In this way, three weeks have passed on the ocean. During this time, Li Ke’s life of reading and studying has somewhat changed. Although his new maid cannot be said to be clumsy, it has nothing to do with cleverness. If you use the game analogy, the Twisted Fate of the Ahri maid drawn by Li Ke is a Samsung card, and the Twisted Fate of a qualified Bilgewater maid is a five-star card.

The gap is so big.

“Master Li Ke, this is the book you want to read today.”

Put a large stack of books in front of Li Ke, and the yawning Ari Young Lady Walking towards the kitchen with her tray, the black maid uniform swayed with the wind, showing her white legs, while her Ionia service was hung with the sails, welcoming the sea breeze. Scouring. Although Li Ke was really curious as to why Nora’s luggage included such a maid outfit with a little bit of color, but since he saw a good sight, he didn’t say anything.

However, just after he looked towards his book, the expression on his face was a little helpless, because it had obvious traces of saliva and the fragrant smell of corn soup. At first glance, the maid living in the cabin used his book as a pillow again and drooling again. After adding a sum to the unwilling maid Young Lady, Li Ke turned his head and looked towards Nora who was manicuring her nails.

“Half an hour to reach the port of Noxus, right? Can you tell me about this city?”

They are now sailing to the immortal fortress of Noxus In the strait, because the wind direction and waves are very good, and there is no need to worry about the loss of ships. They arrived at the Sea Territory of Noxus ahead of schedule by a little and a half of their sailing time, and ran into Noxus cruise ships several times. And the troop carrier to Ionia, which is denser than the goldfish raised in the park.

“The endless fortress, a city built in the shadows, and the name of that shadow often appears in many legends. What kind of ghosts covered in steel, what kind of tyrant who rules the world, his name Feared and chanted constantly. So if you see those statues with missing cheeks in the Fortress of Endlessness, then there is no doubt that it is the statue of that guy.”

Nora’s somewhat dreaded With that said, she actually didn’t dare to say Mordekaiser’s name casually, because if he said his name without precaution and knew the person clearly, then she would be sensed by Mordekaiser. But since it was Li Ke’s question, she would not spare this opportunity to direct Li Ke’s interest to Mordekaiser.

“That person is Mordekaiser, it can be said that he established Noxus, and the prototype of this immortal fortress is actually based on the fortress he built when he was alive, the reason why it has the current scale. It is caused by the people of later generations who continue to strengthen and build, but speaking of which is very interesting. The former slum area is now the aristocratic area of ​​our nobles, while the former Noxus aristocrats’ manors have become real slums. area. Time is really interesting, isn’t it?”

Li Ke hearing this Looking at the immortal fortress where a part of the outline can be vaguely seen, subconsciously I have seen it and myself. Compared with the capital city of Demacia. It is found that the style of the two is completely at two extremes. After all, the capital of Demacia is as beautiful as a huge white Taric when viewed from this distance, but the immortal fortress can only give people a heavy oppression.

“It’s not the same as what I’ve heard…but I know Mordekaiser, and maybe I know a little bit more than you.”

I remembered The Noxus comrades proudly told about the pride of this fortress and the majesty of this fortress. Li Ke couldn’t feel the beauty at all. The depressive atmosphere seemed like ghosts appear at any time, but he suddenly remembered that those Noxus people once said that the immortal fortress will be haunted by the fact that it is just commonplace. Up. As for telling Nora that he knew Mordekaiser better than her, it was because Li Ke remembered that Mordekaiser wanted to return to in this world, so he told Nora.

“But I am afraid that many people cannot imagine that I know nothing about the capital of Noxus. After all, I was born in Noxus.”

He was a little lamented and funny, For the benefit, these nobles would have made such a slave who had never been to the immortal fortress become an empire’s new star, and used that many benefits to win over. It can only be said that they are worthy of Noxus.

“To be honest, I was also taken aback. You really don’t know anything about Immortal Fortress. But you really dare to say that you know Maud better than me, a Noxus person. Caesar, don’t you think I don’t know that you never consider yourself a Noxus person?”

Nora is also speechless for a while, because this plan is really too hasty, so she really didn’t. t expect This is a bit embarrassing. And Li Ke said she wanted to laugh if she knew Mordekaiser better than her. She could even find out the color of Mordekaiser’s panties back then. Didn’t Li Ke say this to tease her?

“These are irrelevant. The important thing is that you can help me contact someone? If it is you, you should be able to contact her. After all, your small organizations have the emblems of Black Rose. Yes.”

Li Ke suddenly thought of a certain hero from Noxus, so he asked. Nora felt nervous for no reason, because Black Rose was her symbol, so she had a bad premonition.

“Who do you want to contact? Let me talk about it. I can’t contact people who are too big.”


Li Ke She said the woman’s name very directly.

“Although I don’t know if it’s a good thing for me to let you contact this woman, it’s necessary for me to meet this woman who really controls Noxus… But if I’m not sure, I I wanted to kill her as soon as I saw her. After all, this woman is very vicious and scheming. She is more like a Rammus, an old monster who survived Mordekaiser’s era, secretly. controller Noxus, and control everyone in Noxus as chess pieces, so I don’t know if it’s a good thing to let you contact her rashly, but I do need to meet her and give the purple who has no shame and morality. The old woman is a warning.”

Li Ke really doesn’t feel good about LeBlanc. Although the other party’s dress is really good-looking, this woman is full of crafty plots and machinations and controls Noxus has waged wars many times, so if he sees this woman, he might not kill her for short-term benefits, but he will definitely teach the other party a good lesson. Moreover, he estimated that it would be difficult for him to kill the opponent. The opponent is proficient in various Illusion Techniques and life-going techniques, and it is as capable as a certain Naruto’s Oshemaru, and it is difficult to kill.

After hearing this passage, Nora first took a deep breath deeply in her heart, and then showed a bright smile to Li Ke.

“Sorry, my dear, I have never heard of this name.”

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