ke said too much. For that admirer, it is a very difficult conversation, because Li Ke’s translation of those words is, “I am done because I am strong, and you can’t do it because of your food.” ‘.

“After all, this is the fact. According to the historical process of this World, you still need to go through the era of capital plunder and the era of industrial revolution to enter the era I am casting. After all, this World For ordinary persons, most of them are not disgusted with your exploitation. Only after they have experienced several generations, will they think that their current treatment is an unfair thing, so only I can do what I do. He can’t do it. I can do it because I am strong enough.”

Li Ke answered Nora’s question indifferently. Nora, or LeBlanc, is a bit speechless. Li Ke’s argument is really similar to the former Mordekaiser, except that Mordekaiser’s desire is all for himself, while Li Ke’s desire is for himself. Most ordinary person.

But the essence is the same, but there are differences for the weak. Because they are dominated by powerhouse no matter what. It’s just that they will live well under Li Ke’s hands, and they will live very poorly under Mordekaiser’s hands. In essence, both of them are guys who oppress the entire world with their own will.

“Will you be lonely, then?”

I remembered the life of 009 under Mordekaiser’s hands, constantly wiping his butt, Love Lan’s body and mind are exhausted. She has a hunch that if she exposes her real body to Li Ke now, she will definitely be guarded by Li Ke, and then she will be like Morde Kaiser all day and night. Call her. After all, neither of them are the kind of people who will be fascinated by beauty, and their desires will not be consumed by this.

But despite saying that, LeBlanc still habitually moved her body closer to Li Ke, rubbing against Li Ke’s body with her straight buttocks. But just when she felt that she would return without success as always, she suddenly felt something she had never perceived in Li Ke.

She turned her head in astonishment and looked at Li Ke in disbelief.

“You, you actually have!”

She has never succeeded in the temptation in the past, but this time she succeeded! Li Ke actually had a reaction that normal humans would have!

She almost didn’t achieve anything before, but today it was just a lightly hit and it succeeded! Such success is too easy, so LeBlanc can hardly believe that what she feels is true! But regardless of the heartbeat coming from above, the scorching heat, and the unique male taste that began to appear in the air, she had to believe that she was really successful!

“Shut up!”

Li Ke some fly into a rage out of humiliation, originally with his concentration, such a situation would not happen, but since he stepped on With Ionia’s discipline, his body became strange. The scenes and feelings that could be ignored in the past are now magnified hundreds of times, so that he can no longer suppress his body’s reaction.

“It’s okay! Shut up? I can!”

How could LeBlanc give up this great opportunity? She is going to decide the power of Li Ke! So she immediately turned around and grabbed Li Ke, and Li Ke also grabbed her hand in embarrassment.

“Let go!”

“I don’t! I finally succeeded! This is it! I can finally achieve my goal!”

” Can your goal be bigger!”

“What do you know! My biggest goal in life is to marry a husband with ability, and then lie at home and enjoy the power and wealth, without having to move by yourself With a little bit of brains, there is no need to run around all day! Conspiring this and conspiring that! Now this opportunity is in front of my eyes, and you let me let it go?!”

Nora replied with confidence.

“Women can hold up half the sky! You have to be self-improvement!”

“What self-improvement! In this era, you make me a beautiful woman self-improvement? Are you cracking a joke? I’m definitely cracking a joke, right? Don’t say any more, please give me things quickly, and then let me give birth to your child, so that I can live the life of a corrupt noble lady, and it’s okay. Raise some cute little puppies… Ah, sorry, you don’t have to hear this. In short, you will give me a stick! I don’t want to waste time on this endless love relay!”

“Do you think it is possible?! And do you think I will forget?!”

Li Ke, who is about to face a crazy woman early in the morning, has a bit of pain in his head , Nora’s frantic eyes would really scare people, plus he didn’t have time to defend at the time, so he was already stuck in Nora’s hand, and because of the pull of the two of them, Li Ke is now in place. Under a very extraordinary situation.

In general, their affairs have reached an irreversible point, and they are about to explode.

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