LeBlanc, this bitch is plotting against me.

Vladimir is very sure about this. If one day someone tells him that LeBlanc is not plotting against people, then he will immediately switch to drinking vegetable juice, and he will never touch it in his life. Those delicious blood too.

Whether it is testing the person’s attitude towards them, or wanting to know some information about that person, or wanting that person to oppose him, and then achieve some goal. He has seen this trick for many times, so how can he not see through it? It’s just that there is no need to say that’s all. The relationship between oneself and her allies is just a tacit understanding, and there are some contracts that can be circumvented through many means, which cannot be regarded as reliable.

“It’s just that when you plot against me again, don’t you give me another chance?”

Walk towards the front of the great hall and lean on yourself The oppression of human predators separated most of the Noxus nobles, and after finding a good place for himself and himself for the supper at night, he smiled and looked at the throne that was sitting unnaturally next to the king, and was right. The king took his hand and showed a foreigner, foreigner with a clear expression of disgust.

“Your father and I used to be the brother who pledged to conquer the world together, but time is so merciless. When we only reached half of our goal, his body was only lost because of the years of war. To be able to step down from the fiercest front and turn to cultivate successors for our cause.”

Said words that are undoubtedly serving the old, but Noxus’s Great Commander did not feel like he was in Say some dangerous words, because he knows that he understands that the eternal life and youth he has been longing for is right in front of his eyes, in the hands of this man named Li Ke. And he needs the power of Noxus to smooth out his enemies, the power of Noxus to help him appease those untouchables to obey his rule, and he also needs the population of Noxus to conquer and rule the world.

In other words, this person needs himself, because he is Noxus! He made Noxus flourish! The only person who can represent Noxus is him!

As long as youth is regained, all dangers and ups and downs will be gone. As long as you gain eternal life, you have enough time to make the world look like Noxus, you can become a god, and you can have the authority of Supreme.

After all, that woman also yearns for the power of this man, and without her own help, without the help of Noxus, that woman would never succeed!

Absolutely not…

looked towards the woman wearing a white mask and talking with people, Duckwell’s somewhat old face showed a smile . It is true that it was really difficult to get this seat without their help. But now is different. They helped themselves back then, but the leader who betrayed them again was destroyed directly under their orders? Hanged by oneself like a dead dog, the remaining people can only crawl under their feet and lick their toes like a dog, praying for forgiveness with blood and life?

No one can threaten my throne, because this position belongs to me only! That’s the case with the smug Swain, and so is the so-called black rose!

When Duckwell thought about this, his face showed a triumphant smile, because today he can not only regain his youth, but also solve the scourge of Swain. When that report to his parents, let When the fool whose parents went to the gallows in exchange for his favor, according to the plan he reported, introduced Ionia’s rebels into the so-called trap, which was the death date of the fool who really felt that there was noxus will.

“Noxus has only one will, and that is my will!”

Only when he was proud, Li Ke gave him the answer, but it didn’t make him so much. satisfaction.

“I’ve heard of this, especially your decisiveness when you slaughtered the refugees together. He said that he had never seen a qualified Noxus like you, so I thought his mind There must be a problem.”

Li Ke eyes slightly narrowed, because he smelled some blood since he entered this hall, and although the underground nobles all looked at him with harboring malicious intentions, But the feeling of one of the pale males was absolutely different from the gaze of these harboring malicious intentions. If those noble ladies were trying to get themselves addicted to their bed, the pale man took it a step further.

He wanted to tear himself apart and ate it alive!

He will never feel wrong! Because when nothing happened with Sarah, when she woke up at night, she would stare at herself with this hunger!

Furthermore, Duckwell was so desperate to mention the general who imprisoned him, and his answer was naturally a medicinal smell.

“Ah, of course, he used to say that I was not strong enough, but you see, I still persisted longer than him, right? It’s just a pity, I’m already this age in a blink of an eye. He has you as the successor, but me? My friends and subjects, who can inherit my great cause, my will, and my unfinished business? Is Noxus going to die from now on? No! It shouldn’t be like this!”

Darkwell implied Li Ke impatiently. After all, he has had enough of this aging body, his enemy, to be exact. The subordinates will also give him too much time. He must regain his youth with a very shocking, a place where all Noxus people can know that he has regained his youth, so that those who have bad intentions clearly realize that he Duckwell is immortal! Will never age!

He lifted a finger slightly. In his memory, this was the secret sign for the deal with Li Ke that Du Kekao told him. When he lifted this one with this golden When the finger of the ring and the magic mark on it are activated, Li Ke will fulfill the nearly three-month contract between them, and restore his youth with the lives of three innocent people. And in order to be even more shocking and deep into the hearts of the people, he stood up at the moment he activated this somewhat familiar ring, and preached his next words loudly.

“So! The son of my old friend gave me the power to reinvigorate Noxus. Here, in this brief moment! He will regain my youth! Let Noxus regain my youth. Let my kingship last forever!”

He raised his hand high, and the ring also resonant shined with a brilliant light, but just a few soldiers who were willing to dedicate their lives to him came here At that time, the picture of Li Ke as he was regaining his youth did not come into being. Instead, he drew out his sword and rushed towards him with extreme anger!

And when Li Ke’s sword pierced his heart, he heard Li Ke’s angry roar in pain and in disbelief.

“The kingship has no eternity! Fool!”

He was pushed away mercilessly by Li Ke, and his crown fell off, bounced and stained with his own blood . And when he fell on his throne, he also saw the flashing lightning marks on Li Ke’s right hand, and the woman who was smiling and toasting to himself.

The woman with the white mask.

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